Topic: Things Canadians are proud of...  (Read 12436 times)

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Offline TraumaTech

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Things Canadians are proud of...
« on: April 23, 2005, 05:27:32 pm »
Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!

Things Canadians are proud of...


Crispy Crunch.

Coffee Crisp.

The footballs and fields are bigger, and we have one less Down.

Lacrosse is Canadian.

Hockey is Canadian.

Basketball is Canadian.

The biggest flags ever seen/flown at any Olympics were Canadian... The second time it was smuggled in because they made a rule against it cause of the first time.

Mr. Dress-up can kick Mr. Rogers ass.

Much Music kicks MTV's ass.

Maple syrup kicks Mrs. Butterworths ass (...don't know about Aunt Jemima though).

Tim Horton's kicks Dunkin Donuts ass.

Waaaay better beer commercials/contests and beer company give a ways. Example: the Molson Canadian House Party...where you get to keep the house. Trashed or not.

In the war of 1812, we pushed the Americans so far back... passed their 'White House', burned it...and most of Washington. We got bored because they ran away so we came home and partied. Go figure.

Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany.

The largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war.

The Canadian Civil War was a bar fight that lasted a little over an hour.

We don't marry our kin-folk.

We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, the long distance and short wave radios that save countless lives each year.

Oh yeah...and the handles on beer cases big enough to fit your hands with mitts on.

We've ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal and lived to tell about it.

We can out drink Americans in a heart beat!!

Our elections take only one day.

Offline Farfarer

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2005, 05:54:29 pm »
If you are bored, design a server hehe. :)


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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2005, 06:01:15 pm »
Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!

Things Canadians are proud of...

*well, you asked for it, eh*

Re-electing the Liberal Party over and over again so that rampant corruption and kickbacks can take place with Ad firms in Quebec.  J'inn would be so proud.

*don't think everyone in the US don't know about the most corrupt gov't. in Canadian history that Canadians are eager to re-elect over and over again*

Have a good day in Canada where the Liberal party considers your tax money to be their money, eh?!

For sure, eh?!


Just follow stinking smell.

In his testimony, ad executive Jean Brault took the sponsorship inquiry on a dark journey of alleged political corruption, the likes of which Canadians have never seen.


Now, you can go design a D2 dyna campaign. Just don't involve any Liberal party brown nosing Ad firms, OK?

Offline IndyShark

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2005, 06:08:51 pm »
I love real Canadian beer from Canada (why do we get the imported junk?) and the Windsor Ballet!

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2005, 06:59:12 pm »
 What does all this have to do with D2 ?Oh I can hear Likkerpig now.

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2005, 08:35:41 pm »
Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!

Things Canadians are proud of...

*well, you asked for it, eh*

Re-electing the Liberal Party over and over again so that rampant corruption and kickbacks can take place with Ad firms in Quebec.  J'inn would be so proud.

*don't think everyone in the US don't know about the most corrupt gov't. in Canadian history that Canadians are eager to re-elect over and over again*

Have a good day in Canada where the Liberal party considers your tax money to be their money, eh?!

For sure, eh?!


Just follow stinking smell.

In his testimony, ad executive Jean Brault took the sponsorship inquiry on a dark journey of alleged political corruption, the likes of which Canadians have never seen.


Now, you can go design a D2 dyna campaign. Just don't involve any Liberal party brown nosing Ad firms, OK?

I'm not particularly intelligent, open-minded, or generally well-liked.

I don't live in a clean place, I don't eat nutritiously very often, and I don't drive well.

I don't know Shakespeare, Da Vinci or Gutenberg.

Although I'm certain they weren't American.

I drink beer.....not good beer. I don't use utensils when eating.

I believe in guns for settling disputes, not discussions.

And I pronounce it AIN'T, not AREN'T.

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack

...until I go anywhere, and what's the point in doing that.

Burger King IS fine dining. Cracker Jack IS a vegetable and WWF wrestling is real.

