Topic: Biased admins, Biased League, Blah Blah Blah?  (Read 13448 times)

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Offline Corbomite

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2005, 01:50:32 am »

Loo the 1 lost to tho nomad :) I rest my case. and i quote from ur guys ' You made us look really stupid'

No I made me look stupid, you just happened to be there. You won't believe it i'm sure, but I was just having a bad week. It happens. Try getting a life and you might have one too once in awhiile. I'll restate my challenge to all of you because none of you pussies took me up on it before - I'll be happy to play you one on one anytime. You name the BPV and era and I get to choose terrain.  You guys aren't that good as I proved when Butcher ran from my CM in his SUB. He had what, 100 points of BPV on me and attrition units and still couldn't get the job done? Hell, I even let him tractor me and he still couldn't keep hold of me after he ate all that plasma.

Butcher's a nice player. I accept ur challenge, tho lets make it best of 5, and after the 1st 3 games, want u making the thread here about how you got owned. I  havent played in a long time, and will be out of touch, but that hardly matters if im going to be flying against a low calibre pilot.

The terms are the terms. Take them or leave them. You get two out of three parameters to choose. I won't be making any posts either way. If I lose I'll say "gg" and if I win I'll say "gg".

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2005, 08:40:56 am »
Ian, I and most players from the last several years know just how excellent a pilot you are. I just don't understand why you have to posture like this. Watching you post like this, it's no wonder that over my years of sfc play I have repeatedly seen and heard you referred to as "Ian the @ss". I hope you have some better diplomatic skills in real life.
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2005, 08:42:59 am »

Loo the 1 lost to tho nomad :) I rest my case. and i quote from ur guys ' You made us look really stupid'

No I made me look stupid, you just happened to be there. You won't believe it i'm sure, but I was just having a bad week. It happens. Try getting a life and you might have one too once in awhiile. I'll restate my challenge to all of you because none of you pussies took me up on it before - I'll be happy to play you one on one anytime. You name the BPV and era and I get to choose terrain.  You guys aren't that good as I proved when Butcher ran from my CM in his SUB. He had what, 100 points of BPV on me and attrition units and still couldn't get the job done? Hell, I even let him tractor me and he still couldn't keep hold of me after he ate all that plasma.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I draft u in the game and i saw an unkown name.Wow i say this guy is a noob i ll go for the grab and finish the game really quick.
Oh well i was wrong as i suffered a serious damage after the grab and after u just kept a safe distance of my sub and fighters in the large map terrain which isnt difficult i couldnt even touch u as the sub has only 1-2 phaser1.
My fighters was running max speed 24 and never had the chance to have a shot at your CM which was always kept a safe distance.
The fact is u didnt have anything to loose in this match(u would take a VC win) but i had  so my game couldnt be so agressive and my goal after i got damage was more than to return my ship safe in the dock.
Congradulations Corbo for the disguise it really saved your ass as i always applicate my tactics depending who i fight.
As for challenges i can win anyone as i can loose too.This is the game none is unbeatable here.
The only difference is that some know to fly all races but others dont.
So i challenge anyone to choose the race im going to fly in a bpv 150-200late(oh well except Cougar there id like to choose my race ;D).Lets see what ya got.Dam i like good challeneges as they give vgg.

U r a very good plasma pilot Corbo but in order to come here and claim that im not that good u really need to bring it.
The fact is that u guys never actually bring it yet as  in a perfectly balanced 3v3 match flying the same race WE OWNED YOUR AZZ and both games u had 1 more of the "unbeatable PPD" in your combos that so many times u claimed all here that the big ppd amount is unfair.
We make u look soooo stupid?Yes but we didnt come here gloating about our win and thats the difference between us.
We sometimes make fun of some people always with good humour yes.And that what Iantheace did here.But yes as u still have his balls in your mouth u really cant follow  the spirit of his post and u just take it serius again and talking about ban him we got no real life and other BS...

