MasterAnarubak's BCF goes down to me NCC with BCF AI
After a lenghy and exhaustive chase by the bullies in blue

, they finally tracked down DH and myself, who were minding our own business whlie flying the friendly blue skies

. More chases insued as DH and I went our own seperate ways after several failed attempts by the men in blue to hold us up (due to games not holding)

We were both still harrassed by those silly men in blue

, till one guy called MasterAnarubak(hope I spelled it right) finally caught me in his BCF vs my NCC. As luck would have it, I also had an AI BCF. after a few blows being traded off, Master had me on the ropes, chasing me, with my rear shielding gone and phasers hurting me. I managed to drop his front and inflict some minimal damage, that is, till I managed to fly back to the BCF AI

. Master did a masterfull job of flying into the arcs of the BCF weapons and getting hurt good

. Then it was just a matter of time for the AI to finish him off while i longranged and repaired, knowing I would be facing many more battles before I see home again. Fear not, for the very NEXT mission put me vs a DNL AI, which with my damaged NCC, I could not overcome

VGG and Great effort on your part to chase me down, and fight me even with my having an AI.