Topic: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition  (Read 5106 times)

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Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:10:02 pm »
 I have been think of this for sometime a change of Axis in the Alliance and Coalition.This wouls take place after STVI. UC.I would include the following.

     Alliance            Coalition                                      Alliance                Coalition

  Federation        Romulans                    Or             Federation              Romulans
  Klingons            Lyrans                                         Klingons                 Lyrans
  Gorn                Mirak                                           Gorn                      Hydran
  Hydran             ISC                                              Mirak                      ISC
  What would you all think of a server like this although I can't put is together?It is just an Idea.

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2005, 08:29:45 pm »
i think the alliance is trying to place virtually every player still playing ,on the alliance side,by having the feds and klinks on one team....maybe i am am just being paranoid   after all,they are the two most popular arces to be flown...i think feds and klinks should be on seperate sides......

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2005, 09:00:13 pm »
It's already been tried. The Klinks nearly all went Rom. This isn't so much a game as bloodsport between Feds and Klinks. This is Red Sox-Yankees, not Harvard-Yale.

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2005, 09:29:42 pm »
I dont remember a server with those alliances. Sounds like an interesting idea at the very least, but the second idea gives 3 drone races to one side; a bad idea in any land based battle.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2005, 11:23:51 pm »
I dont remember a server with those alliances. Sounds like an interesting idea at the very least . . .

Litterbox 5 and it nearly killed tha community, the end resulting in the largest group of Federation player leaving the game.

Let's not repeat that mistake.

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2005, 01:33:23 am »
DH once said "we're not friends...stop pretending"

I beg to least in the slightest respect...while we may not be friends.....we should be able to achieve the status of "honorable and worthy opponent"

There is an obvious this point ..trying to bridge it simply becomes a rehash of past greivences...

But that in and of itself need not be the death nell...

There are pilots who will allways fly klink..(such as myself)...and pilots who will allways fly Federation....or other races...

This need not be looked at as necessarily a bad thing....even though single empire loyalty is often looked down upon by those pilots who fly mulitple races (please no arguements...I've seen the statement enough to understand the sentiment....a single race pilot is somehow inferior and simply being so...adds to the conflict)

I disagree...

Having a core empire player base is actually adding to the longevity of the game.....for the simple fact that no matter what....there will be an opponent to play against...

Yes the flamage of imaturity has driven off players..on both sides...

The problem as I see it?

We have forgotten the warrior code of honor...the concept of honorable battle for the pure sake of battle itself...

Not for wins and losses....but love of the fight itself....

The concept that meeting your opponent on the field of battle somehow requires hatred at need's easy to's much harder to see your opponent as one of your own...fighting the good fight...for the sake of the fight itself...

We are a mixture of  all things human....the desire to play...the desire to win....the desire to play again...

DH and I agree on a great many things...and disagree on others.....such is life.....such is SFC..

But I would never want him to "not play" his absence as a worthy and dangerous opponent....would be a loss to the game...MY game in fact....

So while the reality is that these two great and dedicated factions shouldnt be paired ceratinly doesnt mean the other factions cant orbit around those two primary factions...

I dont want to see anyone leave the game for any reason.....I dont want to see my opponents OR my teamates throw in the towel....And I would rather loose every campaign...than see the game die...

We need to hold on to our opponents family...without live opponents...the game is strictly AI blasting...

But that also doesnt mean you can take traditional opponents and simply put them together and expect harmony...

I hope that mirror mirror will desolve many past greivences.....but I dont wish my opponent to be my purely my freind just for the sake of friendship either....

I give no quarter when none is asked.....and ask for none when none is offered....

This is a game yes...but this is also a wargame...

I desire to keep the "war' part off the forums and at the same time see the "war" be part in the game....I need my opponents to fight all try and crush my fight to the last ship and crew......I would do no less...

There is no reason that SFC lovers cant be friends in the forums....just as there is no reason to expect SFC lovers to NOT wish to win...on either side...

The mixture of interpersonal problems and wargaming problems dont really go hand in hand....there are some clear past greivences that keep catching the rest of us in it's grips...but as has been said....many of these grievances have little to do with present reality...and as such...they should be let go...

Whats lost on a lot of's quite permisible to offer harsh resistance or attack on the battle field...but at the end of the day still be respectful your fellow warriors...bound by honor and duty...even if it is only role play...

Dont let your empire down by being a complete ass....I dont like it when someone on MY team does it....and I dont like it when someone on the other team does it...

Is it so hard to grasp that we can  be honored opponents on the battle field....and at the same time...still be friends OFF the battle field?

Not for me....there are a great many alliance pilots that I look up to....I wont mention names for sake of embarassment...but it's those same pilots that keep me in the game...and keep me on my toes while in the game...

