Topic: Mirror Rules Clarifications & Excuses..  (Read 953 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Mirror Rules Clarifications & Excuses..
« on: May 22, 2005, 08:18:21 am »
Had a few PM's and questions on the rules and stuff.

1) The Lyrans- yeah, they're not supposed to be there. They were originally switched to Hydran before I sent a map off, then somehow
     the next corrected map I sent off had them. Too late to change it up, the Mirak "allies" should be using the Fed ships, Lyrans will be using     
    the Lyran ones.

2) LoS Lines of supply - In order to attack a planet or place a base you must have a planet or base under your control within 2 hexes of
    your current target hex.

3) In order to claim a PvP kill you must
    a) Not have a live player as a wing. (AI draw is fine)
    b) Not be flying a DN
    c) Have control of one ship - it's been brought to my attention that a player could theoretically run up a huge kill list if he ends up
        sitting on a planet/starbase that people keep attacking. As the planet defense/Base defence missions  put a second (and third)
        ship under your control they don't count.

4) "What's the point of the DN" 2 almost simultaneous complaints- DN has a few drawbacks attached to it with few bonuses
     (at least until the DNH arrives) Soo-  a DN that kills someone or forces them to disengage inflicts twice the disengagement penalty.
     (1hr/kill 2hours disengagement) The other sides DN is immune to this. (So an elte player in a DN can't chase off a newb in the other one)

Any other questions/concerns?(plese be gentle...  :P )_
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Mirror Rules Clarifications & Excuses..
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2005, 10:52:28 am »
Had a few PM's and questions on the rules and stuff.

    c) Have control of one ship - it's been brought to my attention that a player could theoretically run up a huge kill list if he ends up
        sitting on a planet/starbase that people keep attacking. As the planet defense/Base defence missions  put a second (and third)
        ship under your control they don't count.

Umm Hex they could always disengage, its no worse than winning the ai lottery in some missions.  Why not make their some risk in actually attacking a defended enemy position  :smackhead:     :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead:

besides they can get up to 5 ai helpers

4) "What's the point of the DN" 2 almost simultaneous complaints- DN has a few drawbacks attached to it with few bonuses
     (at least until the DNH arrives) Soo-  a DN that kills someone or forces them to disengage inflicts twice the disengagement penalty.
     (1hr/kill 2hours disengagement) The other sides DN is immune to this. (So an elte player in a DN can't chase off a newb in the other one)

 :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead:

There should be little bonus attatched to the DNs, we want to try to keep the battles as equal as possible, a DN killing a ship would have no more effect that a freighter doing the same realistically, the size of the ship is enough of an advantage, if you don't see enough advantage in flying on then don't, altering this rule seems of no purpose IMHO. 

Any other questions/concerns?(plese be gentle...  :P )_

Trust me I was ................. :smackhead:

Edited for more    :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead: :P

Another concern was I have heard reports (don't know if they are true or not and likely apply to both sides if they are) of people intentionally geeting their ship destroyed for free movement across the map, rather than fighting their way through the neutral zone.  What are your thoughts on this?  Judging by your rules setup this wasnt the intent as the nebula hexes were in the middle to give a place for small ship fighting to occur, if it can be so easily circumvented it becomes kinda pointless.  I personally fought my way over and although it is not against the rules as written to die your way over, I am concerned about it as it makes the nebula zone of limited use.

Perhaps we should not allow large ships to be on the other side of the map until a LOS can be made or something.  I have a heavy I bought upon getting to Imperial space but would gladly return it to the yards if you decide to go with this suggestion.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 11:13:51 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

Offline FPF-Jem

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Re: Mirror Rules Clarifications & Excuses..
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2005, 04:36:11 am »
If a CA is caught deepstriking along the slot, can he still disengage if the only neutral hex is a nebula?
Capt. Jem

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Mirror Rules Clarifications & Excuses..
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2005, 09:14:41 am »
Bump so people can read these as well.

HEXX can you rewrite all the rules on one page now so it can be stickied and folkes can READ ALL THE RULES AND CHANGES IN ONE PLACE.
