Topic: Two stocks in motion today on Mother's Day  (Read 1055 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Two stocks in motion today on Mother's Day
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:28:52 am »

I've been tracking this one for a while, don't ask me why the sudden huge surge in trading way beyond the average normal day's volume, there really isn't any news yet to support this. Then again, a LOT of investors do weird things, like invest in Google and other companies that do not pay dividends but are "price appreciation" stocks. This method is known as "cattle ranching" in the investment world. Double your money in a 2 week period or less, yes, it would be very nice, but it also doesn't happen often in the real world.

A good maritime company that WAS only 12 something a few days ago. One thing I've learned about stocks is that you can be pretty sure to make money in appreciation on earnings and conference call day.


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Re: Two stocks in motion today on Mother's Day
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 11:07:44 am »
I swear Jack. I wonder if you are trying a pump and dump some times. ;) :)

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Two stocks in motion today on Mother's Day
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 02:21:16 pm »
Nah Mike, I would NEVER do that to people on the forums.  ;D I may be a bit loco but I do have integrity when it comes to giving people a fair deal or info on inexpensive stocks to watch.

I sold my NAT today for an 18% profit plus dividends date of record was yesterday.

I currently own the following

Frontline (my dividends bank machine)

5 bucks cheaper than when I bought, but remember, the more shares sold means my share of the dividends increases, and right now NO maritime company can compete with FRO dividends of 30.30%!

MTDX, the penny stock I was telling you about, it went way up on news of the buyout but as I knew, some people wanted their money in May, and now the date is Jun due to a mandatory 30 day wait (SEC rules).

SFL, which Frontline gave to me as part of my dividends package in ADDITION TO 3.50 a share for 4th QTR and end of yr 2004!

Cash in bank, just waiting to see what may be the best buy, as stock appreciation done right can bring in more in percentage wise than a quarterly dividend. It will probably be more FRO as they have yet to announce for earnings and conference call date, and stocks just about always go up on that date. I'll show you the EXM example later when market closes.

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Two stocks in motion today on Mother's Day
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 03:34:03 pm »
Oooooops, today IS Mother's Day6 in Mexico, I did recognize Sunday though.  ;)

Let's see how EXM did, especially since the DOW SUCKED today along with the NASDAQ.

Wow! An upgrade to strong buy and earnings conference call in same day, look at that gain!

Seems to be some profiteering on ISON as after hrs trades wiped out today's gains.

I do not understand the fascination with Renovis, but I'm very impressed with those recent gains! Talk about double the money in only a few days!


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Re: Two stocks in motion today on Mother's Day
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2005, 08:56:23 pm »
 Buy some property here!! If you want a big return in a couple years. I just sold my house and the 5 acres its on for 1.5 million.

 ( We are only a half a mile from the beach tho) They have 30 ft by 60 ft lots selling for 70-80 thousand dollars now.

 All the baby boomers that can aford it are moving down here now,and there are still alot more to come.

 With this im going to invest IN LakeLand FL. property there is still dirt cheap. and once the coast fills up ( In about 2 years) The stuff inland around all our lakes will be next. ;)

 I love speculators!!!

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Two stocks in motion today on Mother's Day
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2005, 11:34:59 pm »
Ya Mike, I read about real estate in your area and how much it skyrocketed. I took the reverse course to investing. Most gurus advise real estate first, then stocks, then opening your own business with either your own money or OPM (other people's money like a business loan or incorporating and offering stock for sale). In Austin there are 3 condos right by MOPAC and U.T. from my parent's estate, and though that might sound like a great deal, in reality it is not, as my monthly payments over 30 yrs would be about 1200 a month, and they currently rent for 900 a month, so in real estate that margin is not so great. You have to love Austin for building so many frigging apartments and condos.  >:( It's not like the mid 90's during the tech boom where companies were moving in left and right and there was a housing shortage. Now it is the renters that have the advantage.

I've been reading the veterans business journal, and it seems they (the Feds) have a special loan program specifically for disabled vets (in addition to normal vets in another business program). The good thing about the disabled vets program is govt. agencies HAVE a  mandatory 4% contract clause (Bush did do good on that one), which means if I have a business that can do the job for any Fed agency, and it comes to me, another vet who is not service connected disabled, or a civilian contractor, I get the contract!  ;) That's why I was so interested in the windmills that generate electricity, and in BP solar for homes and businesses. Do you have any idea how much a place like Ft. Hood consumes in electricity each year? Yes folks, the military does HAVE TO PAY local electric companies for all that energy they consume.