
Should ISC be disqualified for poor sportmanship

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Topic: Community Rules  (Read 9190 times)

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Offline Slider

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Community Rules
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:21:00 pm »
One of the elements of competition is Good sportsmanship. ISC is doing 4 things.

1. Pretending to be actually any good.
2. Demanding they be acknowledged as actually good.
3. Retiring at the end so that they wont be challenged and shown not to be actually good.
4. Attacking the admins as they DID in GZ in an effort not only to with the ladder but to dominate opinion.

Jakle can back me on this, when I wanted to start over, I wanted to ban the lot of them. Whoo and Jakle to their credit always gave people like this alot of latitude. We often argued about my being "insensitive". My arguement always was, "Id rather have a league of 20 guys that can get along and have fun than one of 40 that cant."

Here we are again, taking their crap. This is why I was never an admin. Not cause I didnt want to, but because the admins knew I would ban people who acted this way with no remorse. My act would have been final and an example to all. Many people have left this game in the past "Because the players on (team a) are just infuriating.

If I were an admin right now Id kick the whole team out not even let them finish the cycle. Allow those who are servicable back in and thats that.


Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2005, 10:36:30 pm »
By making this thread slider, you just proved you  have worse sportmanship than anyone in ISC. 

And slider........ KHH has been given ample oppurtunity to show us up as being bad pilots or whatever. Hasnt happened yet, and if you have to gall to sit there, and tell me that I, butcher, phaser and the rest suck, i feel sorry for u.

Quote: Jakle can back me on this, when I wanted to start over, I wanted to ban the lot of them. Whoo and Jakle to their credit always gave people like this alot of latitude. We often argued about my being "insensitive". My arguement always was, "Id rather have a league of 20 guys that can get along and have fun than one of 40 that cant."

Aye and while you're at it, put all the jews into concentration camps for being stingey, and all the feds into a meat grinder for acting so chicken, and give slider a work over with a blowtorch and tweezers for being so self righteous.

Quote: Here we are again, taking their crap. This is why I was never an admin. Not cause I didnt want to, but because the admins knew I would ban people who acted this way with no remorse. My act would have been final and an example to all. Many people have left this game in the past "Because the players on (team a) are just infuriating.

What you really meant to say was: I could never be an admin because whenever i lost a game id be on the forums trying to ban them from the league because i am obviously better. Burn Ian hes a witch! and let that be a lesson to all you other bastards who want to speak thier mind!! Or have a sense of humour f*cking heretics!

Quote: If I were an admin right now Id kick the whole team out not even let them finish the cycle. Allow those who are servicable back in and thats that.

Well your not, and u would be left with a league with very little competition. And we were discussing today whether we want to finish the cycle with such whiney bastards who build the league around themselves. Think the consensus was, stick it to them, then f*ck off. And slider, you have the chance to prove We arent any good, playoffs coming up, i'll see you on the battlefeild. Mr tiny balls.

See thats where me and you are so different slider, i love to fight on the battlefeild, you love to whine on the forums with no real agenda because you dont like something. Yet still you have proved nothing other than that you are a pussy. You are the SFC embodiment of Jaque Chiraque, spell that right? Likes to talk and whine about things, but really doesnt have the balls to do anything.  f*ck, if you make an arguemnet with me, we get in game and you hand me my ass ill respect you for it. you will just whine harder.

You know the funniest thing, i get on really great with everyone in the SFC community when its them im winging with.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 11:37:33 pm by iantheace »

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2005, 07:30:12 am »
By making this thread slider, you just proved you  have worse sportmanship than anyone in ISC. 

Not possible, you guys set the bar.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2005, 08:08:09 am »
This is pointless when only the people against us are here to feedback on the forum, as i stated before. GSA side with us, Dyna side with you.

Offline Sochin

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2005, 08:16:01 am »
Then exercise your vote and stop winging about it.

Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2005, 08:34:43 am »
Voting for my own cause, would be as pointless as this thread, if ISC all logged on it would be 20 votes for us, i really dont understand where this thread is coming from, slider's ass i guess. Seems like people are jumping on the bandwagon as usual :)

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2005, 08:43:37 am »
This is pointless when only the people against us are here to feedback on the forum, as i stated before. GSA side with us, Dyna side with you.

Ian - that comment isn't even accurate.  The current active membership of KHH is most decidedly from 'GSA', and I can garuntee they aren't with you.

With regard to the active participating fleets, I think the only other 'GSA' fleets are FSD and TSC.  Otherwise, all the other fleets here draw their principal players from the D2 group.

While I can't speak for TSC or FSD, it seems to me they have kept out of this fray thus far - which indicates to me that they are neutral, if nothing else.  They probably just want to play the game without all this drama.

