
Topic: For those who dont know yet  (Read 3779 times)

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Offline KBF-Butcher

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For those who dont know yet
« on: April 25, 2005, 06:19:19 am »
There is an SFC repository here in the D.net  :thumbsup: accessed from the frontpage under "Downloads"
where we can share vggs  films ,files, utilities ....

Repository Upload


1st game vs KHH was a big reason why this type of league should run again in the future hopefully with more fleets and more organised setup...

Here is the film of the game  http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/Film_Room/   vgg all
« Last Edit: April 25, 2005, 06:40:33 am by [ISC]Butcher »

Offline iantheace

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Re: For those who dont know yet
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 08:18:54 am »
Aye game 1 was very good. plasma didnt do any damage in it, and we brought no PPD's which is the fun thing. Im in the CLZ, Butcher is in the CLGZ Toast in the Police ship. KHH took a D5L a D5K and some 62 point frig :P.

Game shows up on the FTP as

Game1 ISC(Ian_Butche..>

ISC flew full agressive. Dont think KHH were expecting it and were a little confused on what they should do :)

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: For those who dont know yet
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 10:35:06 am »
Good games ISC congrats on the win..

Game 1 was a very close game where there were several swings in the lead.. our 3rd ship was the FSR some cheap fast resupply ship -- with only 303 to spend we basically spent 133 for a d5l and then 112 to have a ship that would compliment it (D5K) didnt leave us much for the 3rd ship and so we baiscally just took one with enough shilds and speed to keep up with the two D5 hulls..

We figured out fairly well what your lead ship would be and tried to ensure plasma would not affect us by taking fast ships -- to that end our tactic worked -- however with your having plasma ready to fire at us we did have to keep running at high speed and you guys were able to get in on our rear shields with combined phaser fire far to often -- even in Ph 1 we were outgunned --

I have to admit outflown  as well -- ISC flew very tight and used combined phaser burst to do internals at will..

Vgg and very well flown..
Always next year or sliders summer league.

well we really didnt expect to have any hope in it -- our d5x just isnt up to snuff compared to the clx we thought you would take two clx -- even the one with the x ship that can fire PPD proved enough==
Our hope was to win game 1 -- we figured game 2 was a write off and game 3 might have proved very interesting to both teams if we had managed to get that far..

Good luck in the rest of the playoffs..


Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: For those who dont know yet
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2005, 04:32:55 am »

1st game vs KHH was a big reason why this type of league should run again in the future hopefully with more fleets and more organised setup...

Butcher is correct that was a fun game......
While the league is/has been fun.....some things take away from the fun.....like dealing with children trying to set up a match...here's an example


I won't be setting up matches for KHH in the future and will use the break this summer to re-evaluate my participation in this league.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: For those who dont know yet
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2005, 07:53:01 am »

1st game vs KHH was a big reason why this type of league should run again in the future hopefully with more fleets and more organised setup...

I got off work late, so I missed the 1st game, from what I heard on comms, it's sounds like it was an exceptional match - which is probably why we all still play this game, just to get another exceptional match in.  Sometimes it doesn't happen, sometimes the games we get to play aren't worthwhile (like the 2nd match...I could have lived without that one :P), but when we get those exceptional ones...it makes it worth it.

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: For those who dont know yet
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2005, 07:58:25 am »
While the league is/has been fun.....some things take away from the fun.....like dealing with children trying to set up a match...here's an example


I won't be setting up matches for KHH in the future and will use the break this summer to re-evaluate my participation in this league.

Ya know what?... From now on ill quit respond to these crap ...
...and Minime u really need a break man ,perhaps some days to a beautifull island with a girl...(im on my way there)

I guess the Topic served its purpose before it end up crap so locked it..

p.s Duck another +1 karma for u bud

