Topic: OP spec expert needed......  (Read 5108 times)

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Offline Greenvalv

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OP spec expert needed......
« on: April 18, 2005, 08:39:31 am »
I need an Orion Pirates spec expert, someone who knows OP specs like the back of their hand (Or at least knows it well).  I have no clue as to what some functions do such as: BPV; Special Role; etc.  Post if you're interested.....

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 11:29:52 am »
  That will be Corbomite.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2005, 07:21:15 am »
what info do you need?

Offline Greenvalv

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2005, 08:19:06 am »
Well, after I'm done the page about the shiplist for my guide, I'll ask what I don't know (And that's about 10%).

Offline Corbomite

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2005, 09:01:02 am »
Sorry. I just stumbled across this. I know a lot about some areas. If you ask a specific question I try to answer or find someone who can. PM me if you'd like.

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2005, 11:03:36 am »
I'd like to ask here if that's ok.....
Here's what I don't know so far....
Special Role
Size Class
Stealth (+ECM)
Deck Crews
Shuttles Size
Forward Hull
Center Hull
Aft Hull
Mech Tractors
Special Sensors
Damage Control
Extra Damage
Ship Cost
Refit Base Class
All I need is a good description of what these do for a ship.  I know this is asking alot of your time but I and everyone who will read this guide will appreciate it!

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2005, 11:15:00 am »
Easy way is to open the shiplist with ShipEdit for EAW.. click on the corresponding box and it will give a description on the left hand side.
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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2005, 11:22:32 am »
Even easier is to have the readers of your guide use the ShipEdit EAW program and ShipEdit OP program (requires ShipEdit EAW) ... and let them use those programs in combination.. First use ShipEdit EAW to open the shiplist and view what each box does and max/min values.. and edit in ShipEdit OP..

Very simple and quick and eliminates you having to list out the entire shiplist...

like BPV is Base Point Value of a ship given the Hull strength, Class, weaponery, missles, crew, tractors, labs, power, etc.. each component has a value that makes up the total Base Point Value of a ship before being fully stocked on supplies.

It also determines the multiplier cost of the ship on the Dynaverse.. as such, a CA marker for the CB may be used... you take the server kit settings and the CA's may equal 1.5 in the kit setting... this is multiplied by the BVP of the CB for the purchase cost in Prestige Points (pp) on the server or single player..

It is just easier to use ShipEdit OP to make the modifications on the shiplist and ftrlist and revise Nuclear Wessels guide on Server/Single Player file adjustments (*.gf files)...

For you to get ShipEdit EAW and ShipEdit OP.. here is a direct DL installer I made that will install both programs with all updates in one shot with desktop shortcuts to both programs.

I'm uploading the newest version now so that no errors will occur if you are using Win XP Home edition.

will be done in 3 min.
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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2005, 04:09:07 pm »
Heh?  It's missing "zlib.dll", or so it says.....

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2005, 08:10:04 pm »
I'd like to ask here if that's ok.....
Here's what I don't know so far....
BPV= the amoint of point of value, also it says how much your ship will cost.
Special Role= its for special ship like Q ship are the armed freighter that you see with cargo ship like and escort but less powerfull.
Size Class= its to says how big your ship is (not sure it work)
Stealth (+ECM) = cloaking device and electronic conter mesure (not sure its realy use in the game).
Deck Crews= how many crew on your ship (the more you have the less chance your ship can be capture by the enemy)
ADD_6=anti drone defence, protection agains drone
ADD_12=same as above
Shuttles Size= no real use for it as far as i can says
Armor= protect your ship when the shield are down, the armor of your ship.
Forward Hull=like above .
Center Hull=like above
Aft Hull= like above
Cargo= i think its like above
Barracks= no real value
Repair= how fast your repair will be made (not sure it work)
R_L_Warp= left and right engine or how much power yoour ship have (tos fed ship like constitution class is 15 for each engine but the value is double )
C_Warp= like above but for the central engine
Impulse=the power of the impulse engine (add the power of the engine for the power of your ship)
Apr= auxiliary power
Battery= battery
Bridge= add to your crew
Security= the resistance of your ship to be capture and the attack on your weapon by the enemy crew)
Lab= for repairing your shield
Tractors= tractor beam, how many you want
Mech Tractors= no value
Special Sensors= use by drone ship, sensor on the saucer
Sensors= not value
Scanners=no value
Acceleration= how fast your ship will accelerate to speed 31
Damage Control= spare parts
Extra Damage= not sure its use
Ship Cost= not sure its use
Refit Base Class= use just for info, like the ca+ is base on the ca
Balance= with it you can reduce the price of the ship you want to buy but you can't resold it after kaing a biger value.
All I need is a good description of what these do for a ship.  I know this is asking alot of your time but I and everyone who will read this guide will appreciate it!