The UNITED STATES is the ONLY country in the world,

The FIRST nation of ignorance, and the BEST part of South America!

My name is Johnny Bob Jimmy Joe Ray...


Offline likkerpig

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2005, 08:37:46 pm »
What does all this have to do with D2 ?Oh I can hear Likkerpig now.

 I keep my Lie-beral bashing to the hot and spicy. Yankee bashing now, well that is a cross-forum multi-cultural thing....

Just kidding, I love you Yankee's like the mentally challanged little brother I never had!
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2005, 08:39:26 pm »
The footballs and fields are bigger, and we have one less Down.

-True, but then again, you get all the cast-off American college players and the NFL cherry-picks the good ones.

Hockey is Canadian.

-Yes it is, and thank goodness.

Mr. Dress-up can kick Mr. Rogers ass.

-Doubtful, considering Mr. Rogers was an ex-Navy Seal with 24 confirmed kills.

Maple syrup kicks Mrs. Butterworths ass...

Ok, can't argue there.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2005, 11:35:51 pm »
Sorry Canucks, none of that makes up for Hexx  ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2005, 12:30:14 am »

Hockey is Canadian.

-Yes it is, and thank goodness.

Mr. Dress-up can kick Mr. Rogers ass.

-Doubtful, considering Mr. Rogers was an ex-Navy Seal with 24 confirmed kills.


   seal smeal        Mr Dress Up played hockey with  1353 lifetime penalty's for slashing     :)

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2005, 01:53:43 am »
TT...while I appreciate your nationalism with the utmost respect...such posts are really off topic to this specific forum...

I mean no disrespect when I ask that such off topic posts be placed in the appropriate forums in the future...

While I clearly understand the desire to connect with fellow SFC players on social issues...this forum is not necessarily the correct place to do so...a lot of game specific information flows on this forum...and it should be as uncluttered as possible.....for gamers needs...

A posted thread in the appropriate forum and a posted link from this one would be the desired procedure...and thus...people would respond where the thread was posted...

I certainly dont mean to "get all moderator" on your butt......but the goal for these forums is to be self such...the above is a simple request for forum synconicity...not a directive.


PS...we keep a case of hockey pucks at each canadian border station in case of canadian invasion...the theory is to throw the pucks out and distract the troops  ;D

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2005, 02:43:30 am »
Wooohoooo.   Those rowdy Canucks!!

What I'm really impressed by is their navy!!   :o

Oh yeah, AIN'T is actually slang for IS NOT.   (couldn't resist)

"The world without grits for breakfast would just not be a world worth living in...."

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Offline Nemesis

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2005, 07:33:41 am »
Mr. Dress-up can kick Mr. Rogers ass.

Ernie Coombs was born in Lewiston, Maine on November 26, 1927. He studied commercial art but an interest in theatre led to painting scenary. In the earlier part of his career, he worked with Pittsburgh Miniature Theatre, a touring children's theatre, and at WQED-TV. In 1963, he met Fred Rogers and came with Fred to Canada to work as a puppeteer on Mr Rogers. When Rogers returned to the United States the following year, Coombs hosted Butternut Square where he played the popular Mr. Dressup. In 1967, the CBC decided to give Mr. Dressup his own show which was a hit with children, airing every weekday morning for the next 30 years. Coombs became a Canadian citizen in 1994. He received the Earle Grey Award for excellence in TV in 1994, a Gemini award for best performance in a children's program, and the Order of Canada in 1996. Coombs retired from Mr. Dressup in 1996 where afterwards he performed charity work, appeared in theatrical productions for children and made personal appearances around the country for all his fans, young and old.

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2005, 11:29:08 am »
Wooohoooo.   Those rowdy Canucks!!

What I'm really impressed by is their navy!!   :o

Oh yeah, AIN'T is actually slang for IS NOT.   (couldn't resist)

"The world without grits for breakfast would just not be a world worth living in...."


Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2005, 11:41:46 am »
Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!

Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany.

Only for lack of opportunity     ;D

We can out drink Americans in a heart beat!!

Bring it on!   :drink:   ;D

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2005, 11:49:41 am »
Wooohoooo.   Those rowdy Canucks!!

What I'm really impressed by is their navy!!   :o

Oh yeah, AIN'T is actually slang for IS NOT.   (couldn't resist)

"The world without grits for breakfast would just not be a world worth living in...."


Be nice now. It works much better than those subs we bought from the Brits.
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Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2005, 02:08:11 pm »
Let's see

Montreal . . . .

Home of beautiful women who really enjoy their debauchery.


Coruption and graft are A-OKAY!

<packs bags>

Wait a minute . . .  I won't have to drive a Renault will I???  <shudder>

And one question . . . Was Mr. Rogers really a Navy Seal??   :o

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2005, 02:14:29 pm »
James Naismith was the Canadian physical education instructor who invented basketball in 1891. James Naismith  was born in Almonte, Ontario and educated at McGill University and Presbyterian Cllege in Montreal. He was the physical education teacher at McGill University (1887 to 1890) and at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts (1890 to 1895). At Springfield College (which was then the Y.M.C.A. training school), James Naismith, under the direction of American phys-ed specialist Luther Halsey Gulick, invented the indoor sport of basketball.

TraumaTech.. get your facts streight.. Yes the inventor was Canadian, but he had to get US Visa and help from a US University in Massachusettes, and help from an American PE Specialist in order to create it.. as such, the sport is American in origin.

"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2005, 02:39:52 pm »
Basketbal schmasketball!!

I want to know the relative thong-to-babe ratio in Montreal vs. Washington.

The the results of any relative thong removal transaction costs study would be helpful as well.

Thank you.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2005, 03:05:02 pm »
Basketbal schmasketball!!

I want to know the relative thong-to-babe ratio in Montreal vs. Washington.

The the results of any relative thong removal transaction costs study would be helpful as well.

Thank you.

Why worry about Montreal J'inn, remember the states has South Beach   ;D

Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2005, 03:20:29 pm »

I love South Beach but there are two problems:

1)   The cost of doing business is Very High

2)   Sometimes you get surprised.   Damn cross dressers. 

Offline Hexx

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2005, 03:35:59 pm »
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Montreal is far better for entertainment purposes than South Beach
Walking down a Street? I'll give you SB, Nightlife? Montreal all the way.
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2005, 03:46:36 pm »

And one question . . . Was Mr. Rogers really a Navy Seal??   :o

Mr Rogers was NOT a navy seal.  :D


This same rumor has often been applied to boyish country singer-songwriter John Denver (among others), and it's just as false when told of Fred Rogers. Not only did Fred Rogers never serve in the military, there are no gaps in his career when he could conceivably have served in the military — he went straight into college after high school, he moved directly into TV work after graduating college, and his breaks from television work were devoted to attending the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1963) and the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Child Development. Moreover, Fred Rogers was born in 1928 and was therefore too old to have enlisted in the armed services by the time of America's military involvement in Vietnam.
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Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2005, 03:49:28 pm »
Basketbal schmasketball!!

I want to know the relative thong-to-babe ratio in Montreal vs. Washington.

The the results of any relative thong removal transaction costs study would be helpful as well.

Thank you.

Canadian dollar only worth 80 cents U.S. right now. Remove away.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2005, 03:57:41 pm »

I love South Beach but there are two problems:

1)   The cost of doing business is Very High

2)   Sometimes you get surprised.   Damn cross dressers. 

Try New Orleans then, cost of doing business is computed in beads   ;D

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2005, 04:18:31 pm »
             Bring it on!   Drink   Grin

Our Beer is much stronger than your beer especaily high test.Woooo. ;D

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2005, 04:24:29 pm »

I love South Beach but there are two problems:

1)   The cost of doing business is Very High

2)   Sometimes you get surprised.   Damn cross dressers. many times did you get fooled J'inn??  smirks smirks

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2005, 04:25:42 pm »
Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!

