WAS NOT impressed with the overall acting in the movie.
Natale Portman has a face that was made for the big screen, but her acting abilities would be more at home in porno. She was TERRIBLE- I've had girlfriends that were more convincing actresses. She didn't fool me into thinking that crying was genuine for one second.

And going down that ramp at a full trot at 9 months? You gotta be kidding me!!!

All in all, C3PO did a FAR better job in the acting department.

Now for the rest of the movie, which is very redeaming in the face of the nightmare that is Ms. Portman.
The lightsaber sequences were absolutely STUNNING. They aren't as good as what you can imagine from reading the book, but then agian your imagination does a better job of setting the scene than human actors with human limitations ever can.
General Grevious was well done, and I liked the fact that he seemed to have been rescued from death's door, and was now lingering on the threshold in that droid body, hoping to finish his task of destroying the Republic. The lightsaber fight was a lot like the book- though far abriviated.
The mass battle scenes- both in space and on land- were awesome. The ships were all well designed, and the
Vigilence(?)-class Star Destroyers gave a real sense of design heritage. The fighter combat kinda got lost in the big fight scenes- buit that's a good thing. Small details do get lost in big battles... even if they are what you are TRYING to focus one. Nice attempt at trying to throw the confusion of battle into the movie.
Also, it was nice to get a peak at some of the characters in the original series and how they got to where they were in Ep. IV.
The best lines IMO, got left out. I'll save those particular transgressions for a few days from now when most have seen it. EDIT: Now that we have a spoilers thread, here are those issues:
I couldn't believe that Palpatine's best lines in the book weren't in there. They cut out the WHOLE conversation in the Chansellor's office. When he tells Anikin "
You wouldn't kill me over a philosophical difference" or "
When I told you you could have anything that you wanted, did you think that excluded my life" really set the stage for Vader's undying (or would that be 'undead') devotion to the Emperor... and strangely a devotion to Vader by Palpatine.
Also, where R2 and 3P0 are talking at the appartment right before Mustafar and you actually get to hear R2 complaingin that "I never get told ANYTHING"... that was one of the funniest parts of the whole book, at least to me. Having that pop up on the starfighter's screen wasn't practical from the angle we were at in that shot, but it woud have been nice.
Also, some of Anikin's best 'born again hard' lines were in the Command Center at Mustafar- and all that was just 'saber slinging in the movie. In the book, he get's some pretty snappy comebacks to a all the whining and begging- like this:
Woman: "The Emperor said that we'd be rewarded handsomely!"
Skywalker: "Don't you find me handsome?" and he beheads her.
All in all, I'm satisfied, but I won't be making a return trip.