Topic: Quadrants At War *Update*  (Read 1352 times)

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Offline Greenvalv

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Quadrants At War *Update*
« on: May 24, 2005, 11:11:36 am »
I've got the races down, take a look.....
0   = "United Federation of Planets"
1   = "Klingon Empire"
2   = "Romulan Star Empire"
3   = "Borg Collective"

4   = "Species 8472"
5   = "Cardassian Union"
6   = "Dominion Axis"
7   = "Reman Rebellion"
8   = "Pirates"
9   = "Contested Sector"

10   = "Unknown Space"
I've got the Reman ships done, gotta add some more Cardassian, Dominion, and 8472 ships.
I'm going to need a texturer to do some weapon modifying for me, for instance, I'm changing the Romulan Disruptors into Poloran Beams for the Dominion.....
Is there a good mapper out there?  I've got what I want sketched out I just need someone to skillfully place planets, bases, etc.
If anyone wants to be an active help for this mod, post....
Storyline:  After the Nemesis incident, the Remans revolted and formed the Reman Rebellion.  The Federation and the Klingons are having trouble with the Cardassians and the Dominion threat is back.  The Borg and Species 8472 are at each others throats.
I'll have separate installers for y'all to be able to play every race. ;D


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Re: Quadrants At War *Update*
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2005, 03:55:36 pm »
You might want to post in the models forum for the texturing.