Four years ago thi coming july I got in a car accident on my way to minnesota as I was transitioning from the army back to civilian life. In Illinois, on I-57, as I was crossing a bridge with an on ramp, a suburban type truck towing a minivan lost control, went into a spin, and sun around several times from the ramp lane to the left lane where I was and hit me head on. My speed at collision was under 10 mph, nut the entire front end of the moving truck I was driving was crushed.
A law suit ensued months later- the other guy claimed it was my fault, despite eyewitnesses and direct evidence on scene to the contrary. This whole thing has become a long, drawn out process where I'll hear nothing for several months, or more than a year, then all of a sudden my attorney will call me and tell me somethig new is happening. This morning, over a year after i gave clear testimonyof what happened that day, and over a year after my attorney told me that there weren't any holes in my testimony unlike the other guy, I got a call from my attorney saying that they are taking this to trial, and I have to leave in the middle of a hectic summer schedule (at the time of finals I might add) at college to drive down from Minnesota to Illinois to be there.
And people wonder why I have such a disdain and lack of repect for the "justice" system.