It's not the guys who "fly and cry"'s the guys who fly no matter what...these are the very same guys I wish to klingon role play form...the quiet...the determined...and deady...

These guys inhabit both camps...and they all deserve their due....

The game must go on...

In the end I can offer only this....

So long as there is one federation ship in space.....there will be one klingon ship that comes out to meet it... for the honor and glory of battle.....and I will be at it's helm.

Peace......till we next meet. ;)

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2005, 03:10:16 am »

 Well said Crim, and its somthing that desperetly needs to be done on BOTH SIDES let the past be the past let the war be on the server and let us all toast each other in the forams. let honor shine in both deed and thought and all will be well.

Offline KBF-Netman

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2005, 04:24:47 am »
Well said Crim...
You can be sure that there will always be one rom that will come out and meet the feds , the klinks and any other race, no matter the player count or the unbalance of the player numbers. I will go it alone if i have to. be sure that i will always play honorably and with respect. The only thing i will ever cry about is too lose respect for myself and the right to play a fair game, by resorting to dishonorable means of playing.. I will play the honorable, the dishonorable, the crybabies, the smartarses and the cheats, at the end of the campaign, i will have the satisfaction of knowing, no matter the outcome, that i gave it my best shot.
So bring ot on people, this rom is thirsty to test your resolve, integrity and your ability to endure to persevere. :)

Those that know me , know the value of my words

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2005, 07:58:59 am »

I hope that mirror mirror will desolve many past greivences.....but I dont wish my opponent to be my purely my freind just for the sake of friendship either....

This will solve nothing, there is too much bad-blood that never will be surpassed now matter how many "I have a Dream" speaches are posted.

You don't cure a cancer with sweet talk, you cure it by removing the tumor.
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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2005, 09:13:15 am »
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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2005, 09:52:37 am »

I hope that mirror mirror will desolve many past greivences.....but I dont wish my opponent to be my purely my freind just for the sake of friendship either....

This will solve nothing, there is too much bad-blood that never will be surpassed now matter how many "I have a Dream" speaches are posted.

You don't cure a cancer with sweet talk, you cure it by removing the tumor.

You know, I learned something from the "debacle" of LB5, perhaps it was just me being SAC over the assorted pilots or whatever caused me to notice this, so I'll share it with all of you...

While there was "great friction" between the Fed fleets and Klink fleets, and a lot of "I will not fly with insert Fed / Klink here  insert derogatory comment here" commentary, and a lot of "ship jumping" where numerous Feds wouldn't fly under their Fed fleet tag (and Fed race for that matter) cause they were "Allied with the Klinks", and numerous Klinks forsake their fleet tag and race cause they were "allied with the Feds", this led to an, interesting situation.

Many of these defectors wound up on the "Coalition", flying Mirak, Rommie, whatever.  Not once did I have to settle a "I'm normally a insert Fed / Klink here, and I cannot stand winging with someone from insert "opposing" fleet tag here" disputes.  Every Klink and Fed that jumped ship got along perfectly well, being exemplary teammates.  Many times, especially in the first week before I became the "Official SAC", normal Alliance people followed the orders of Klingons like Krueg, and Coalition officers followed the orders of fine officers like Die Hard.

Is it just me, or are we at the point where the Fleet Tags themselves are coming between the players?  Cause my perusal of the now open Alliance forum from LB5 shown me that the same thing happened on the other team, the people who stayed loyal to their races got along just as well and worked together much like the "Coalition" did, what killed them was they didn't have the usual leadership / "strong pimp hand with loyal ho's" the "Coalition" did, to use a DH-ism...

Perhaps a series of neutral servers, where there is no Fed / Klink involvement (and therefore no Fed / Klink rivalry), much like the planned Civil War series, could be a useful place to highlight this tendency and show, once and for all, that at heart we are truly a community, which is putting up artificial barriers that, like all barriers, will eventually lead to segregation and the destruction of the community.


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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2005, 10:20:50 am »
That's what I'm hoping, although with Age's alliances above I don't think those exact matches would work.
Really though, I'm concerned that in our smaller community today , the problem isn't fleet or racial
It's a bunch of people holding personal grudges.
I'm also concerend that the idea of actually winning or actually" giving the other guy a VC" is cause for way to much concern
Mirror would have had a planet worth about 40, placing a SB worth about 50 , placing a tiny Basestation worth about 10-15 yet
some people insist that making a single ship worth 1 VP will cause people not to risk it.
Personally I think J'inn had the right attitude on SGO4 when he said he was going out to have fun, if he gave up a VP he didn't care as long as he had a fun tme doing it.
Too many people have been conditioned recently (imho) to win at all costs or been made to feel they cost their side the game if they surrendered VP's. I had hoped that Mirror would avoid this by removing the traditional sides- as one can see though it didn't.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2005, 10:29:08 am »

Perhaps a series of neutral servers, where there is no Fed / Klink involvement (and therefore no Fed / Klink rivalry), much like the planned Civil War series, could be a useful place to highlight this tendency and show, once and for all, that at heart we are truly a community, which is putting up artificial barriers that, like all barriers, will eventually lead to segregation and the destruction of the community.


