Topic: Breaking News from Trek United  (Read 2662 times)

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Breaking News from Trek United
« on: April 17, 2005, 06:23:03 pm »

Paramount has agreed to do a release on our combined efforts proving that we were involved with these talks, negotiations or whatever you choose to call them. This is supposed to come from Mr. Wentworth’s office. We will see if they stay true to this. I have NO doubts that many of you will contact him. Please feel free to do so.

First, let me start off by saying that the way that most fans have united here is astounding. Most have all pulled together to try and keep Enterprise and Star Trek alive. I would also like to add that I am not sure why some on other forums were so mistrusting of what we as fans we were trying to do. It really saddens me that we could not all pull together in this to try and make a positive impact on the future of Enterprise and Star Trek.

Although non of our members that have contributed to the campaign have complained, most everyone else has. It boggles the mind that people do not have at least some trust in the fellow fans. It does not matter what series you are a fan of. They all push for unity as well as peace and that is not what all of the fans here on the internet have made this about. It has turned into a total concept of who is going to win and who is going to loose.

That has been wrong from the start and should not have come down that way by either side. If you were not happy with the way we were doing things. OFFER suggestions not criticism. Not one of the people putting down our efforts even tried to offer advice or contacted me personally to say “try this” or you might want to run this by your staff.

Here are the facts. We have been in talks with Paramount. We have brought millions and millions to the table to keep the show going. We have had two companies in Canada that were involved in trying to move it to Canada. We also proposed another way of keeping it in the U.S so that no one would have to move. This was all thought out very well in advanced and pushed forward not by just the staff at Trek United but by the other Canadian Companies as well.

We had many people involved in this outside of Trek United. We are NOT producers, directors or know anything about the television business. This is why we got in touch with people who were. We made a proposal to these companies in Canada and they wanted to take it to the next level which was Paramount.

The main problem here seems to be us accepting fan money. This will no longer be an issue. Starting Monday or Tuesday. Andrew our attorney and I will start the forms and refunding all money that our members have contributed to this campaign as per the TOS.

With this being said. The money from the fans was meant to make a point and that is what happened. People stood up and took notice. The media ate it up. Paramount has noticed us to say the least. We have taken this campaign to new heights beyond any other. We let them know that we would not go quietly into the night without speaking our mind.

A lot of our staff and members have taken a lot of abuse from others on forums and various places for standing up for what they believe in and something that they hold dear which is this wonderful world of Star Trek. Most of our members stand for what Star Trek is all about. Unity, peace and working together for a common cause and we did this against incredible odds which to be honest I thought was Paramount. I never dreamed that we would be fighting fans in this battle as well. This is NOT what Star Trek is all about.

For the people that have supported us from the start and for the ones that continue to do so. Please hang tight. You have done everything that you could to try and make this happen. It is plain to see that this is not about money, ratings and or anything else other than politics with UPN and Paramount or somewhere else.

Our final proposal was knocked down by Paramount. We will not see a season five for Star Trek Enterprise. All money as I stated earlier will be refunded starting Monday or Tuesday of this week. We will not allow people bashing our efforts on our own forums. Please keep in mind that our members are fans just like you are. If you feel the need to rejoice over this.. Please direct your email to me.

For the members that have supported us Thank you. We are all winners. We had the dream that we could make this happen. Trek United will continue to be here and we will explore new ideas, but the fan donation part if it has made the point we intended it to .


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Offline Villa64

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Re: Breaking News from Trek United
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2005, 06:50:00 pm »
What a bunch of poopey pants

Everyone KNOWS that Enterprise suuuucks.

The ship looks like an Akiiiirrrrra.
The Defiant looks like craaaaap and should have been some obscure computer image.
The show shouuuulld have been placed somewhere after Trek novel number fifty threeeee.
They could have gotten someone other than Scott Bakulaaaaa to play the lead role
The time travelll episodes suuuuck
Berman and Braga suuuuuck.
People who are trying to save the show are looooosers
I would rather complaiiin, along with my whiney forum paaaaals, about Enterprise, than enjoy the little bit of Trek left...
....and my daaad wont even let me driivvvve, even though I am getting my learners permit next yeeaaar.
akiraprise, akiraprise, akiraprise  :P

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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Breaking News from Trek United
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2005, 07:11:36 pm »
Our final proposal was knocked down by Paramount. We will not see a season five for Star Trek Enterprise.

And that's the key line out of that (badly mispelled) statement.

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Breaking News from Trek United
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2005, 08:17:44 pm »
Pretty much :(

I'm following the discussion in their chatroom.  I can't say for sure, but the suggestion is that, in addition to the Canadian offer, there was another offer (possibly from Sky) that was much larger.  I don't know if it is true, but it seems the suggestion is that the offer was close to $45 million (would make sense for Sky, since they apparently have good raitings for Enterprise).  It seems that the decision was pretty much a political one, and had little to do with the profits that could have been made for a new season.
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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Breaking News from Trek United
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2005, 08:33:16 pm »
Well, it's like I said, Paramount either wants to shelve the franchise or sack Rick Berman.  Either way, the multitude of offers to keep ENT going would have gone against that.

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Breaking News from Trek United
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2005, 08:40:31 pm »
Yeah.  I hope that new Star Trek will come back one day.  If not, I will enjoy reruns whenever I can.
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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Breaking News from Trek United
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2005, 05:02:26 pm »
More statements from Trek United about the total money offered.  News of their efforts ending doesn't really bother me as much as cancellation, so I will go back to enjoying the rest of the season.  At least it looks like it will be fun.

Hey guys, ya this is sad but what else can you do at this point. Paramount roughly refused 63 million dollars. Since it is over I can tell you a little, but I am not allowed to reveal names (sorry, but Andy would have my head) so here is the breakdown:

-Aerospace investors - 3 millon

- Al Vinci / Canadian Group up'ed the ante from 15 to 25 mill or so

- Media/advertising company outside North America would have prepaid about 35 mill or so for ALL the advertising time (and then resell it) for the whole 5th season of Enterpise. All Paramount would have had to do is say yes and they would be on board.

We should release more on this, this week sometime. I thought this info would be very important for people (and Media) to know how much was acually offered to keep this show going. But inside politics won the day i guess, i hope the shareholders of Paramount / Viacom will learn of this revelation. So I guess in a way TU did complete its goal of obtaining more that 36 mill, but all for not I guess.
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Re: Breaking News from Trek United
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2005, 12:19:08 am »

Eh, I don't get it.  So people thought that the Trek United effort was stupid.  (Frankly, I thought it was stupid.)

So what?

He's trying.  If you don't like the idea, don't donate.   Other than that, how could people possibly be upset and attack the guy?   

Some people are wound too tightly.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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