Had a few PM's and questions on the rules and stuff.
1) The Lyrans- yeah, they're not supposed to be there. They were originally switched to Hydran before I sent a map off, then somehow
the next corrected map I sent off had them. Too late to change it up, the Mirak "allies" should be using the Fed ships, Lyrans will be using
the Lyran ones.
2) LoS Lines of supply - In order to attack a planet or place a base you must have a planet or base
under your control within 2 hexes of
your current target hex.
3) In order to claim a PvP kill you must
a) Not have a live player as a wing. (AI draw is fine)
b) Not be flying a DN
c) Have control of one ship - it's been brought to my attention that a player could theoretically run up a huge kill list if he ends up
sitting on a planet/starbase that people keep attacking. As the planet defense/Base defence missions put a second (and third)
ship under your control they don't count.
4) "What's the point of the DN" 2 almost simultaneous complaints- DN has a few drawbacks attached to it with few bonuses
(at least until the DNH arrives) Soo- a DN that kills someone or forces them to disengage inflicts twice the disengagement penalty.
(1hr/kill 2hours disengagement) The other sides DN is immune to this. (So an elte player in a DN can't chase off a newb in the other one)
Any other questions/concerns?(plese be gentle...
