Topic: Guild Wars Screen Shot  (Read 1612 times)

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Guild Wars Screen Shot
« on: May 05, 2005, 10:48:13 pm »
  This is a Screen Shot of Misty Maiden my RPG Charater is GW My other RPG is Mighty Mortok and my PVP Charaters are Misty Mortana and Mighty Redd.Misty Maiden is Monk/Warrior.I got the name Misty from Clint Eastwood movies Play Misty for me.

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Re: Guild Wars Screen Shot
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2005, 10:51:23 pm »
  Bye the Way Misty is weraring the cape of the Green[tree] Guild that I am in.

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Re: Guild Wars Screen Shot
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 09:17:12 am »
A friend of mine plays that game, he pre-ordered the collectors edition from Best Buy.  Thus he has a special shield that all of his characters can use.  IMHO the special in game items can make the game a little unbalancing when fighting against other characters.  The way the screen rotates annoys the heck out of me sometimes and the action sequences are chaotic at best.  Everyone right now is taking the Monk class in some form because the NPC Monk is screwed up and needs to be patched in a big way.  IMHO they ripped off Neverwinter in a big way, like how you need barrels of explosives to clear the blocked passages in the Drake quest.  The game is sort of linier you have to go from city A to city B then to city C in that order, at least the first time.  You can't jump from city A to city D even though it might look closer on the map.  My friend has also experienced some lag drops in the game.  These are the reasons I have not bought the game myself.

Here is why I think this game could rock and hope Neverwinter Nights 2 is taking a serious look at this game.  First everyone plays at their own pace for the most part.  It is kind of like playing single player on line as you never encounter another person unless you join up with some one in a type of co-op or fight other characters in the arena.  There is no "Player Killers" allowed unless you enter the arena.  When you join other players to take on a quest of travel to another city for the first time, the server assigns treasure to specific characters.  So if a creature dies, the treasure it drops will have your name on it and no one else can pick it up.  So there is no "Treasure Racing" between characters.  If there is an item that another character wants s/he has to ask the owner for that item.  Experience points are divided up evenly like in Neverwinter.  The thing that really catches my eye (literally) is the in game visual effects.  I found myself more than once saying "Wow, I can't believe the graphics look that good".  I had my friend stop his character just so I could look at the detail of a tree.  It looked that good, and mind you my friend is playing with an old Nvidia Geforce 3 graphics card.  I can only imagine how much better it would look on my ATI9800 Pro or better graphics cards.  I can only hope that Obsidian takes a good look at this game while they make Neverwinter 2 as they can learn a lot from the multiplayer configuration of Guild Wars.  If you like Neverwinter Night and can't wait for Neverwinter 2 then you might want to take a close look at this game.

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Re: Guild Wars Screen Shot
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2005, 06:34:54 pm »
I play this game and love it.  I am just unable to give it all the time i need for it, and campaigns and and and...

My character currently in use in multiplay is Mrs Dfly.  Name chosen because I have several characters, but thought this one needed some developement. I am currently level 13 with this one, and am a Ranger/Necromancer.

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Re: Guild Wars Screen Shot
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2005, 07:57:27 pm »
The game is excellent, currently playing as a Monk/Warrior and having a blast smiting my enemies ;D