Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in...
Drones/fighters: Personally? Really dislike the carrierfests of the past and wish something could be done with them similar to the new X-ships from the last campaign. Drones... well, I don't rely on them personally and could do without them but I know there are others who feel different so I wouldn't ask for no drones.
PvP rules: Hrm... interesting, except the part where it's the top 3? How do you figure out the top 3? If by reputation then I could probably closely guess who might be considered that skilled, but we're also now talking about fed vs fed ships, not the familiar ships some of these pilots use. I'd like to see this expanded beyond 3 if it must be this way to include other players who normally wouldn't make such a short list.. exception being if -
Bounties: Hell yeah, but not so much a bounty (ex double vcs or some such) that suddenly a bounty pilot feels like he can't take any risks whatsoever. Been there, and although it was fun after a while I felt like I could only get back to having fun if I was killed (against orders and I'd never let that happen willingingly) or if I switched into non VC ships. Just alter this idea a bit to make it a little less important, but still important for it to mean something. Maybe make it mean you're considered a size class larger for VC purposes if you're in a VC ship (assuming some sort of OOB or specialty ship VC scoring) or make it so if you're in a non VC ship you count as a minor VC ship or specialty kill... something simple.
I'm not a hard fellow to get along with, so I'll probably show and try out whatever you come up with anyway Hexx

That's why I didn't say much prior to this.
PS: And yes; I want that rematch but preferably when you're flying Lyran (or choice race instead of necessarily fed vs fed)