Topic: Rasitus class BOP [pic heavy]  (Read 7898 times)

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Re: Rasitus class BOP [pic heavy]
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2005, 02:26:43 pm »
That looks pretty cool - good work Mackie :thumbsup:

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Re: Rasitus class BOP [pic heavy]
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2005, 02:41:49 pm »
One theory as to how warp uniquely works on this ship (when questioned):

This assumes the warp drive on this ship is similar to a Klingon B'rel-class in how it works, meaning the "neck-nacelles" aren't actually warp engines, but something else (perhaps some kind of new nav deflector tech that was experimented with, projecting a weak forcefield around the ship like how more-traditional deflector dishes would)  I believe the reactor to coexist with the fusion reactors on the impulse engines, much like how I believe it to be so for the Klingon Bird of Prey (and her Romulan look-a-like counterpart, assuming there's one), taking some design tips from the aquired Bird of Prey Kirk got.  The engines are also tied to the main pulse phaser weapons (or whatever these weapons are for this Federation BoP), much like how from TMP-on the main Phaser Banks throughout the refitted Constitution-class channels its power through the main warp engines (although would be cut off if the antimatter mixture were imbalanced).  My guess would be that there would be that the main warp reactor/core is connected with the main weapons, for supplying power to beef it up.  My guess is that for a ship her size she'd have no more than ten-to-twelve max for crew, probably tight-fitting quarters with bunks (plus one for the CO)...

That's how I'd imagine some of the basics...

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Re: Rasitus class BOP [pic heavy]
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2005, 07:39:04 pm »
I agree Chris, I was thinking this ship was no bigger then a Runabout. In game a capital ship could decide to carry these but at a cost of 2 or maybe 3 shuttle slots per ship due to it's size.

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Re: Rasitus class BOP [pic heavy]
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2005, 11:21:52 pm »
i still say get the grills on the pylons

Feel free to download it and do so on your own.. that's how most of us get started.. :)

I personally like it as it is..

yes , most of you did. some know how i did but i would rather not mention it because it leads to bad naughty things... and being relaxed and laughing at things that arent really funny.  :P
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Offline Mackie

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Re: Rasitus class BOP [pic heavy]
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2005, 11:33:20 pm »
One theory as to how warp uniquely works on this ship (when questioned):

This assumes the warp drive on this ship is similar to a Klingon B'rel-class in how it works, meaning the "neck-nacelles" aren't actually warp engines, but something else (perhaps some kind of new nav deflector tech that was experimented with, projecting a weak forcefield around the ship like how more-traditional deflector dishes would)  I believe the reactor to coexist with the fusion reactors on the impulse engines, much like how I believe it to be so for the Klingon Bird of Prey (and her Romulan look-a-like counterpart, assuming there's one), taking some design tips from the aquired Bird of Prey Kirk got.  The engines are also tied to the main pulse phaser weapons (or whatever these weapons are for this Federation BoP), much like how from TMP-on the main Phaser Banks throughout the refitted Constitution-class channels its power through the main warp engines (although would be cut off if the antimatter mixture were imbalanced).  My guess would be that there would be that the main warp reactor/core is connected with the main weapons, for supplying power to beef it up.  My guess is that for a ship her size she'd have no more than ten-to-twelve max for crew, probably tight-fitting quarters with bunks (plus one for the CO)...

That's how I'd imagine some of the basics...

pretty good stuff there... really.  8)

1. the guns be the same as on the bops cause thats where i nicked them from, i remember someone here ran a ferengi type "dont-ask-dont-tell" shipyard... i think thats where i got those from. not quite sure. read my signature.

2. yes the CO needs a decent bunk to get it on with the hot alien chicks.

3. to be honest at first i thought id make this an in system monitor ship with no warp capability but then i thought f*ck it the sideways, and gave it those bloody small neck nacella like things... runabout style. doesnt need high warp capability or such fancy bullsh*t but least it now can move out of a system without being towed out like me from a pub on a friday night.

4. yes the ship is quite small, i did attach the comparison pic didnt i? but hey least i dont have compensate for any... other... erm, size problems like some  :P
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Re: Rasitus class BOP [pic heavy]
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2005, 11:38:57 pm »
That looks pretty cool - good work Mackie :thumbsup:
thank you, i always quite honoured by compliments from higher modeling authorities such as yourself.  8)
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