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Topic: Stock Ship Replacement mod *Update*  (Read 1398 times)

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Offline Greenvalv

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Stock Ship Replacement mod *Update*
« on: May 13, 2005, 06:09:09 pm »
As some of you probably already know about this from the Sfc3files forum, but for those of you who don't I was making a mod that would basically make a starting point for individual people who just wanted something to widen the arcs to what they were in earlier Volumes and replace the ships with the best out there and let them mod that as they went.

Well, let's just say it went too far from being just a "Stock Ship Replacment" mod.  It basically turned into a full mod, and I'm renaming it Quadrants At War. For this I'm going to create a new map, add new races (As I had first wanted to do in the first place and even went as far as adding them before I felt that it was just too much) and bring the game to it's full potential.
As for the SSR, I'm going "back to formula" (Reinstalling) and only changing the arcs and the ships, not gonna mess with the mass and items.  It's official name now is Arc/Ship Replacement mod.

Hope y'all don't mind the change but I felt it just went too far from the stock game.  Any opinions?

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Stock Ship Replacement mod *Update*
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 06:36:40 pm »
NP.. I'll be doing the same thing myself to basically enhance the v534 patch for stock game anyways.. I'll be adjusting HP's in 3D Studio Max to appear in proper location, as well as adjust the gf files.. and give each race their individual flavor using the expanded weapon arcs.. adjust mass and efficiency of different systems .. basically just making SFC 3 take advantage of the patch in the stock game..

I intent to continue the project in about 2 to 3 weeks and will keep the community updated as for the progress.

What you are doing sounds fantastic.. these games never have enough mods.
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