See? this is why Evil will win
Because Good is stupid..

(or it could be that Evil can't post coherently.. anyway)
-The Seeker must fly solo, if he does draft an ally only disengagement rules apply.
-The seeker gets to count whomever he kills- if he kills one player in a 1 on 3 and then runs (assuming he's allowed to)
he can post he killed one player then ran. If he kills one player and the other two run he gets to count one kill (and bragiing rights about chasing off two other players)
-The Seeker must post he killed the enemy- mainly so I can keep a count going. He can embelish it if it's me that died or simply post the kill.
-See point the , uhmm, second. If the seeker heads bravely off into a 1 on 3, then two of the opposing players drop he can now attempt to kill the remaining player
If he does he gets to report it. If the other player kills him it doesn't count for player 2 as he had allies at the mission start.
Is there ways to screw this system over?
I assume so.
Is there ways to screw any VP system over? Yep
I put this in as some players like PvP and there's no reason they shouldn't see a (small, but significant) VP reward for their side.
I'd hope everyone can regad this as a fun server, yes there will be a winner and a loser, and these teams will likely never be used agin sooo
long term benefit of "winning" the server is ..nothing

EDIT :ARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a sec to catch up

The intention of the base 2 hex rule is for placing bases or attacking planets. Flip hexes that arent planets to your hearts content
The only way to get VP is to place bases. Yep you'll need a chain.
-Base prices will be looked at (soon as I can find DH..) BCH's are a tad more expensive than I had planned as well.
I have to get hold of him to sort it out though.
No changes are being contemplated to the rules for PVPs (hmm..although I don't mind the idea of splitting up into honour duels.. Ill think about it)
And a definate NO to the second idea. I don't want three good players running missions, electing one of their number to go beat down on a new player they drafted while the other two continue on to do whatver they want. If you want to try for the points you CAN NOT run with a wing.
EDIT the second- Also going to look about boosting econ for the map, this is my first one and the yards seem a little short on ships to me.
I may not have enough econ in it. Ill boost the econ (or ask DH to do it).
Figures that the first real night I have off he's not around..