Thanks fellas. Copy to clipboard and paste to Paint Shop Pro worked just fine and dandy. In fact, it worked sooo easy that I am embarrassed for asking the question in the first place.
Mush the Smarter (but still pretty Lazy)
Don't feel bad. Just last week, my good friend Bryce from school was messing around on his PC. Now, he's got a terabyte of storage, so that means TONS of files. To get around quickly, he just hits "S" or whatever. But for "Star Wars" say, theres a lot of S's before that. So you can just hit St really quick and it'll bring you there right?
He had no idea.
This, coming from the kid who can make his own crossover cable, run his own FTP, and get bitTorrent to work through our schools firewall without getting caught.
Moral of the story...there's always another trick.