Topic: Tutorial needed...  (Read 1501 times)

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Offline Centurus

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Tutorial needed...
« on: May 11, 2005, 08:02:04 am »
Is there a tutorial out there that tells how to convert from SFC2/OP to SFC3, and vice versa?

I know how to rehardpoint the actual model itself in 3DS Max.  Actually, I could just rename the hardpoints in Max come to think of it.

But the thing is I want to be able to port ships back and forth between game versions.  I wouldn't mind seeing my Resurrection put into an EAW or OP mod one day, and there are a ton of SFC2/OP ships I'd love to port to SFC3.

Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
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Offline Greenvalv

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Re: Tutorial needed...
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 11:26:01 am »
Actually to port a ship from Volume II to III just create the views and GF HP placement file and make sure that the textures are all BMP's.  My guide talks about this as well, click the links below to D/L.

Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: Tutorial needed...
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 11:56:53 am »
as for  using your ships in op or eaw. If they work in SFC3 they will work in  them as well.three just adds more information in the model folder. all you need in op are the bmp for the ship itself and the mod and brk mod.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Tutorial needed...
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2005, 04:09:25 pm »
What about LODs?  How does one add and remove LODs from a ship?  I know alot of SFC/SFC2/OP ships use LODs, but that SFC3 doesn't use any. 
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Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: Tutorial needed...
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2005, 01:53:24 am »
if im not mistaken lods are  part of the dont absolutly have to  have  lods in op or eaw but it  helps with  high poly models and when there are alot of ships and fighters in the mission.Im no expert on this Firesoul,Chris Jones and several others might be able to answer that one  better.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Tutorial needed...
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2005, 06:26:26 am »
That's why I was hoping someone could give me a tutorial, or now that I think of it, a basic list of what features a model should have for SFC2/OP, and SFC3. 

If I'm right, I pretty much know what an SFC3 model uses.  Lightmaps, VL TI BS images, no LODs, hardpoint file.  I've done some modding in SFC3.  I know for SFC2/OP the hardpoints would need to be renamed at least so they correspond with the way the game recognizes hardpoints.  I know SFC2/OP use lightmaps, so that's not a problem there. 

I guess the only thing I need to get a better understanding of are LODs, how to add them and how to remove them.

If there's anything else I'm missing, could someone let me know?  Thanks.
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Offline Garath9

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Re: Tutorial needed...
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2005, 09:33:09 pm »
Daihak try the mare imbrium shipyards atheorhaven had some up a while back that i used.
as for lod's i think if you import an eaw or op model into max or milk then export it under a
differant name you can reduce the lod's to 1, i'v done this to a couple of schtupp's model's
i wanted in 3. hope this help's.

Offline Greenvalv

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Re: Tutorial needed...
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2005, 08:37:22 am »
Keep all this good info comin', writing this into my series guide....