Things Canadians are proud of...

Women can legally walk down the street topless.  (At least in Ontario)
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2005, 04:28:01 pm »

And one question . . . Was Mr. Rogers really a Navy Seal??   :o

Mr Rogers was NOT a navy seal.  :D


This same rumor has often been applied to boyish country singer-songwriter John Denver (among others), and it's just as false when told of Fred Rogers. Not only did Fred Rogers never serve in the military, there are no gaps in his career when he could conceivably have served in the military — he went straight into college after high school, he moved directly into TV work after graduating college, and his breaks from television work were devoted to attending the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1963) and the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Child Development. Moreover, Fred Rogers was born in 1928 and was therefore too old to have enlisted in the armed services by the time of America's military involvement in Vietnam.

I've heard of that before, and it is not true.  Biggest thing is, a lot of people got Mr. Rogers and Captain Kangaroo confused.  The Captain wasn't a SEAL, but he was a war vet in WWII.

Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!

Things Canadians are proud of...

Women can legally walk down the street topless. (At least in Ontario)

There are people that shouldn't be allowed to do that, either.

NPR is a lot like NASCAR.  Two hundred miles an hour in a circle, and you end up right back where you started with nothing but lost time for the effort.

Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2005, 04:29:07 pm »

Sometimes the advancement of science is a bad thing.    Damn plastic surgery has gotten far too good IMHO!! 

They could make Rosanne Barr look like Eva Longoria (sp??).  Well . . . okay you'd have to add in a few Mohitos to make the transformation complete but I REALLY LIKE MOHITOS!!!


Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2005, 04:42:56 pm »
James Naismith was the Canadian physical education instructor who invented basketball in 1891. James Naismith  was born in Almonte, Ontario and educated at McGill University and Presbyterian Cllege in Montreal. He was the physical education teacher at McGill University (1887 to 1890) and at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts (1890 to 1895). At Springfield College (which was then the Y.M.C.A. training school), James Naismith, under the direction of American phys-ed specialist Luther Halsey Gulick, invented the indoor sport of basketball.

TraumaTech.. get your facts streight.. Yes the inventor was Canadian, but he had to get US Visa and help from a US University in Massachusettes, and help from an American PE Specialist in order to create it.. as such, the sport is American in origin.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who was Dr J.?
A: Dr. James Naismith is regarded as the inventor of the game of basketball.

Q: Where was Dr. James Naismith Born?
A: James Naismith was born on a farm near Almonte, Ontario.

Q: What were the great accomplishments in his life, in regards to sport?
A: James Naismith had the great vision to introduce 2 objects in his life. In 1891 he introduced the game of basketball as a winter indoor sport in Springfield, Mass. And in 1894, he introduced the football helmet for American Football.

Q: When was the first game of basketball played?
A: The 1st game of basketball was played on December 21st, 1891, after spending 2 weeks preparing the rules and objectives as an assignment.

Q: Why was basketball invented?
A: Basketball was an assignment by his mentor, Luther H. Gulick to interest the incorrigibles. He was asked to come up with an indoor game free of rough play for the football and lacrosse players who were restless during the winter.

Q: Where was basketball invented?
A: He invented the game at the YMCA in Springfield, Mass.

Q: What was the first ball?
A: The original object used in the 1st game was a soccer ball.