Offline Slider

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2005, 09:00:03 am »
This is my battlefield Ian. And ISC is in my sights. You guys have been and continue to be a blight on this landscape. For the record most of you were insignificent players 2 years ago during GSA's hayday. Really sad that now in the Twilight years your comming into Dyna carrying the absolute worse attitudes that we ladder players were known and hated for.

You represent the worst in us, I wish to see you gone.

ISC agenda per you = "Win the cycle, then F&%k off.

Slider's agenda = Point to ISC's long poor sportsmanship record, have the Dyna community tell them to F&%k off.

Hey well at least were close. Then end is near, Ian. Im going to get your whole team banned and not allow you to win this cycle. Hows that for Balls!

That said my comments and opinion are my own and do not reflect that of my team or the Dyna community.

As far as my 'meeting you on the battlefield"....well sooner or later that will happen. Personally I hope Ive seen the last of you and people like you.

buh bye you muppet.


Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2005, 09:08:32 am »
Im Slider and im on a never ending quest to save my girlfriends! Dude ur so full of sh*t its untrue :) And u dont even have the balls to take us out of the league the honorable way. In the playoffs. As i said, league isnt really worth playing anymore.

Quote: Hey well at least were close. Then end is near, Ian. Im going to get your whole team banned and not allow you to win this cycle. Hows that for Balls!

This just proves that you have none :)

Quote:That said my comments and opinion are my own and do not reflect that of my team or the Dyna community.

So u are allowed to speak individually out of line and im not, Double standards mates!

Quote: Really sad that now in the Twilight years your comming into Dyna carrying the absolute worse attitudes that we ladder players were known and hated for.

Nope, its the winning u hate us for, if u wanna try and fight this on the forums than in game then im out right here, cus this league isnt worth winning. Back in the day me and GD would kick  ass talk smack, people would talk smack back, we would go into another game and talk smack in game, it was amazing. OMG the stuff we did in KHH rocked before GZ leagues appeared, id make a room with some name like 'Bend over mr feddies, lots of lube and a pink rubber dildo at the ready' and  we would play the games and be laughing all the way through. Sad thing is, KHH's sense of humour declined with the introduction of GZ leagues, as did thier enjoyment, hence why i ended up leaving. Seems like alot of the community left is boring now.

Best ever was nickworthy and josh on ventrillo after me and ghostdog handed them thier ass and they were calling us cheaters, nick was gonna come to my house rip my balls off rofl, was funniest thing ever. 

Slider, me, ghostdog and some others used to ahve some really nice 2v2's / 3v3's with the lyrans ( you/aragorn + others)  in our rommies, u must rememember some. Cant beleive uve been so brainwashed into the Dynaverse etiquette that uve really lost what this game is all about.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 09:19:49 am by iantheace »

Offline Slider

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2005, 09:19:40 am »
Go read your own posts. Make your case as to why the league members should let you stay.

Here is my reason:
 I think your attitude sucks and is a cancer to this community.

The forums deals with political issues such as this. I hate the drama as much as the next guy, but since you started the posts, Ive come back on to end it and end your Playoff aspirations. The more you post the stronger my case gets. So please keep it coming. I'm pushing for a vote 6-0 so far, looks like I might get one here soon.

Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2005, 09:22:14 am »
Im also tired of the political bullsh*t, and all my original post was asking, is that SOV play thier game with us, which we arent being allowed to do because of the awful system.  Also added important points above about how game has changed, from the funny ICOP days.

Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2005, 09:52:47 am »
This has nothing to do with letting us stay, i will tell u why this community needs us to stay. ISC are always on time for scheduled matches, i dont think weve ever missed a deadline, we always play the matches, never drop and sh*t, no 56k cant play etc, and if there is, we insta replace the person. ISC adds the X factor to the league, we dominate, you guys worry about matches with us and know they will be difficult. You can try and deny this but i know this to be true, theres many exmaples, KHH is a good one. Like they wont fly Vs ISC unless they have thier 3 best pilots on, then take the same 3 pilots in each game.

Another good reason is that i beleive ISC offers the hardest 3v3 matches to be had in the league. FPF took PPD boats vs our plasma boats and got handed thier ass so i dont see how you can argue the race issue. Fact is most dyna pilots dont know how to fight ISC, its not that ISC are <super strong> or any such business.

Another good reason is that we put up with more crap than any other fleet and still get on with our business.

And most important reason: When we are in game, we enjoy ourselves more than anyone else in the SFC community.

Offline Slider

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2005, 10:03:01 am »
lol, ok fly Lyran for a cycle, show my your uber skill. nah I bet you wont do that will you.

ISC has especially in 3 v 3 many advantages over a single race because the races have a defined attack profile. ISC can attack from a variety of ranges effectivly and only by mixing profiles can an set of equal pilots beat a team of like pilots in ISC. So give me a freaking break. Guys have been taking avantage of game set up for years, dont give me this, "you just dont know how to beat ISC or Its our skill" crap.

