Well, I must admit, I think I'm a fan of the new Doctor Who series. I've caught almost all the episodes now, and I'm quite liking it. And one of the things I spotted that is an enemy ship. I'm going to add some space so those that don't want spoilers as to who this enemy is can skip this thread.
All right, that should be good. The Daleks have returned in this series, and they're flying a new ship. I found a wallpaper of it, and got inspired to work on a mesh all of my own from it.. a rareity.
So this'll be, what... the second Who ship in SFC?
Around 1300 polies, so nice and fast for mass fleet invasions. (grin)
Anyways, have some WIP shots with the wallpaper as a backdrop so that you can compare them.. I think it's a good start...