DH once said "we're not friends...stop pretending"
I beg to differ..at least in the slightest respect...while we may not be friends.....we should be able to achieve the status of "honorable and worthy opponent"
There is an obvious divide...at this point ..trying to bridge it simply becomes a rehash of past greivences...
But that in and of itself need not be the death nell...
There are pilots who will allways fly klink..(such as myself)...and pilots who will allways fly Federation....or other races...
This need not be looked at as necessarily a bad thing....even though single empire loyalty is often looked down upon by those pilots who fly mulitple races (please no arguements...I've seen the statement enough to understand the sentiment....a single race pilot is somehow inferior and simply being so...adds to the conflict)
I disagree...
Having a core empire player base is actually adding to the longevity of the game.....for the simple fact that no matter what....there will be an opponent to play against...
Yes the flamage of imaturity has driven off players..on both sides...
The problem as I see it?
We have forgotten the warrior code of honor...the concept of honorable battle for the pure sake of battle itself...
Not for wins and losses....but love of the fight itself....
The concept that meeting your opponent on the field of battle somehow requires hatred at all...it need not...it's easy to hate....it's much harder to see your opponent as one of your own...fighting the good fight...for the sake of the fight itself...
We are a mixture of all things human....the desire to play...the desire to win....the desire to play again...
DH and I agree on a great many things...and disagree on others.....such is life.....such is SFC..
But I would never want him to "not play".....as his absence as a worthy and dangerous opponent....would be a loss to the game...
MY game in fact....
So while the reality is that these two great and dedicated factions shouldnt be paired up...it ceratinly doesnt mean the other factions cant orbit around those two primary factions...
I dont want to see anyone leave the game for any reason.....I dont want to see my opponents OR my teamates throw in the towel....And I would rather loose every campaign...than see the game die...
We need to hold on to our opponents dearly...like family...without live opponents...the game is strictly AI blasting...
But that also doesnt mean you can take traditional opponents and simply put them together and expect harmony...
I hope that mirror mirror will desolve many past greivences.....but I dont wish my opponent to be my purely my freind just for the sake of friendship either....
I give no quarter when none is asked.....and ask for none when none is offered....
This is a game yes...but this is also a
I desire to keep the "war' part off the forums and at the same time see the "war" be part in the game....I want...no...I
need my opponents to fight all out...to try and crush my empire....to fight to the last ship and crew......I would do no less...
There is no reason that SFC lovers cant be friends in the forums....just as there is no reason to expect SFC lovers to NOT wish to win...on either side...
The mixture of interpersonal problems and wargaming problems dont really go hand in hand....there are some clear past greivences that keep catching the rest of us in it's grips...but as has been said....many of these grievances have little to do with present reality...and as such...they should be let go...
Whats lost on a lot of people..is....it's quite permisible to offer harsh resistance or attack on the battle field...but at the end of the day still be respectful your fellow warriors...bound by honor and duty...even if it is only role play...
Dont let your empire down by being a complete ass....I dont like it when someone on MY team does it....and I dont like it when someone on the other team does it...
Is it so hard to grasp that we can be honored opponents on the battle field....and at the same time...still be friends OFF the battle field?
Not for me....there are a great many alliance pilots that I look up to....I wont mention names for sake of embarassment...but it's those same pilots that keep me in the game...and keep me on my toes while in the game...
It's not the guys who "fly and cry"...it's the guys who fly no matter what...these are the very same guys I wish to be...in klingon role play form...the quiet...the determined...and deady...
These guys inhabit both camps...and they all deserve their due....
The game
must go on...
In the end I can offer only this....
So long as there is one federation ship in space.....there will be one klingon ship that comes out to meet it... for the honor and glory of battle.....and I will be at it's helm.
Peace......till we next meet.