Yes, it is true Eve=addiction.
That's why I have avoided it. Addiction and monthly fees scare the heck out of tightwad J'inn.
It won't be any different to what you do now unless you don't buy any new games every year.
If you do, then basically the money you would have spent on new games annually is now allocated to monthly subscriptions which actually pay for game improvements. That's right!! Real patches that are published on a timely basis because you actually help pay for some developers to work on the code!! What a concept!! OMG!!

As for time allocation issues. I am spending the same amount of time, or less, on SWG than I would have on SFC. In fact, I am really like the fact that with an MMORG you can play when you want to and stop when you want to, so your schedule becomes more flexible. No Blue Dawn or Red Dawn games to try and compete in player number issues on the dyna.
On a personal note, no mission scripting, no dealing with admins, etc.. It's a real treat pour moi to see the Developer code monkeys for the MMORG get flamed instead of me. I can feel their pain, hehe. At least, they get paid for it so I don't feel too sorry for them.

Face it Kitty, yer doomed: whether it's EVE or SWG or'll be on a MMORG soon. It's simply a better product. But, YOU DO HAVE TO PAY for it *snicker*.