Topic: Where did Feds store ships in the Mothball Fleet?  (Read 1266 times)

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Offline Rogue NineCH

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Where did Feds store ships in the Mothball Fleet?
« on: May 20, 2005, 02:24:05 pm »
This question is for you all knowing Trekkies out there, since I can't find the answer.  Where would the Feds store the ships that were mothballed into reserve wartime fleets?  I figure that they can't store them in orbit around a planet since their orbits would eventually degrade and the ships would crash, but then they couldn't store them at a starbase either since they would take up docking bays that could be used to repair/resupply active vessels, so where?

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Where did Feds store ships in the Mothball Fleet?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2005, 04:29:13 pm »
Good Question.  Never thought of it before myself.  Maybe they place the ships inside small Astrodoids drilled out specifically for this purpose.  Maybe that was what we saw in the Mirror Enterprise Episode where the Tholians stoled the Defiant from the other universe.  Maybe that was what that Astroid was used for. 

Or purhaps they build a special Facility for each ship that "houses" it much like a Fleet Repair Dock (ie, ST:TMP, ST:TWOK) would house a ship for repairs/refit.
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Re: Where did Feds store ships in the Mothball Fleet?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2005, 04:52:25 pm »
 They had a place I saw on the TNG but i cant remember the episode.

 I think it was unification. They had all kinds of different races ships there tho. So i think they just contract it out.

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Re: Where did Feds store ships in the Mothball Fleet?
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2005, 05:32:33 pm »
Space is plenty big all you would have to is park them in a solar system with out planets and orbet them around a sun. Security would be simple put a base there, with fighters, and sensor platforms.
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Offline Rogue NineCH

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Re: Where did Feds store ships in the Mothball Fleet?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2005, 03:02:35 am »
Thanks for the info guys, the reason I asked is because I am creating a "Mothball" archive of mine and Marauth's old ships and I wanted to do a few pics of the ships parked.  I finally figured out how I am going to do it last night.  I am going to use WZ's OSF Starbase, I'll just delete the outer ring, and resize the arms at the bottom and put eight of them per base.  Then I just "dock" the ships to them and there I have my "Mothball" Dock.  I have been thinking about adding an archive to my site for quite some time.  After all, Marauth and I worked hard on these ships and there is no reason for them to disappear completely, people get nostalgic and might want to look for these models sometime.