Fly Lyran, Rom, Gorn, Mirak, hell fly Klink or Fed and let me see if you can go 10-0. I'll bet you cant. I'll bet 3/4 of your team will quit, sighting other reasons.

Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2005, 10:15:10 am »
As you know slidr, lyran are my favourite race, me and VAC played a lyran fleet for 7 - 8 months. in 1V1 lyran is insane, you are correct to a degree, certain races can group weapons really well, the races who group weapons best are Klingons feds and ISC. I would really love to fly lyran a cycle, i think butcher would enjoy it too. Only problem arises when some of our pilots who ahve never flown any other race than ISC get involved. As far as team games go though, i think klingons have the best advantage in a league, then ISC & Feds on an even 2nd. Also remember sldier your talking to someone who flew rom for 2 years vs KHH and fed fleets and roms are the absolute worst race for team games. Anyway id love to change race for a cycle, see what other guys say, and if we stay about :)

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2005, 10:19:13 am »
lol, ok fly Lyran for a cycle, show my your uber skill. nah I bet you wont do that will you.

ISC has especially in 3 v 3 many advantages over a single race because the races have a defined attack profile. ISC can attack from a variety of ranges effectivly and only by mixing profiles can an set of equal pilots beat a team of like pilots in ISC. So give me a freaking break. Guys have been taking avantage of game set up for years, dont give me this, "you just dont know how to beat ISC or Its our skill" crap.

Fly Lyran, Rom, Gorn, Mirak, hell fly Klink or Fed and let me see if you can go 10-0. I'll bet you cant. I'll bet 3/4 of your team will quit, sighting other reasons.

LOL! OMG! Talk about hitting a nail on the head!

For the record I'm not voting. I want them to stay to finish off this stupid thing once and for all.

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2005, 11:41:43 am »
Ok - Several -- points here

1) I voted no they should not be ejected..for the simple reason that you are grouping everyone in ISC together with only a few that you have actual problems with -- so if you nerf ISC as a unit you punish many who did nothing wrong.

2) Ian -- I remember flying both with and agaisnt you..always the matches were good.. I like to keep thinking that way -- Focus on the positive not the negative.

Now the nature of KHH did indeed change a few years ago and the reason is very simple..at one time we were "the bad boys" of the GZ/SL ladder leagues..went around on Fri nights getting loaded and insulting every fed we could..admins were brought in and tried to control us -- just made us laugh more -- then they struck below the belt -- it didnt come out at the time but the rank 10 of KHH (Devil_40) was either hit with a ban  because of our behaviour or was threatened with it..add to that he was also threatened with the closure of KHH at the time..why ? Because we were being stupid idiots having fun calling feds every dirty name in the book.
So time goes by and we see the league declines -- hell nobody online to play against right -- so basically we had to start playing nice and trying to have nice personality to keep our options open for matches..(how many ladder players used to get stuck sitting in a room waiting for games because nobody wanted to play against a person who was a terms prick or full of attitude -- many of those players used to change online names to get games)
Time continues to go by and I basically refused to get involved in trash talk issues for some time as all they did was  run more and more players out of the league..The key is -- when we log on to play a game thats exactly what we wanted to do -- play a game and have fun -- nobody wanted to deal with smacktards anymore so many good players left the sfc world to find "hassle free games"

The game was brought back to life somewhat by the PBR league and Dyna servers that we started to take part in..however for the most part we still try to keep out of the flame wars because once again all they do is drive players away and -- well we just arent getting any new players so when you drive them away don't blame anyone but yourself for the total demise of this game in every form..

I see much of this about to happen in dyna..if the two sides (or more) dont start to actually treat each other with respect then once again -- good players and good people will be run out of the league and poof nobody left online to play against...


Offline iantheace

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2005, 12:20:24 pm »
Quote: Now the nature of KHH did indeed change a few years ago and the reason is very simple..at one time we were "the bad boys" of the GZ/SL ladder leagues..went around on Fri nights getting loaded and insulting every fed we could..admins were brought in and tried to control us -- just made us laugh more -- then they struck below the belt -- it didnt come out at the time but the rank 10 of KHH (Devil_40) was either hit with a ban  because of our behaviour or was threatened with it..add to that he was also threatened with the closure of KHH at the time..why ? Because we were being stupid idiots having fun calling feds every dirty name in the book

Mate, winding up the feds before the match started just made it all that bit sweeter, we never terms camped. was all in good fun, and we never called them pricks etc, just stuff like homo feds, and the homo feds went and shook things up, gimps! When the admins came in omg was dying luaghing most evenings, then when the feds had bee spamming 150 late for 20 mins we gave him and played it, won and  got to tease that bit more, legendary. So many room names so many smiles ' Mommy the feds took daddy' for example. Feds should have been more fun and maybe we coulda continued! :P

Offline Slider

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2005, 02:27:48 pm »
I agree with one thing yet disagree on your willingness to tolerate such behaviour.