This absolutely used to be the case, anyone remember the old Fed CiC?   OMG, internal Federation politics was WORSE than what we have here.  I do not believe this is the case anymore.

A server with no Feds or Klinks could be fun.

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2005, 10:35:06 am »

It's a bunch of people holding personal grudges.

Partialy right, its a bunch of people holding grudges against people who don't play the game anymore.

Too many people have been conditioned recently (imho) to win at all costs or been made to feel they cost their side the game if they surrendered VP's. I had hoped that Mirror would avoid this by removing the traditional sides- as one can see though it didn't.

Recent server rules have perpetualted this.   it is that simple, you can't blaim people for wanting to win, you cannot blaim people for doing their best to score points and win as per the server rules.

This is why, as admins, we need to change the rules to discourage this.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2005, 10:45:06 am »
A server with no Feds or Klinks could be fun.

Lyran vs Mirak war.

Disruptor FRAX vs Photon FRAX.  (lots of work required)

Hydran vs Gorn.
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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2005, 10:47:10 am »
A server with no Feds or Klinks could be fun.

Lyran vs Mirak war.

Disruptor FRAX vs Photon FRAX.  (lots of work required)

Hydran vs Gorn.

Frax!!!       :rofl:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2005, 10:55:48 am »
The fleet tag to the left here definetly wont get in the way of fun on the game.  We play for the fun of the game, no matter who we are playing with.

It's pretty just log in and have fun with the people on your side.

Crim, how many Coailtion did you see at my place last year when Mog was visiting?  There was KBF-WarSears, KBF-Crim, Mog (Formerly KBF I believe), and Maverick (Also, formerly KBF).  Then there was Myself, and C-Los  (1AF).   No ill wills there at all.  Mog and I got to be friends by talking on MSN a lot.  Sure is a good way of getting to know people.   I suggest, if you don't know anyone from "the other side", maybe you should get a messeger address, and talk to someone.   You'll be amazed at how much you have in common.   Hell, even Doggy and I did that when we were both RM's for the Feds and Klingons.  Sure brought down a lot of walls of misunderstanding.

I know nowadays, that I am pretty insignificant as a community "leader", but I had always left the door open for Dog's sucessors to come get to know some Feds, but it never really happened.   It's my fault for that though......

Anyway, I'm just rambling, but there really needs to be open minds, and ways of communicating on and off the game so that people can break down some walls, and get to having fun...

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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2005, 10:57:23 am »
Frax!!!       :rofl:

It might make for a decent fun server as a novelty.  You might even find that people like FRAX.  It is something different.  They do fly in a different style than the standard ships being optimized for broadsides. 

I think that you would agree that FRAX are definitely not cheese ships.  They would need some work to flesh out to a full array of ships, but once done for one side modifying for the other would be simple.
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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2005, 11:09:30 am »
I's like to see some different servers around. Particularly some of the ones not involving that horrid plasma..
Only problem is that (imho) some of them are kinda unbalanced against each other.
I'd love to do a Lyran / Kzin war. But I'm concerned that the Lyran ships will dominate PVP
Although a short early era would be fun.
(except for me- yes I know) and the Mirak will hex flip all over the place.
Klingon-Lyran would be cool, as I think would Kzin /Fed
Lyran/fed would be super.
I'm actually worse fighting hydrans than Kzin so I'll leave that one out..
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Re: Axis change server Alliance /Coalition
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2005, 11:23:04 am »
I's like to see some different servers around. Particularly some of the ones not involving that horrid plasma..
Only problem is that (imho) some of them are kinda unbalanced against each other.
I'd love to do a Lyran / Kzin war. But I'm concerned that the Lyran ships will dominate PVP
Although a short early era would be fun.
(except for me- yes I know) and the Mirak will hex flip all over the place.
Klingon-Lyran would be cool, as I think would Kzin /Fed
Lyran/fed would be super.
I'm actually worse fighting hydrans than Kzin so I'll leave that one out..

I think that the major problem with Lyran vs [anyone] is that Lyran are not a popular race.  Too difficult for many to master.  Feds or Klingons would just crush them with sheer numbers. 

Lyran vs Mirak would be closer.  The Mirak hexx flipping abiliies and the Lyran lack of a real base assault abiltiy would likely be a bit of a blowout against the Lyran.

In any of these 3 combos I would play Lyran.  They would need every pilot they could get and I really do like the Lyran vessels.
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Seti Team    Free Software
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