Hoi Green,
Never! We gave her to you with a no return policy attached! Your welcome. hehe
I have not actually been to Cape Hatteras, I have only know it from maps, and, its coastal geography; salt marshes, barrier islands that kind of stuff, so your call on what to do with the people living there if any, I'm not bothered one way or the other. I just think that Iceland, and the British Isles have had that lovely North Atlantic Current (the Gulf Stream is the name of the current from the Gulf of Mexico until about half way accross the Atlantic where the name changes. No I do not know why.) for long enough I do know why it doesn't just flow up the coast though, its that darn Cape Hatteras! In the stead of warm tropical breezes we get the Labrador Current, frigid winds, storms, massive fog banks blown in from the Grand Banks where the two currents do eventually meet. Please undestand I have enjoyed the outdoors, land and sea, of NS in all weather and will continue to do so, but, a change is as good as a vacation. hehe
Take care