Topic: Tough little ship...  (Read 3900 times)

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Offline Wicked Zombie

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Tough little ship...
« on: April 15, 2005, 10:40:14 pm »
I finally somehow managed to get my Defiant updated after muddling around for the past three years. It's still the same model for the most part, however it's been heavily tweaked and modified to make it more accurate. This one is based on the original studio model Defiant and not the inaccurate CGI used later in the series.

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Offline E_Look

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2005, 10:51:52 pm »
Tough ship, top job!  My kids happened to see your post with me and they agree that the Defiant model looks super and that you're a great modeler.

This is no bootlick; it's late here and I had to boot 'em out before they'd leave and go to bed.  Your moniker and models are among the few... the one(?) they recognize when SFC is mentioned... well, Chris Jones, too, but that goes without saying.

Anyhow, +1, 'cuz the kids liked the ship.

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2005, 01:31:57 am »
Great ship WZ!  You've done it again.  It's been awhile since someone has done a new Defiant.

Offline Major A Payne

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2005, 02:06:24 am »
Okay so I'm officially impressed. WZ. Any chance you could make a version of this model thats around 1200 polys using those textures of yours without the defiant registry?? (I know how you are with usage of your models and the current ones a bit high poly). I know its a long shot but I thought I would ask anyway.

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2005, 04:11:51 am »
Cool! 8)

Whatcha gonna come out with next?
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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2005, 09:27:31 am »
Awe inspiring work WZ. Another magnificent effort.
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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2005, 09:44:49 pm »
Outstanding! Im glad you have finally got around to modifying her.

Great name for the topic by the way... had me all excited when i saw it haha  :D
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Offline markyd

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2005, 02:03:58 pm »
Yep... that is a1... I was looking at your website last week.... the defiant needed a tweaking... and sir, you have done an awsome job... I love that you have the patience and commiment to re do your earlyer work... good stuff  ;)

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Offline Kaenyne

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2005, 02:18:41 pm »
You know...I never really liked the Defiant. Thought it too squat among other things. And then WickedZombie makes this...and I don't know what I was thinking. She's going into my game.
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Offline Wicked Zombie

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2005, 09:43:03 pm »
Okay so I'm officially impressed. WZ. Any chance you could make a version of this model thats around 1200 polys using those textures of yours without the defiant registry?? (I know how you are with usage of your models and the current ones a bit high poly). I know its a long shot but I thought I would ask anyway.

I'm assuming you meant "I" instead of "you" (or vice versa...or whatever). As long as the readme is included (even though nobody ever reads it) and I'm credited for whatever is used, it's fine by me. There are blank textures with the ship if you want to 'erase' the registries.
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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2005, 09:47:41 pm »
I'm assuming you meant "I" instead of "you" (or vice versa...or whatever).

I believe he meant you, WZ.  I'm not sure if he's unaware of you not taking requests or suggestions in your work, but the message seems to indicate something along the lines of such a misunderstanding. *shrug*

She's a nicely-detailed little ship.  Not my favorite class of Starship, but you did a good job.  Since I'm no expert on her, I wouldn't be qualified-enough to nitpick about your model here, if I could've spotted any.

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Offline Wicked Zombie

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2005, 10:03:54 pm »
He mods for Armada and made a low-res version of my Kalon a while back so I just assumed he was asking if he could Armada-ify the Defiant.

As for it being accurate, the ship has plenty of errors but considering the polygon count and the fact I do have some degree of sanity left, I don't think they're worth splitting hairs over.

Cool! 8)

Whatcha gonna come out with next?

Hopefully something that isn't a Fed. I'm trying to wean myself off the damn things and get to the other races.

Yep... that is a1... I was looking at your website last week.... the defiant needed a tweaking... and sir, you have done an awsome job... I love that you have the patience and commiment to re do your earlyer work... good stuff  ;)

Insperation to us all  :)

Inspiration? I don't know, I wouldn't go that far but I tend to have a mellower opinion of things...except when I haven't had my coffee.

The Defiant did need an overhaul though as the original textures were heavily modified schematics...and poorly done at that. Besides, most Defiants out there are based on the cgi model and the 'nose' on that one always bugged me for some reason.
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Offline Kaenyne

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2005, 10:47:24 pm »
Hmmmm...think...Romulan. Yes, a Romulan would be quite nice...
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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2005, 10:52:53 pm »
simply awesome WZ, bloody love it, i do have one nitpick but it may be me, on the aft part at the back arnt there supposed to be like two circular pieces sticking out, but either way still bloody awesome, i love the detailing near the bridge area and love the deflector and underside of it aswell
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Offline Wicked Zombie

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2005, 11:06:54 pm »
Ah, what circular pieces and where exactly?
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Offline Major A Payne

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2005, 11:25:48 am »
WZ. The request was acutally directed for you to do it. If I remember rightly one model I made a request for (I think it was your previous Defiant), you stated you didnt' want it messed with. As long as your sure you dont' mind I should be able to do a low poly version myself, so thanks muchly.

Offline S33K100

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2005, 11:33:01 am »
Ah, what circular pieces and where exactly?

I think he means the impulse engines, on the studio model they were raised circular pieces at the very rear of the model IIRC, they looked very goofy being so small on a ship of that size, and even the ones you've done are a little small but I suppose it would ruin the design to make them too large.

Very nice textures WZ, a huge improvement on the last version if you don't mind me saying, all your recent models made the Defiant stick out as being a bit poor texture wise, no offense intended.
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Offline Wicked Zombie

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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2005, 01:12:06 pm »
Yes, but the impulse engines aren't sticking out, they're sticking in.

I don't have a problem with the scale of the impulse engines. The Constitution had relatively small ones compared to the rest of the ship. Same for the Intrepid, Nova, and Oberth. The main difference with the Defiant is that they're set far apart across a bulkier hull.

At any rate, I already said the old one was crap at least as far as textures were concerned. I can't get offended at my own agreements...

As for building a lower res version, I had enough trouble keeping this one under 3500. You'd probably get better results from someone who wasn't already sick of messing with it.
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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2005, 05:14:48 am »
perhaps one of these Klingons by jrstandfast:

or Azel's TNG cruiser:
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Re: Tough little ship...
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2005, 09:55:12 am »
erm i didnt mean the impulse engines lol i thought they looked dead on, my nitpick is at the back of the ship there should be two small rods sticking out not too long and not to short i cant find any good reference pics
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