How about getting 2vp per kill in a line ship and 1 in a special. and you will always get at least 1 vp for killing a special or oob ship. keep the c and x prefixes we normally use so people know what type of ship is what for vp's.
so the original rule was:-
2) PVP
You are worth one VP once you have made a kill
You gain one vp for every pilot you kill that is worth a VP
If you are killed, you lose all VP's accumulated (the other side only gains 1 for your death)
and you will be worth zero VP's until you make another PVP kill.
PVP VC's will be counted after every X days, whereas the cycle will start again.
If you are flying a 3 ship fleet, your VP's are considered to be spread across the three ships as evenly as possible.
With any excess being carried by the command variant. If you lose one of the ships, you are considered to have lost
however many of your VP's it was carrying.
ex - DH has managed to kill 11 players without dying. He is now worth 11vp for his side. He flies a 3 ship DD squadron
For loss purposes his ships would be worth 4/4/3
and is caught by Kroma in a CB. Somehow Kroma manages to kill one of the DD's. (non command)
Dh would now have 7VP's for his side, 8 if he managed to kill Kroma in the mission after losing one of his ships.
New Rule would be something like this.
2) PVP
You are worth one VP
once you have made a kill You are worth one extra point if you are in an oob or special ship (denoted with c or s as usual.)
If you are killed, you lose all VP's accumulated (the other side only gains 1 or 2 for your death depending on your ship)
and you will be worth zero VP's until you make another PVP kill or you fly a special or oob ship.
PVP VC's will be counted after every X days, whereas the cycle will start again.
If you are flying a 3 ship fleet, your VP's are considered to be spread across the three ships as evenly as possible.
With any excess being carried by the command variant. If you lose one of the ships, you are considered to have lost
however many of your VP's it was carrying. It is always worth at least 1 VP.
ex - DH has managed to kill 11 players without dying. He is now worth 11vp for his side. He flies a 3 ship DD squadron
For loss purposes his ships would be worth 4/4/3
and is caught by Kroma in a CB (non oob or special ship). Somehow Kroma manages to kill one of the DD's. (not DH's command ship)
Dh would now have 7VP's for his side, 8 if he managed to kill Kroma in the mission after losing one of his ships.