Do you remember those two Old Modules for AD&D that came out years ago? That luck thing was Kinda strange, But It fit perfectly with Connan's character.
I may have to check this game out.
Stephen is the new
Conan D20 game from Mongoose Publishing. My lil brother plays it (and loves it), and it appears to be the rules set that the new ConanOnline is going to be based off of. Yeah, it's $50, but it's basically equivelent to a White Wolf rulebook setup rather than a D&D Player's Guide- all the necessary rules to
both play AND run the game, and a limited beastiary to give low-level characters something to start hacking away at.
Conan D20 has far less magic than D&D, you don't face the myriads of undead creatures- which take up about 1/3 of any given Monster Manual- you're mostly dealing with regular animals and NPC characters as adversaries. Occasionally a demon enters into the mix, since having a deamon 'sponcer' is the easiest way to aquire magic. When you run into one of these guys, the best that you can do is kill the human proxy... a demon would make pretty easy work of Conan himself if he just went in swinging and didn't think about things a bit. At the higher levels, you might be able to use your magician and his pet demon to fight back and kill it, but that's a long ways off from Level 1.
Magic I'm a little fuzzy on, as Wim never playes a magic user. It can be gotten through the aquisition of old tomes of knowledge, or by shamen's spells (think Indian 'medicine'), or by the quick, easy, and simple 'deal with a devil' method. If you take the later route you'll have to move around a bit; you'll run out of virgins pretty quick trying to whip up a high-level spell.

I've read through the book, and they do a very good job of giving the different races of Men unique characteristics- I mean, you can only go so far without semi-magical stuff like Darkvision and Stonecunning.

I'll put it this way- if the fees are reasonable, you'll stand a good chance of running into me on it.