Topic: Sportsmanship  (Read 9713 times)

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Re: Sportsmanship
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2005, 05:49:27 pm »
Excellent reads Ronin.  :goodpost:

My posting since we have moved to Dyna forums have always tried to take into account how will the post reflect on FSD and myself.  I have usually applied a variation of test 1 - 3. I try not to return a gutter post or personal attack with the same. For persons that flame my fleet or myself on public forms I have been sending PMs or emails to these individuals to try to deal with the matter out of the public eye. I found this method is quicker and most people are not as defensive when dealing with the matter in private, it has the added bonus of preventing third parties from jumping into those types of debates with more flames. If either side can divert a thread that is turning sour and try a place a positive tone to it as opposed to add fuel to the flames perhaps they would die out quicker. (My main thinking re: ISC, FEDX and KEG in the past for FSD) I have also policed FSD to try and ensure we are not starting or fanning the flames.

While I disagree on your comment of "Some will paint it as "cultural" or "language" differences." ... I live in a mixed cultured/language community some things that seem ignorant to me are part of normal life for those that live here and vice versa for friends of mine that have visited places outside of their community, perhaps it gives merit to the expression "When in Rome".  I have gotten into many arguments with people over word selection as it means something other than what was intended by the speaker to the receiver. While manners and ethics should be reasonable understanding for most people there are those that need to be cultured to their society or situation. By no means do I accept or should we as a community allow ignorance.  I think how we responded to it is what needs to be looked at. 

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte