Topic: A New Beginning  (Read 8438 times)

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Offline Blyre

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A New Beginning
« on: May 01, 2005, 03:40:41 pm »

April 10, 2158

   Sims grinned inside his combat armor as he rested the plasma rifle on the windowsill. A squad of Empire troops had beamed in and
was coming down the street. One of the soldiers was carrying a small courier case. Fools, he thought as he sighted in on the Squad
Leader. The weapons were new, but the tactics were the same as when he taught them at the Academy so long ago. On the
other hand, the new red uniforms made it easy to pick them off.

   He tapped the earpiece he wore in his right ear. “I’m in position. Get ready to deploy the transport scrambler.”

   “Our ships have the Defiant engaged in orbit, Commander.” The female Vulcan’s voice sounded scratchy and strained. “You must
retrieve the package before it reaches Starfleet Command.”

   “Acknowledged.” He said. “Good Luck.”

   “Luck is illogical.” The voice paused. “But thank you.”

   He closed the commlink and turned his attention back to the Squad. “Causes are for fools.” He whispered as he squeezed the trigger.
Bright blue plasma pulses struck the group. The Squad Leader fell first with a large smoldering hole in his chest. His compatriots fell soon
after in quick succession. He jumped up from his hiding place and ran out to the street. He scooped up the courier case and after doing
a quick check for booby traps, opened the black and silver case.

   Inside, he found two neatly packed ten-rows of blue and gold data disks. There must be something very important on them for the
Empress to station such a heavy escort. He closed the case and ran for cover as he heard the ominous buzzing of a transporter beam.
Another squad was beaming in and this time they were ready for battle. An orange energy beam struck the doorway as he ducked
inside. Those damnable phaser things again, he thought as he tapped his ear. “Renegade, this is Sims. I have the package. Get me
the hell out of here.”

   “Stand by.”

   Sims felt the transporter beam wash over him as the Empire troops stormed into the room, their phasers firing. The last thing he
saw before his vision failed were the expressions on the troopers. Anger and fear. Anger and fear.

   The street rubble melted away to reform into the sterile confines of the ISS Renegade’s Transporter Room. He pulled off his
helmet and raised the courier case. “I believe that our contract has now been fulfilled?”

   Renegade’s Commanding Officer, Captain T’Voss, walked over and accepted the case with a slow nod. Her expression was stern,
but Sims noticed a slight twinkle in her eyes as she lifted her gaze to his. “Thank you, Commander, your service to this ship is appreciated.”

   “My pleasure.” He nodded. “And my credits?"

   “They have been deposited in your account on Vulcan as before.” T’Voss replied crisply. “Your ship has been refueled and is ready for
launch in Shuttle Bay 2.” She paused. “Unless of course you would like to accompany us to our destination.”

   Sims noted that twinkle in her eyes again. Under that cold Vulcan exterior, he thought, lay much promise. Another time. He shook his
head. “As intriguing as the invitation sounds, I must decline. I have an appointment on Quo’nos that I must keep. You know how sensitive
those Klingons can get over punctuality and proper manners?”

   “A pity.” T’Voss said. The deck shook and red alert lights began flashing. She reached over to the transporter console and pressed a
button. “Captain here.”

   “Bridge here, Captain. We’re under attack. It’s him.”

   T’Voss’s expression paled for the briefest of moments before her control asserted itself. “All hands to Battle Stations. I’m on the way.”
She turned to Sims. “I could use your tactical expertise. We’re under attack by an old friend of yours.”

ISS Renegade Bridge

   No sooner did the turbolift doors open than the deck rumbled from another hit. Sims followed T’Voss to the Captain’s chair.

   “Helm, evasive action.” T’Voss said. “Hull plating to maximum. Let’s see them.”

   The viewscreen crackled to show another Empire warship trailing them. It bore a strong resemblance to the recently destroyed
Enterprise except that it carried four warp nacelles instead of the traditional two and its saucer bristled with phase cannon turrets
and torpedo launchers on swivel turrets. The newcomer’s hull was painted a dark gunmetal blue and its registry number and name
were spelled out in bright white letters along the primary hull: ISS Executioner, ICC-1.