Q: What was the first basket?
A: After his initial request for 2 small square boxes, the custodian could only come up with 2 peach baskets, which lead to the naming of the game.

   i think my facts are u can see,it was played in springfield mass. but it was by created by  a Canadian  :)

here's the link for those questions and a bunch of other un-important questions

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2005, 06:07:46 pm »
I may not be a Canadian, but you guys forgot one more thing you guys should be proud of (in my opinion):


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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2005, 06:26:02 pm »
Capt Kirk is canadian (Montrealer)
Spock is a yankee (born same year as shatner just too far south)
McCoy is a good ol boy (atlanta born 11 years earlier, well at least he aint a yankee)

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2005, 06:32:50 pm »
             Bring it on!   Drink   Grin

Our Beer is much stronger than your beer especaily high test.Woooo. ;D

I like Dogfishhead beers from Delaware  21% and 18% ABV on these two

Any canadian beers that are comparable?  If so I'd love to try them, if not go and drink your Poofta brews  ;D

Oh and don't forget to listen to your Leonard Cohen songs   :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Hexx

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2005, 06:41:52 pm »
Actually there are (or were ) a few in Ontario from the local Microbreweries and one or two in Quebec.
I'll se if I can find the names for you- One of the Unfortunate trends in recent years is theat all the
"big" brewing companies have been buying up the microbreweries left,right and center.
Hopefully they still exist..
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2005, 06:47:36 pm »
Actually there are (or were ) a few in Ontario from the local Microbreweries and one or two in Quebec.
I'll se if I can find the names for you- One of the Unfortunate trends in recent years is theat all the
"big" brewing companies have been buying up the microbreweries left,right and center.
Hopefully they still exist..

You claim to be Canadian and you don't know?   ;D

Offline Hexx

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2005, 06:52:28 pm »
Actually there are (or were ) a few in Ontario from the local Microbreweries and one or two in Quebec.
I'll se if I can find the names for you- One of the Unfortunate trends in recent years is theat all the
"big" brewing companies have been buying up the microbreweries left,right and center.
Hopefully they still exist..

You claim to be Canadian and you don't know?   ;D
I'm Older.. I have no life...
I've moved to NS, and been to busy (geez that sounds pathetic) to get out and party down here
to find out what the local mircobrews are. (so now that i have free time to run a server why am I again?)

I'm quite sure by the time you and DH finish hammering me over Mirror2 I'll have discovered
everything there is to know about the local alcohol situation  :P
(I'll be sure to lay in  stock before I even begin to discuss KCW)
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2005, 07:10:08 pm »

Well I like most of your setup (providing no x-ships), but I can't say I agree with a scheme that makes a player worth more VCs if he gets more kills, kinda seems like punishing sucess.  If you beat the top guys that is reward enough in itself I think, no need to put a VC bonus on them that might make em fly diferently than normal, I know I wouldn't want to finally beat Die Hard but only because he was flying too cautiously.  We both put our ships on the map let the rewards be the same. 

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2005, 07:28:05 pm »
Capt Kirk is canadian (Montrealer)
Spock is a yankee (born same year as shatner just too far south)
McCoy is a good ol boy (atlanta born 11 years earlier, well at least he aint a yankee)

What about James Doohan?Yes our microbrews have some powerful punch to them although I can't testify to this as I don't drink but other I know have told me what they are like.

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2005, 07:57:26 pm »

Well I like most of your setup (providing no x-ships), but I can't say I agree with a scheme that makes a player worth more VCs if he gets more kills, kinda seems like punishing sucess.  If you beat the top guys that is reward enough in itself I think, no need to put a VC bonus on them that might make em fly diferently than normal, I know I wouldn't want to finally beat Die Hard but only because he was flying too cautiously.  We both put our ships on the map let the rewards be the same. 

Not in the system anymore, Ill work on refining it for KCW
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2005, 10:33:15 pm »
Capt Kirk is canadian (Montrealer)
Spock is a yankee (born same year as shatner just too far south)
McCoy is a good ol boy (atlanta born 11 years earlier, well at least he aint a yankee)

While William Shatner may be Canadian...Kirk was supposed to be from Iowa...I forget which town now, but saw some TV show where they even have a big sign on the city limits saying "Future Home of James T. Kirk"
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2005, 11:36:20 am »
Coolest Federation Officer Ever-  Eddington
Where were his ancestors from?

