Before anyone blows a fuse over what I feel I must say, please read all of it, more than once if necessary, before replying. I am not flaming anyone(i hope) and dont mean disrespect either, just trying to point something out.
I remember not very long ago when I interrupted negociations between 2 fleets, with an apology included, I was told to BUTT OUT.
In the end, after a few messages, it was clear to me that one other fleet gets ticked off when people post messages within their negociations, and they made it clear that I was NOT to do such a thing etc...
After reading the above topic, and finding a post to a particular part of a negociation between that one particular fleet and another, there are posts once again from other people in it. Once again they want NO other person involved in the negociations other than them and the fleet they are to fly against. Here is the words said to this subject:
"This is a negotiations thread between ISC and KHH means all other people from other fleets should stay out.
I also gonna ignore from now on any of your attemps to be involve to your silly bickerings."Basically I have absolutely no problems with their request and fully understand it. However, a few days prior to this, in the same thread, this was posted:
"I dont think is a good idea a 2v2 .Besides 3v3 games always are more fun.
Oh well what about u guys take Dfly for this match if he wants ,he is more a Klig than a Bruce as i remember."Which, KHH reminded them of the problem within the rules, so such person replied:
"As about my offer for Dfly i was wrong and u r right."NOW, It seems that anyone else should not be allowed or permitted to interfere, type, leave messages, ect. within a section strictly devoted to negociations, yet they can drag a name of someone from a completely different fleet into their negociations(actually I dont mind the compliment of being mentioned but still). May I suggest if you dont want involvement from other fleets, try not to use names of other members and/or their fleets within your negociations. I did keep out of that one even if I was mentioned, because you did more than just request it. You also told me to post anything I wanted within it's own topic and you could reply there, so this is what I am doing.