   “Blyre.” Sims muttered, his throat tightening. “The Butcher of Babel. That data you had me recover must be something else if
The Empress unleashed him to get it back.”

   Another shot struck the Renegade’s hull, overloading several consoles. Sparks filled the air as crewmembers reached for fire
extinguishers. The lieutenant manning Tactical fell over as his console exploded in his face. Sims ran over and sat down, his hands
moving with practiced expertise over the controls. “Hull plating is holding. Damage to aft phase cannons and both shuttle bays.
We have reduced efficiency in both warp and impulse drive systems” He frowned. “I’m stuck here.”

   “We’re being hailed.”

   T’Voss straightened her uniform before nodding. “On Screen.”

   The view screen crackled for the briefest of moments before a tall man with short dark hair appeared, dressed in a long sleeve
gold shirt and black slacks. His face was grim and unsmiling and his green eyes looked as if they had been chiseled from chips of ice.
A gold cutlass rested in a scabbard on his right leg. “Cut your engines and prepare to be boarded.” Blyre ordered. “I will not ask again.”

   “This battle need not happen, Captain Blyre.” T’Voss replied. “We can work together to build a better world for all our peoples.
Fighting to support a corrupt and brutal government that is destined to fall is not only illogical, but also foolish. Even you can see that.”

   On the view screen, Blyre paused as if in thought. Then his expression darkened. “You don’t understand, Captain. I like this world
just the way it is. The enemies of the Empire deserve only death.  If you surrender, I promise you a quick and relatively painless death.
Oppose me and I will leave you as floating debris in open space.”

   “Give me a moment to prepare my crew.”

   “No tricks, Captain.” Blyre snarled.

   “No tricks.” T’Voss signaled the Comm Officer to close the channel. “Helm, slow to one-quarter impulse. Commander Sims, do you
have any ideas?”

   “He knows I’m here.” Sims replied. “Otherwise, he would have destroyed you already. My links with the Klingons and Romulans
would go a long way toward netting him an Admiral’s promotion. Plus, I know his secret.”

   T’Voss raised her eyebrows. “A secret?”

   Sims nodded. “Blyre was found in the ruins of Caldor Prime in suspended animation. He was revived and interrogated. During the
course of the interrogation, drugs were used to suppress both his memory and his more compassionate impulses. Suffice it to say,
Captain Blyre is not from this universe.”

   “Psychological manipulation.” T’Voss said. “That explains much. How can we use that to our advantage?”

   “Leave that to me.” Sims turned. “Open the channel.”

   Blyre reappeared on the screen. His eyes narrowed to slits upon seeing Sims. “Commander Sims. Still selling your treachery to the
highest bidder?”

   “I find it preferable to being The Empress’s pet.” Sims taunted. “”I’m surprised that Sato didn’t execute you along with the rest of
the Old Guard when she took over. After she learned where it was that you came from. Where you really came from, that is.”

   Blyre’s face colored red with anger. “I will kill you myself. I swear it.”

   Sims smiled. “How about a trade, Will? I’ll transport over to your ship with the stolen data and in return, you spare these people.
We both know that I’m worth more as a prize than some silly schematics on a data disk.”

   “They are traitors to The Empire.” Blyre regained enough composure to lower his voice. “As are you. I’ll make you a counter-proposal.
I’ll agree to your terms if in addition to yourself and the stolen data, you turn over to me everything in your ship’s database concerning
the Klingons and Romulans that you are working with. Give me the codes that you use to get through their defenses and I will arrange
to let Renegade slip away.”

   Blyre’s smile caused Sims a twinge, but he nodded. “Very well. I will beam over to you shortly. Stand by to receive me.”

   “Of course.” The view screen faded.

   “He has no intention of keeping that pact.” T’Voss stated.

   “Of course he won’t.” Sims agreed. “But he believes that he has me backed into a corner so he will play along until he has what he
wants. Then he will turn his weapons on your ship. But I have a plan. Come on, we don’t have much time.”

ISS Renegade Armory

   Sims and T’Voss watched as an Andorian crewman gently removed a portion of antimatter from one of Renegade’s torpedoes and
sealed it inside a small box containing a magnetic bottle. The crewman then attached a timer to the magnetic bottle. “It’s ready, Ma’am.”

   T’Voss took the bottle and gently inspected the outer casing. She turned and handed it to Sims. “This plan of yours appears
ill-conceived and illogical on many levels. Blyre may be psychotic, but he is not a fool.”

   “I’m counting on that.” Sims said, entering a complex command into the timer’s keypad. “Hopefully, my being there will distract him
long enough for you to detonate the bomb and get away with the real data. Is the other item ready?”

   “It is waiting for you in the Transporter Room.” T’Voss pressed a nearby wall comm. “Captain to Transporter Room. Mr. Sims and I
are on our way.”

« Last Edit: May 03, 2005, 07:06:47 pm by Blyre »
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Offline kadh2000

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2005, 11:03:45 pm »
A little raw at the beginning, but then hit its stride.

As always, you do leave my heart pounding and waiting for more.
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Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 09:02:47 am »
I'll keep an eye on this.
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 05:06:17 pm »
This has caught my interest. Do I need to have watched any of Enterprise to get this?

PS. Blyre, I have some bad formatting on my screen. Is it just me, or did you have problems putting it in?
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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2005, 06:20:09 pm »

It does draw some material from the recent mirror universe episode of Enterprise. Not sure how to explain it to you without making an hour-long post, so I'll leave that to Blyre should he choose to explain. ;D

Wallace, you know already that I like it. At first I was disappointed that this wasn't going to be a Captain Blyre story, but evidently I thought too soon. :D Looking forward to more.
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"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Blyre

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2005, 06:23:52 pm »
This has caught my interest. Do I need to have watched any of Enterprise to get this?

PS. Blyre, I have some bad formatting on my screen. Is it just me, or did you have problems putting it in?

I don't think you would need to for this story. While the events of "In a Mirror Darkly" set up the universe that this story takes place in, my story picks up at a point some two or three years after the ascension of Empress Sato during a time where there is some factioning within the Terran Empire.

As for the formatting, I've been getting that too. I'm not sure why it's doing that, but I'm doing my best to correct it.


EDIT: I've managed to fix the formatting. Apparently, the margins aren't all that wide and there's no way to adjust them or even see them. Oh well, live and learn...heh
« Last Edit: May 03, 2005, 07:10:08 pm by Blyre »
Political Correctness: helping losers feel better about themselves since 1986 ;)

Offline Blyre

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A New Beginning, Part II
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2005, 06:00:00 pm »
Transporter Room

   T’Voss studied Sims carefully as the human prepared his little ‘surprise’ for Blyre and the ISS Executioner. The human was unusual for a species known for its treachery and arrogance. She had studied what she could of Sims’ record prior to hiring him to retrieve the Defiant data tapes. A former Starfleet Intelligence officer who was pushed out and almost assassinated by one of Empress Sato’s purges, the six-foot-three, brown haired man left Earth and carried out an almost single-handed campaign of subversion by aiding enemies of the Empire. For the right price, she thought bitterly. However, she found him intriguing and perhaps…..interesting.

   Sims made one final adjustment to the bomb’s timer and secreted it inside a false compartment below the data. He turned to T’Voss. “Okay, let’s have it.”

   “I can see how you have managed to survive for so long.” She replied, handing him a small red hexagonal crystal with a dull metal base. She arched an eyebrow as she watched him attach it to the bomb. “I have never seen such a device before. What is its function?”

   Sims smiled as he closed up the case and engaged the catch locks. “It’s a transporter diverter. I learned how to make it from a race that lives outside Empire Space. The Iconians don’t trust many outsiders, but I managed to prove myself. The crystal’s internal structure is infinitely malleable and by manipulating the internal planes, whatever is attached to it can be shunted through the transporter beam to another location without the recipient being the wiser. I’m glad that your fabrication systems were able to reproduce it in time.”