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2005, 10:38:58 pm »

Heh? It's missing "zlib.dll", or so it says.....

place it in the Windows/System32 folder and another copy in the Shipedit folder.

DL it from :

This will fix Shipedit EAW and Shipedit OP.
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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2005, 01:13:51 pm »
Anyone know what the Special Role "NT" does, I know what all the other letters do and the Shipedit utility doesn't give a description for the others.

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2005, 03:31:41 pm »
Another thing, what is the "SFB Year First/Last Available" for?

« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 03:42:35 pm by Pestalence »

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2005, 03:42:50 pm »
Another thing, what is the "SFB Year First/Last Available" for?

Ok.. game years start at 2251

Year first available, if set to 0 = year 2251, the year the ship is first available for players to use on the Single Player / Dynaverse campaign (date time under the game map).

Year last available is the game year that the ship will last show up in the shipyards for a player to purchase, the ship will not show up after the date is passed and is considered decomissioned...

example :

a F-CC is first available at 0 and last available at 20

this means that the game will interprit that the CC ship in the campaign can only be built for game year 2251 until game year 2271, after which the ship will no longer be generated for purchase in the game ship yards.. Game years 2272 and up, the CC will no longer be available to purchase and the only one's left will be the ones that the players still have it in their possession.. if the ship is sold, it is lost as the game will not put it back into the ship yards.. basically think that it was decomissioned or refitted or scrapped for junk parts..

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2005, 05:29:37 pm »
I'll quote that, but the "SFB" years are at the back of the specs, do they affect the time.  Since the "Year First/Last Available" is already mentioned in the first part of the specs.
Also, what does the "NT" Special Role do?
Pesty, your site's Volume III site is ok, but the others aren't there, the links are there but the pages don't come up right.
Do you know of any other site that has the official patch for Volume One?

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2005, 07:08:08 pm »
For SFC 1 patch v1.03, the latest updated version is posted here with complete install instructions...,163353684.0.html

The instructions must be followed EXACTLY as posted or game may not work correctly.
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Offline Corbomite

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2005, 07:13:00 pm »
NT stands for "No Transport" which makes it impossible to transport to that unit.

Unless they changed something I don't know about, Year 0 = 2263 not 2251.

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2005, 08:13:28 pm »

BPV = Battle Point Value: Gives a relational system to match a ship's combat abilities against another. All ships componenets have a BPV and added up make the approximate worth of the ship in combat.

Special Role = Denotes the job role of the variant; Drone Ship, Q-Ship, Police Ship, Carrier etc....

Size Class = Denotes the hull size of the ship to help it get placed into the Ship Library for your viewing.

Stealth (+ECM) = Adds built in ECM potential that does not show up on the EW meter. Think B2 bomber style built in stealth systems.  Pirates are the primary recipients of this in SFB. I don't know that it actually works in this game.

Deck Crews = Reload/Repair fighters when in the bay.

ADD_6 = Anti Drone Drone with a six round magazine. In SFC they are called AMD.

ADD_12 = Same as above, but with a twelve round magazine.

