Here are reasons why it's so great to be Canadian!
Things Canadians are proud of...
*well, you asked for it, eh*
Re-electing the Liberal Party over and over again so that rampant corruption and kickbacks can take place with Ad firms in Quebec. J'inn would be so proud.
*don't think everyone in the US don't know about the most corrupt gov't. in Canadian history that Canadians are eager to re-elect over and over again*
Have a good day in Canada where the Liberal party considers your tax money to be their money, eh?!
For sure, eh?!
Just follow stinking smell.
In his testimony, ad executive Jean Brault took the sponsorship inquiry on a dark journey of alleged political corruption, the likes of which Canadians have never seen.

Now, you can go design a D2 dyna campaign. Just don't involve any Liberal party brown nosing Ad firms, OK?
I'm not particularly intelligent, open-minded, or generally well-liked.
I don't live in a clean place, I don't eat nutritiously very often, and I don't drive well.
I don't know Shakespeare, Da Vinci or Gutenberg.
Although I'm certain they weren't American.
I drink beer.....not good beer. I don't use utensils when eating.
I believe in guns for settling disputes, not discussions.
And I pronounce it AIN'T, not AREN'T.
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack
...until I go anywhere, and what's the point in doing that.
Burger King IS fine dining. Cracker Jack IS a vegetable and WWF wrestling is real.
The UNITED STATES is the ONLY country in the world,
The FIRST nation of ignorance, and the BEST part of South America!
My name is Johnny Bob Jimmy Joe Ray...