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2005, 01:00:38 pm »
Coolest Federation Officer Ever-  Eddington
Where were his ancestors from?


Unfortunately, he was fried by the Jem'Hadar.

It brings new meaning to the term: "Canadian Bacon". ;D :P

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2005, 01:36:02 pm »
Coolest Federation Officer Ever-  Eddington
Where were his ancestors from?


Unfortunately, he was fried by the Jem'Hadar.

It brings new meaning to the term: "Canadian Bacon". ;D :P

         actually as i recalled,he exemplified what being a Canadian is all about.He sacrificed himself so that others may live


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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2005, 01:40:05 pm »
Coolest Federation Officer Ever-  Eddington
Where were his ancestors from?


Unfortunately, he was fried by the Jem'Hadar.

It brings new meaning to the term: "Canadian Bacon". ;D :P

         actually as i recalled,he exemplified what being a Canadian is all about.He sacrificed himself so that others may live

Details, details. :P

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2005, 01:55:13 pm »
Coolest Federation Officer Ever-  Eddington

I always thought you prefered Nog.   Nice to have someone you can look in the eye  ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #46 on: April 25, 2005, 02:08:21 pm »
Coolest Federation Officer Ever-  Eddington
Where were his ancestors from?


Unfortunately, he was fried by the Jem'Hadar.

It brings new meaning to the term: "Canadian Bacon". ;D :P

         actually as i recalled,he exemplified what being a Canadian is all about.He sacrificed himself so that others may live

Details, details. :P
Yes from a person who hails originally from the North of the 49th.We could use some nice missions el Karnak especially planetary and home world assualt as I was reading about Islandwars.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2005, 03:35:29 pm by Age »

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #47 on: April 25, 2005, 02:42:09 pm »
ROFL we have anything to be proud of?? Thought we sold all our pride to help pay for the last Liberal election campaign.... 

Ok how to start a flame war in 2 easy steps

Things for Canadians to be proud of ..

1) Battle of Quebec 1759   -- time to help the yanks out with this one-- Wolfe defeats Montcalm -- leads to the treaty of Paris 1763-- and France  has now lost control of the new world--

2) Umm christ don't hang me for this one .... Tricking the American gov't into spending their tax dollars on Canadian National Defence.

(hey I didnt say I meant the above two -- reasons)

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2005, 02:43:38 pm »
Coolest Federation Officer Ever-  Eddington
Where were his ancestors from?


Unfortunately, he was fried by the Jem'Hadar.

It brings new meaning to the term: "Canadian Bacon". ;D :P

         actually as i recalled,he exemplified what being a Canadian is all about.He sacrificed himself so that others may live

Plus he was alot smarter than the "American Ancestored" Starfleet Officers and made them all look like p00pheads numeorus times.
And he had a lucky loonie.
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #49 on: April 25, 2005, 09:46:42 pm »
True story ... eh ...

The US is currently in the process of purchasing 130+ new helicopters to replace some of the older ones we have.  The competition is basically between the US company Sikorsky and the AugustaWestland EH101 (renamed US101 after Lockheed and Bell joined in to give it a bit more US flavor ... and political backing).

So anyway I'm at a conference where Augusta brought in an EH101 from the CDF to demonstrate the aircraft's capabilities and discuss the airframe.  Part of the demo was a Q&A session with a CDF pilot who had more time in the 101 than any other pilot (don't know if that is true or not, but the guy did have a couple thousand+ in the airframe, so close enough for me).  The EH101 is a very good aircraft, so we were looking forward to talking with the pilot and learning more about the aircraft.

Now, keep in mind, if this had been a Sikorsky sales pitch (and lets face it, we all knew this basically was a sales pitch), they would have brought in one of their 6-digit a year test pilots who knows how to spew the party line.  Unfortunately for Augusta ... they brought in a CDF pilot who really didn't have a dog in the fight.