Shuttles Size = Not entirely sure, but I think it has to do with the size of the shuttle bay.

Armor = Just what it implies. This adds free hits that get taken out before any systems get hit.

Forward Hull = Hull is sectioned on each ship into Forward, Aft and Center Hull boxes (assuming the ship is large enough to have that much) that are destroyed on certain hits on the Damage Allocation Chart. Hull is the basic structure of a ship and is just stuff to hit and hold you together.

Center Hull = See above.

Aft Hull = See above.

Cargo = Sort of like hull as it has no useful purpose in the game other than free hits. It, of course, represents cargo space.

Barracks = Another free hit. They are used to house marines, especially in the Commando ships.

Repair = Placed on Fleet Repair Docks and Bases, it represents shipyard repair ability. Basically another free hit.

R_L_Warp = Right/Left warp engine capability. All power systems (Warp, Impuse, APR and Batteries) give one point of power for each point given in these columns.

C_Warp = Center warp engine capability.

Impulse = Impulse engine capability.

Apr = Alternate Power Reactor capability.

Battery = Battery capability. Batteries are only used when all other power systems are taxed to full and they are switched to the "use" position.

Bridge = The number of Bridge "boxes". In SFB it was important because you could lose control of your ship if all of your Command and Control boxes were destroyed. In SFC it is just a free hit.

Security = Used as a CnC box for Klingon ships in SFB. Since the Klingons used many subject races that could not be entirely trusted, extra Security Stations were placed around the ship in case of mutiny. In SFC its another free hit.

Lab = Denotes number of Labs which are used for shield regeneration rates.

Tractors = Denotes the amount of farm equipment in the cargo bay... No, wait, its the number of Tractor Beams the ship has.

Mech Tractors = Denotes the number of external Mechanical Tractor Beams used to dock PF's the ship has.

Special Sensors = Used in SFB for Scout class vessels, In SFC they are just another free hit.

Sensors = Used to denote the quality of the sensor track which degrades as it is damaged. The better the sensors, the less they degrade with damage. In SFC the sensors are used to control seeking weapons that need guidance.

Scanners = Used to target and fire upon other units. They degrade with damage like sensors.

Acceleration = Denotes how fast the ship accelerates. The higher the number, the faster it gets up and goes.

Damage Control = Denotes how much damage can be repaired without the help of a repair facility. In SFC this is reflected in the number of repair screws the ship can carry.

Extra Damage = Denotes the number of excess damage boxes on the ship. These are the boxes that keep you together when your ship is a burning wreck. If all excess damage boxes get destroyed, you go boom.

Ship Cost = Not a clue, but since all of them are 5 I think it probably is just a base determinant for some calculation.

Refit Base Class = Denotes the ship that was the original design for the variant(s) being built.

Balance = Used for mission matching it adds or subtracts from the BPV of the ship to help it get better draws. Even though some ships look good on paper and are a stated worth, testing has shown that not all ships are equal to the sum of their parts and some adjustments must be made.

W# = Not a clue.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 03:29:54 pm by Corbomite »

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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2005, 08:40:15 pm »
NT stands for "No Transport" which makes it impossible to transport to that unit.

Unless they changed something I don't know about, Year 0 = 2263 not 2251.

Sorry Corb.. my bad on that... I just used the ShipEdit EAW reference and didn't realize that it was using SFC 1 date system..
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Re: OP spec expert needed......
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2005, 03:23:51 pm »
Tractors = Denotes the amount of farm equipment in the cargo bay... No, wait, its the number of Tractor Beams the ship has.
If all excess damage boxes get destroyed, you go boom.

Uhuh, looney tune
Ok, I've sorta' figured out what the W's do, right after that long list there's the Weapon BPV, I added the W's up and found that it's total is the Weapon BPV is.  What exactly is the Weapon BPV/Battle Point Value?
Here's a second list of what I don't know about.......
System BPV
BPV Subtotal
SFB Year First/Last Available