   “Why not use it to escape?” T’Voss asked. “You could beam to your ship and escape.”

   The corners of Sims’s eyes tightened imperceptibly. T’Voss was no fool and if she sensed deception, she would kill first and then take her chances with Blyre. That was the logical thing to do, after all. He relaxed and favored her with a benevolent smile. “Have you ever heard the story of The Emperor’s New Suit?”

     “Earth Mythology.” T’Voss replied, her eyes narrowed. “Hans Christian Anderson, Circa 1837. A human warlord was tricked into believing that he saw something that was not there.”

   “Exactly.” Sims said, nodding. “The thieves played to The Emperor’s one great fault and rendered him completely powerless. Later in the story, they engineered his death and took power.” He smoothed his blue civilian jumpsuit and stepped onto the transporter pad, his back kept deliberately to T’Voss.

   The Vulcan relaxed, considering the implications of the fairy tale. She put her right hand on the dirk she carried in her belt. She took a deep breath and turned to the transporter chief. “Energize.”

Transporter Room

   Blyre’s face and the muzzle of the plasma rifle he held was the first thing that Sims recognized as he materialized on the transporter pad. Blyre’s hair had grayed since their last meeting and his blue eyes appeared curiously lighter as if the color had been leached away by some unknown process. He gently lowered the case to the deck as he was pulled from the Transporter Chamber. He squared his shoulders. “It’s been a long time, Will.”

   Blyre stuck the rifle’s muzzle under Sims’s chin. “I should have killed you long ago.” He snarled.

   “You tried.” Sims replied. “You missed. You failed.”

   Blyre flicked off the rifle’s safety and flipped up the sights. “I doubt I could miss at this range.” He said.

   “You wouldn’t, but I’m more valuable alive than dead.”

   “I don’t care who your contacts are anymore.” Blyre said. “Your value is depreciating rapidly and I am running out of patience.”

   “If you kill me.” Sims mused. “Who will you play chess with that you could trust not to cheat?”

   Blyre stopped in mid-scowl. Slowly, the hate-filled mask morphed and he began laughing. He grabbed Sims in a tight embrace. “It’s good to see you again, Brother.” He released Sims and signaled to a pair of security officers. “Take Commander Sims to the Agony Booth. I will join you there shortly once I have locked up our cargo.”
Political Correctness: helping losers feel better about themselves since 1986 ;)

Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2005, 04:09:04 am »
BROTHER?! Nice bombshell!
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2005, 08:16:49 pm »
Blyyyyyyre... Do you have any more you'd like to share?
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Blyre

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2005, 05:57:58 pm »
Information Extraction Center

Sims’s head cracked against the agony booth’s clear view port as waves of intense pain chewed their way through his body. The coppery taste of blood entered his mouth as a seizure caused him to bite down on his tongue. He saw Blyre and an Andorian officer conversing at the podium control panel as the alien manipulated the controls, but he could only make out scant syllables. After several seconds, the pain abated and he slid to his knees, his breath coming and going in ragged shots.

Blyre walked over to the view port, his expression cold and detached as he thumbed the booth’s audio pickup. “We both know that I abhor using this insidious device, Albert. Tell me what I want to know and I will tell the Lieutenant to release you.”

Sims wiped the blood from his mouth as he struggled to his feet. “You could have fooled me, Will.” He looked at the blood on his hand then flung it onto the clear metal. “You’ve learned much since our days at Starfleet Intelligence.”

“I’ve had good teachers.” Blyre signaled the Andorian and watched as Sims collapsed under the pain field. “Where are the Defiant technical schematics that you stole from Starfleet?”

“It’s hard to talk.” Sims ground out as every muscle in his body tightened at once. “When you keep turning up the dial.”

“Talk and the pain will go away.” Blyre’s jaw tightened. “You’re trying my patience.”

“You already know the answer.” Sims stuttered. “I brought them over from the Renegade.”

