Great looking fighter, MR. This project is looking really nice.

In case anyone isn't sure where to use the WYN models. You could use them for Camboro pirates. The history of the Camboros closely follows that of the WYN. Before anyone says it, I know that WYN ships don't use engine doubling in SFB. We just don't have a proper slot for them and the Camboro at least fit politically.
Of course, the other option is to combine them with the Mirak, as Taldren did. Politically though, they were mortal enemies of the Mirak/Kzinti until 2287, IIRC, when they fought a "civil war". After that the Mirak members of the WYN cluster rejoined the Hegemony. The other races that made up the WYN returned to the cluster, reallied themselves to the pirates that operated in the cluster, and returned to "business as usual".
Sorry to ramble. I realy like what you are doing with them, man.