So the Q&A starts and one of the first questions asked is "What's the top speed?" (pretty basic softball stuff here I figure).

The CDF guy responds (I paraphrase) "Well they say 170-som'thin, but if you go above 145, it shakes like a banshee."  Chuckling a little, we all steal a glimpse at the Augusta rep as he is starting to squirm a bit.

Next question ... "What's the advantage behind the three engine design?" (again, imho, a softball question).

Realizing his last response drew a rather positive reaction from his listening audience, our CDF 'sales rep' announces ... "Outside of eating up more gas, not much."

Serious laughter did ensue.

About then, the Augusta guy had had enough and started to provide most of the answers and the session became rather dull.

Needless to say ... the CDF pilot didn't have to buy any drinks at the bar that night.  We thought he was great.

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2005, 05:09:18 pm »
Do unto others as Frey has done unto you.
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2005, 07:03:57 pm »
Hey TT....While America might not have invented ice hockey...we sure as heck bought your Stanley Cup....not that it's doing us much good this season...damn player union

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2005, 05:47:54 am »
Hey TT....While America might not have invented ice hockey...we sure as heck bought your Stanley Cup....not that it's doing us much good this season...damn player union

Here! Here!  :goodpost:  can not believe my last year ashore for a while and the greedy hockey people ruin hockey, I could even have tolerated the Flyers winning the cup if it meant we had playoffs ;D I guess the Leaf fans can now claim they had a perfect season  :P
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2005, 06:29:27 am »
Hey TT....While America might not have invented ice hockey...we sure as heck bought your Stanley Cup....not that it's doing us much good this season...damn player union

...and damn stupid owners! It takes two to tango.
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2005, 01:23:49 pm »
Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!

Things Canadians are proud of...

Women can legally walk down the street topless.  (At least in Ontario)

And it's always slightly cold outside.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #55 on: April 29, 2005, 01:25:52 pm »
Scip where do u live?
Toronto here

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #56 on: April 29, 2005, 01:29:10 pm »
Scip where do u live?
Toronto here

I live in the Washington DC area.  I've never been to Ontario.  I was just dreaming of the bare...  <ahem>... I mean, I was just speculating.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #57 on: April 29, 2005, 04:40:35 pm »
Hey TT....While America might not have invented ice hockey...we sure as heck bought your Stanley Cup....not that it's doing us much good this season...damn player union

lol   that's why canada now has a surplus of your yankie greenbacks,which means all those fine canadian imports you stock your teams with(because you apparently can't develope a decent hockey system with 10 times the population of Canada) in the only worthwhile north american sport to"buy" the stanley cup with,also means your a debtor nation and Canada is your creditor........boy   :)

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #58 on: April 29, 2005, 04:50:00 pm »
Scip where do u live?
Toronto here

I live in the Washington DC area.  I've never been to Ontario.  I was just dreaming of the bare...  <ahem>... I mean, I was just speculating.


you can dream like that anywhere in Canada S'Cipio.I wouldn't dream like that in toronto though,they have the highest per capita rate of people who don't believe anything exists beyond toronto's city limits.i think  it's in the vicinity of 99%,the 1% remaining is locked away in an asylum under going treatment for their delusional state    :carmen:

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #59 on: April 29, 2005, 06:24:53 pm »
(because you apparently can't develope a decent hockey system with 10 times the population of Canada)

Be fair.  It is only 9 times.
Do unto others as Frey has done unto you.
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #60 on: May 02, 2005, 09:31:28 pm »

Oh what the hell,

Why not make the Mirror, Mirror campaign a Canadian vs Unitied States game?

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #61 on: May 02, 2005, 10:14:51 pm »
Hoi Folks,

Why not make the Mirror, Mirror campaign a Canadian vs Unitied States game?

 Sounds great! If Canada wins, the Yanks have to do either one of two things.

