Long has Starfleet overlooked the problem of excessive casualties among the redshirts, seeing them as expendable personnel, well now that I'm going to have to fly on temporary duty with Starfleet to help them to repel the threat of a group of Dumb Ass Retards Trained by Hexx (D.A.R.T.H.) I figured any casualties at all would be embarrassing, so I've begun a new recruitment program for some specially qualified Starfleet personnel to recieve my personal training and become a new fighting force that will be the envy of the Alpha Quadrant. Course work will focus on such important aspects as photon torpedo loading and unloading, boarding tactics, proper G-rack usage, and how to conduct oneself during a deepstrike. And although they will be the sought after targets of many a DARTH, I have the utmost confidence that none will ever allow a DARTH's lightsaber to touch them after recieving my training. To symbolize the transition of redshirt recruitment and traing those undergoing my coursework will now be referred to as "Redskirts" instead of "Redshirts". I fully expect such an excellent cadre of new Redshirts will help raise morale of Starfleet and lead us to victory.
The first class has already graduated and look sharp in their new "Redskirts"