When I was in basic, on the day we went through the gas chamber, while we were going through chemical warfare stuff, the drill sergeants used to scare us into not leaning on the trees (don't know why thatbothered them so much)by telling us about the extremely rabd and territorial squirrels that would attack us if we leaned on the trees. Everyone believed the drill sergeants too, until I showed them they they were full of crapby leaning on a tree. 
Shoot, I remember that day myself. Had to Clear the mask, and also sing all the versus to The Marine Corps Hymn. Talk about alot of spit and Bile hitting the ground. I think I was in the last 10 though to put on the gas mask. That's of course out of 90, and I remember , Man I need a Dip of Cope after this. Of course we had no Caffien, Tobacco, Or alchohol in Basic.
Man I hope J'inn doesn't see this thread, It will put him into Immediate shock.
Don't worry Stephen, the Scotch will get him through it, tho' he may want to charge the squirrel.
Shoot, I'm surprised J'inn , Scippy, and Chutt, Haven't Payed off Scottlands National debt by now.