1) Remove all peoples from Cape Hatterius, and sink it.

2) Reclaim an island off your Atlantic coast in such a location as the Gulf Stream is diverted towards Nova Scotia.

If the Yanks win, Canada will sign on to Missle Defence.


Take care


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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #62 on: May 02, 2005, 11:06:10 pm »

Oh what the hell,

Why not make the Mirror, Mirror campaign a Canadian vs Unitied States game?

This gives me an idea . . .
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #63 on: May 03, 2005, 07:33:56 am »
If we win, we get Florida.    8) 
We lose, missile defence signing sounds ok.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2005, 07:48:06 am by FPF-TobinDax »
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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #64 on: May 03, 2005, 09:35:42 am »
If we win, we get Florida.    8) 
We lose, missile defence signing sounds ok.

<looks at picture of relatives who live in Florida>

<looks back at computer monitor.>

You WANT Florida??!!!


"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #65 on: May 03, 2005, 12:17:44 pm »
Hoi TobinDax,

 Trust me, diverting the Gulf Stream is way better then getting Florida, besides we are already overrunning Florida one trailer park at a time with our crack "Snowbird" units. BTW we may need to sign up for Missle Defence if we win anyways. As soon as those pomies have their first real winter they will come looking for their nice warm North Atlantic Current.

Take care


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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #66 on: May 03, 2005, 07:37:46 pm »
Sounds great! If Canada wins, the Yanks have to ...

1) Remove all peoples from Cape Hatterius, and sink it.

Cool.  I'm rotting fur on that one.  But do we have to remove all the people first? ;)

As for Canada signing the missile defense treaty ... right ... how about a payoff worth something.  Something that would improve all of America.

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2005, 09:16:53 pm »
Hoi Green,


 Never! We gave her to you with a no return policy attached! Your welcome. hehe

I have not actually been to Cape Hatteras, I have only know it from maps, and, its coastal geography; salt marshes, barrier islands that kind of stuff, so your call on what to do with the people living there if any, I'm not bothered one way or the other. I just think that Iceland, and  the British Isles have had that lovely North Atlantic Current (the Gulf Stream is the name of the current from the Gulf of Mexico until about half way accross the Atlantic where the name changes. No I do not know why.) for long enough I do know why it doesn't just flow up the coast though, its that darn Cape Hatteras! In the stead of warm tropical breezes we get the Labrador Current, frigid winds, storms, massive fog banks blown in from the Grand Banks where the two currents do eventually meet. Please undestand I have enjoyed the outdoors, land and sea, of NS in all weather and will continue to do so, but, a change is as good as a vacation. hehe

Take care


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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #68 on: May 04, 2005, 09:55:27 am »
I'm no Canadian, but I found something else interesting from Canada...

EDIT: Make that a couple things...

One last EDIT: By the way, you Canucks can't have Alex Trebek back. We're keeping him...
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 10:09:01 am by CaptJosh »

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #69 on: May 04, 2005, 04:47:27 pm »
I'm no Canadian, but ...

I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night.  ;)

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #70 on: May 04, 2005, 04:52:54 pm »
I'm no Canadian, but ...

I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night.  ;)

+1 Karma.

Not because of the joke, but just because I saw you were at 99.  That's such a sad number to be stuck at.  ;)

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Things Canadians are proud of...
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2005, 08:55:08 pm »
Well, some Canadians that influenced pop culture and our view of Star Trek and SFC/SFB:

Kinda say's it all. (Actually just felt like putting it there)

Ah, our  beloved engineer. Notice that Canadians can hold their liqueur

And the Captain, to which we all aspire to when we play SFC

Or Klingon if you prefer

Die Hard in disguise, with his hands full of a Canadian Actress. Does anybody notice a pattern yet?  ;D

But Die Hard actually wanted this Helmsman

But they would do (Thats DH in the Helmsman seat wondering what the Klingon word for threesome is?)

This is the source for the information