Your absolutely right about the respect thing Duck. Seems out of every 5 teams that win #1 or back into it as some did in the old days you cant find gracious winners. Its always , bow yield, kneel. I told you guys this would happen. Invite only leagues are more and more common in other games for this reason.

Its an enormous waste of time not to mention exahustive on the admins part over a GAME.

Please read their post. Read the tone of how they start. Then tell me if they sound to you like people you would normally associate with on a casual level. Its sad that more normal people are not more vocal. Its usually the very few outspoken who stand up and speak out. Many more silent types have left the game finding the water muddied and no one willling to get dirty to clean it.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2005, 06:26:00 pm »
This has nothing to do with letting us stay, i will tell u why this community needs us to stay. ISC are always on time for scheduled matches, i dont think weve ever missed a deadline, we always play the matches, never drop and sh*t, no 56k cant play etc, and if there is, we insta replace the person. ISC adds the X factor to the league, we dominate, you guys worry about matches with us and know they will be difficult. You can try and deny this but i know this to be true, theres many exmaples, KHH is a good one. Like they wont fly Vs ISC unless they have thier 3 best pilots on, then take the same 3 pilots in each game.

Another good reason is that i beleive ISC offers the hardest 3v3 matches to be had in the league. FPF took PPD boats vs our plasma boats and got handed thier ass so i dont see how you can argue the race issue. Fact is most dyna pilots dont know how to fight ISC, its not that ISC are <super strong> or any such business.

Another good reason is that we put up with more crap than any other fleet and still get on with our business.

And most important reason: When we are in game, we enjoy ourselves more than anyone else in the SFC community.

Ian, there is only 1 instance I can think of where you guys did not show on time, vs TSC, so it has happened, but rare.

Ian, there is only 1 instance I can think of where you guys did not show on time, vs TSC, so it has happened, but rare.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2005, 06:43:27 pm »
I also agree that there were many miserable attitudes in the past, and it DID drive people away(and some of that is happening again).  Some of these attitudes have changed for the better, allowing the few remaining quiet pilots to stick around.  Lately, there has been heated hostilities, with a LOT of negative connotations.  THIS HURTS THE FEW REMAINING.  If even one person leaves a non-growing community, it will be felt.  I am quite sure the negative smarta** comments will DRIVE more than one away.  I do realise that sometimes personalities will clash, no matter what you try to do or say, but man, it would be nice if people could keep it mostly civilized.  What has been going on gives me much reading, and often much grief as to whether it is worth my staying in the community.  I would hate to be pushed out because a select few cant keep their tones civil or their words from being to profane.  IT IS ABOUT A GAME, and not about I AM BETTER SO LICK MY *****.  If it was "I am better, unless you  prove me otherwise" or some such, tempers would not escalate the way they have. 
Should ISC finish the cycle?  TSC would vote yes.  Should a couple players from  ISC and other fleets perhaps get a ban,  I beleive a few should.  Will TSC continue into the next cycle, that is a definite NO.  I am currently the only one now from TSC who will even bother to try to read through all the crap that gets put on here.  The others gave up reading this ages ago due to the negativity and I know they WONT be in the next cycle.

Keep it up, more will end up leaving, or clean it up, and maybe, just maybe, some of those will stay.

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2005, 07:50:20 pm »
Will TSC continue into the next cycle, that is a definite NO.  I am currently the only one now from TSC who will even bother to try to read through all the crap that gets put on here.  The others gave up reading this ages ago due to the negativity and I know they WONT be in the next cycle.

Keep it up, more will end up leaving, or clean it up, and maybe, just maybe, some of those will stay.

          looks left     looks right    psss  pssss   Dfly   Dfly!!  need a fleet to join???   FSD all the way  :)    looks left     looks right    runs off  :)

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2005, 09:07:26 am »
DFly - go Klink, go Klink! KHH! KHH!  :P

I am personally sorry to hear that your guys don't want to bother with this anymore.  In hindsight, the cycle was largely pretty clean I thought.  It just has ended crappy...

Offline Dfly

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2005, 05:49:55 pm »
True, THIS cycle has been pretty clean, till near the end, but in each cycle there have been flaming, problems, etc...  Some of my wings just gave up after the last cycle fiasco. When it started again at the end of this cycle, the rest of my wings are gone.  I have just enough wingmen to finish the playoffs, then they are gone too.

Thx TT and BlakJack for the offers, however, there is a fleet out there that already knows I will be joining them, and it will be kept a surprise until the beginning of next cycle.  Besides, I have been Klingon in 3 cycles, and I NEVER fly Lyrans, so try another race.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Community Rules
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2005, 06:15:32 pm »
tutu wearing gorn?