Blyre signaled the Andorian to stop and crouched beside Sims. For a moment, his expression softened and Sims saw a dim shadow of regret. “We both know that there is a high probability that what you turned over is either a clever fake or something designed to allow your traitorous friends over on the Renegade a chance to get away. Starfleet Command has given me the authority to execute you on the spot. Please don’t make me murder you over this.” He paused, rubbing the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t do this.” He muttered. “This is wrong.”

“It’s your conscience, Will.” Sims whispered. “Fight what they did to you.”

The Andorian turned and aimed a phase pistol at Blyre while flipping open a communicator. “Medical emergency in IE. Doctor Hallas, Code Charlie. The Captain needs his medication.” He closed the communicator. “Hold it right there, Sir. The Doctor will be right down with your injection.”

Blyre nodded and stood. “At ease, Lieutenant. Return to the controls. We need to know what the good Commander did with the stolen data.”

“You’ve been compromised, Sir.” The Andorian shook his head, his antenna folded back. “Stay right there until Doctor Hallas arrives.”

“I’m your Captain.” Blyre snarled. “Obey me or I will see to it that you spend the night in this thing.”

Before the officer could reply, the doors slid open and Doctor Elaine Hallas entered. The blond doctor wore her competence around her lithe form like hull plating as she opened her medikit. She withdrew a hypospray and checked the dosage setting. “You idiot, you were supposed to monitor his Psych Readings every three hours so he doesn’t start showing signs of reversal.” She turned to Blyre and smiled. “It’s going to be all right, Will. Arcturan Rhinitis can relapse years after treatment.”

Blyre’s eyes darted from the Doctor to the two red shirted security officers that stepped into the room behind her. His breath shortened as images began to flood his mind. Other places, other times, different yet familiar. He took a step back as a shooting pain appeared behind his eyes. “This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be here.”

Hallas took a step forward. “Of course you should be here, Will. You are Captain William Blyre, Hero Protector of the Empire and Captain of this ship. This is where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to do.”

“She lies.” Sims scrambled to his feet. “She’s around to keep you under their control. You’ve been a puppet of The Empire since they found you in that stasis pod.” He turned in the booth to face Hallas as Blyre sank to his knees. “He’s remembering.”

“I don’t know how you managed to do this, Commander.” Hallas spat. “But I assure you that you will not leave this ship alive.”

Sims laughed and pointed to Blyre. “That’s funny, Doc, I was just going to say the same thing about you.”

Blyre looked up from his kneeling position. His eyes had changed color from green to shiny metallic silver. When he spoke, his voice echoed from all directions. “I am I again.”

“Shoot him!” Hallas screamed at the security officers. “Put him down now!”

Orange beams burst from the phase pistols. Blyre raised his left hand and held them suspended in the air. He raised his right hand. One by one, the beams, the pistols that fired them, and then the officers who pulled the triggers vanished. Blyre turned his left hand on the Andorian and with a flash of light put the lieutenant inside the agony booth while removing Sims. “You will pay for what you have done.” He said.

The deck rumbled beneath their feet and red danger lights appeared. Sims grabbed Blyre and shook him. “Snap out of it, Will, we have to get out of here. The warp core is going to breach in two minutes.”

Blyre’s eyes returned to their normal color and looked at Sims. “Albert? What’s going on? Everything’s Swiss cheese in my head.”

“I’ll explain in more detail later.” Sims promised. “Do you have enough strength to transport us over to T’Voss’s ship?”

“No, maybe, I don’t know.” Blyre replied. “I’m so tired.”

“You have to try.” Sims hauled Hallas to her feet. “You’re coming with us. The counteractant I used is only a temporary fix. We need you to create a permanent antidote.”

The doctor’s eyes were wide with fear. “Starfleet will kill me.”

Sims gestured to Blyre. “In his present state, he will definitely kill you and with his abilities, there is no place in the Universe that you could run or hide that he couldn’t find you.” He looked at a wall clock. “You have ten seconds to decide.”

Hallas’s shoulders slumped. “I’m your prisoner.”

Sims turned back to Blyre. “T’Voss’s ship, Will. Now.”
« Last Edit: June 08, 2005, 05:12:35 am by Blyre »
Political Correctness: helping losers feel better about themselves since 1986 ;)

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2005, 08:34:17 pm »
Eeeeexcellent post, Blyre.  :thumbsup:

That took a very unexpected direction for me, and was well done. Keep up the good work!

I'm curious, though. If Blyre here is from a stasis pod, is he the same Blyre from your TOS-era stories, just an earlier version? I'm not up on the history of your characters or universe, so if all will be revealed in due time, fair enough. However, if i'm missing something, please tell me! *smile*
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2005, 01:55:38 am »
I'm missing a lot of bg detail here. Perhaps you'll include a reflextive moment, a flashback?
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

Offline Blyre

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2005, 05:16:29 am »
Eeeeexcellent post, Blyre.  :thumbsup:

That took a very unexpected direction for me, and was well done. Keep up the good work!

I'm curious, though. If Blyre here is from a stasis pod, is he the same Blyre from your TOS-era stories, just an earlier version? I'm not up on the history of your characters or universe, so if all will be revealed in due time, fair enough. However, if i'm missing something, please tell me! *smile*

Yep, this is the same Blyre from the TOS-TMP era stories. I'll explain in time how he got into the Mirror Universe so you're not missing anything yet :)

Political Correctness: helping losers feel better about themselves since 1986 ;)

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2005, 05:17:08 am »
I'm missing a lot of bg detail here. Perhaps you'll include a reflextive moment, a flashback?

That's coming up very soon. :)

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2005, 04:04:45 pm »
Dang Wally old friend, It's so damn good to see you writting again. Keep up the good work.

Stephen Brother of Blyre.  ;)
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Offline Blyre

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2005, 05:59:55 pm »
Starfleet Headquarters
Stardate 10123

Blyre stood at the podium and stared out at the sea of faces, uniformed and not, seated in the auditorium around him. Many were dressed in the old familiar maroon uniform, others in the new red and black jumpsuit style being phased in by Starfleet. Less military, more utilitarian, the Uniform Committee had said in their memoes. He glanced down at the gold service pins on his sleeve cuffs and took a deep breath. Twenty-three years of diving into harm’s way, fighting all sort of enemy, and pushing back the multiple frontiers.

The new uniform sucks, he thought as he cleared his throat. “Officers, men, distinguished guests. I have stood before you on past occasions to report on events both good and bad. Today, I find myself before you to perform my final official duty. I am here to announce my retirement from Starfleet and to embark upon a new adventure, as a private citizen in the greatest civilization the Galaxy has ever known. I do not approach this lightly as there is still much to be done.” He paused and sipped at a glass of water. He put the glass down and resumed the speech. “However, I am approaching the twilight of my career and now is the time for others to pick up where I now leave off.”

The assembly burst into a standing ovation that caused the blue Federation pennants to flutter as if standing by open windows. He stepped down from the platform and walked through the crowd, accepting handshakes and pats on the back as he exited the hall. When he finally reached an anteroon, he stopped to take a breath.

“They won’t let you leave.” He turned to see the glowing outline of a figure standing behind him. “Your destiny is tied to The Federation. To abandon that is to deny your nature.”

“Who are you?” He looked around for a tricorder. “What are you?”

The figure stirred. “I am of those who you once sought, those who tried to impose peace on the Universe and ultimately failed. However, our failure created your success. You cannot abandon your charges.”

“The Organians.” Blyre said. “You left us when we needed you the most and only responded to us when I pierced the Barrier to find you. Why should I give any weight to what you have to say now?”

“Because it is in your nature to right that which is wrong.” The glowing outline flashed a bright yellow then dimmed to burnt orange. “There isn’t much time and you have everything you need to right one final wrong.”

Blyre turned around. “You’ve got the wrong guy. I’ve done my bit for king and country and now I want to do for me. I lost a wife, family and friends because of my ambition to do the right thing. Find someone else.”

“What you have done was for the welfare of all people.”

“No!” Blyre shouted. “What I did was to shepherd brave people to their deaths in some psuedoheroic obsession with duty and honor. Hyperion Station, Stardragon, Exelei II, all senseless tragedies that will only be remembed as footnotes in conflicts whose meanings have long since been forgotten because WE won.”

The figure flared yellow one last time before vanishing. The blue and white Federation emblem on the opposite wall melted, reforming to show a globe pieced through the poles by a large broadsword and surrounded by a field the color of blood. He looked down to find his maroon uniform was now a yellow-gold wraparound uniform with black pants and adorned with a gold cutlass slung in a black leather sheath.

“This is wrong.” He was frozen in place, unable to move. “This is not my world. I shouldn’t be here.”

He blinked, finding himself on the bridge of the Executioner in orbit around the Planet Babel. A group of rebels had been caught planning an uprising against The Empress. Peace negotiations, they called it, to usurp The Empire. “Weapons Status.” He barked.

The Weapons Officer looked up from his corner station. “The rebel traitors are assembled where our spies have told us they would be. Torpedoes and phase cannons locked on targets, Sir.”

Blyre held up a hand. “Hold your fire. Open a comms channel.”

“Firing weapons, Sir.” The lights dimmed as the Weapons Officer pressed his control switches. “Confirmed hits on primary target, no lifesigns reported. Switching to secondary targets.”

Blyre spun around. “Damn you, I said hold your fire.”

“Weapons firing. Secondary targets destroyed. No residual lifesigns.” The Weapons Officer looked up. “Congradulations, Sir.”

Blyre’s legs felt rooted in molasses as he trudged forward to strangle the officer. “Those…people…deserved…better…than…that.”

Sims watched T’Voss break the mind meld. The Vulcan was clearly shaken by the experience and took several seconds to stop the shaking in her hands. “I don’t think this is working.”

T’Voss gently laid Blyre back down onto the biobed and reengaged the restraint field. “His mind has been shredded and molded to suit the aims of The Empire. We can reverse the physical addiction to the psychotropics, but the psychological damage may be beyond our capability. Removing his pain through death is logical.”

“You mean killing him?” Sims shook his head. “No, Blyre is more useful alive. I will not be a party to his execution at this time.”

“You feel responsible for him.”

“After a fashion.” Sims admitted. “It was my job at SI to assimilate him into our universe.”

“You should be proud.” T’Voss said, the hint of scorn in her voice. “He was the perfect assassin.”

“Not perfect, but close.” Sims turned away from the sleeping Blyre. “Are we still on course?’

T’Voss nodded. “Continuing at Warp 7 is straining the engines, but we should be there in about-“ A tremor shook the ship. “Three more days.” She thumbed the intercom panel. “Bridge, status report.”

“Helm here. We’re passing through some form of temporal energy waves, Captain. They are highly localized and traveling along our flight path. Shall we change course?”

T’Voss looked at Sims who shook his head. “Negative, Helm, continue present course and speed.” She closed the channel. “Is there something that you wish to share with me, Sims?”

“When we get there.” Sims said. “All your questions and most of mine will hopefully be answered.”
« Last Edit: June 11, 2005, 11:17:49 am by Blyre »
Political Correctness: helping losers feel better about themselves since 1986 ;)

Offline Sirgod

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2005, 07:04:06 pm »
Oh man, that is way too cool. I love the way your going with this Wally. Your doing a great job with this one. Great tie in to the earlier Stories also.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Blyre

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2005, 07:51:45 pm »
Thanks, Stephen,

Not an easy task considering that I'm trying to remember stuff I'd written over 6+ years ago and can't find the backups for.

Blyre was one of my first true fan fiction characters and holds a special place in my heart.

Political Correctness: helping losers feel better about themselves since 1986 ;)

Offline Sirgod

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2005, 07:59:33 pm »
Well your doing a Great job Wally.  I tell you I really like this story. I might Might have some of your old stuff on a Hard Drive way out in a Galaxy far far away. If I do, I'll send It your way. I know before we lived together, you used to send me some stuff via email, and I always save those kinda things.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Blyre

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Re: A New Beginning
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2005, 08:07:27 pm »
That would be awesome, Stephen. :)

Political Correctness: helping losers feel better about themselves since 1986 ;)