Good sportmanship?Dam when u didnt miss the chance to post that u run me off the map in D2forum i congradulate your excellent game.But when u guys lost in the PBR match your only comment ,after all the promises u gave before that u would kick our ass,was  that although your wings played excellent u played bad. ::)

In order not to come here again and state u played bad i advise u not start the same BS again and  zip it from now on  or u will find yourself one more time big time stupid.

These all sh*t are all in the spirit of the game on our side.We have good sportmanship and we applicated when we should.When u provoke us this is what u get.We just pay u back with the same way.

p.s Nomad FPF had a 9-1 record when flying feds in the previous cycle.Dammit bro u fly Federation leave the crap about ISC .Besides u know lot of ISC pilots we were flying Gorn , Lyran ,Federation in previous leagues,gsa tournaments ...u were there u know what was going on ;D

« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 09:08:15 am by [ISC]Butcher »

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2005, 11:43:18 am »
I draft u in the game and i saw an unkown name.Wow i say this guy is a noob i ll go for the grab and finish the game really quick.
Oh well i was wrong as i suffered a serious damage after the grab and after u just kept a safe distance of my sub and fighters in the large map terrain which isnt difficult i couldnt even touch u as the sub has only 1-2 phaser1.

 :rofl:  You'd think after ten minutes that you would get the clue, but you just kept on coming. Of course I kept a safe distance. I'm going to fly right into 16 plasma fighters? Don't blame me for your choice of ship, you asked for it. If you can't handle it, ask Warsears for some tips. He can fly that ship correctly.

My fighters was running max speed 24 and never had the chance to have a shot at your CM which was always kept a safe distance.
The fact is u didnt have anything to loose in this match(u would take a VC win) but i had  so my game couldnt be so agressive and my goal after i got damage was more than to return my ship safe in the dock.

You had your shot when I let you tractor me. That's right, I let you. I knew you had to download those Plasma S to keep up with me so I knew I could take the hit. My only error there was misjudging the distance to the border and I started my turn late so you got the grab before eating three SS too.

Couldn't be aggressive? Is that what you call several minutes of doggedly chasing me and getting spanked in the process?  Weren't you the one who said that GSA/Ladder pilots are used to sticking out to the end and know how to fight to the death and that running away was a D2 thing? IIRC you still had two squads of fighters left and plenty of supplies when you slunk across the border. Glad to see you adjusting to the D2 so well, you've got the running away thing down pat. <snicker> Oh, and all my ships are important to me, VC or not.

Congradulations Corbo for the disguise it really saved your ass as i always applicate my tactics depending who i fight.

No congrats needed. You beat yourself by

1) underestimating your opponent

2) using one dimensional tactics

3) flying too much ship for you to handle

As far as my "disguise" I hardly think that is relevant as you think I'm a no skill bum anyway and would have done the same thing for the same results. I'll let you in on a little secret: I always fly under disguise. Corbomite isn't my real name either. Keep it under your hat OK?

As for challenges i can win anyone as i can loose too.This is the game none is unbeatable here.
The only difference is that some know to fly all races but others dont.
So i challenge anyone to choose the race im going to fly in a bpv 150-200late(oh well except Cougar there id like to choose my race ;D).Lets see what ya got.Dam i like good challeneges as they give vgg.

Really? Can I choose terrain too? You know how I love asteroids!  ;)

U r a very good plasma pilot Corbo but in order to come here and claim that im not that good u really need to bring it.

It was brought. You were found lacking. I didn't say you weren't good, just not as good as you seem to think. As I said, you had me by about 100 BPV, what more of an edge do you need?

The fact is that u guys never actually bring it yet as  in a perfectly balanced 3v3 match flying the same race WE OWNED YOUR AZZ and both games u had 1 more of the "unbeatable PPD" in your combos that so many times u claimed all here that the big ppd amount is unfair.
We make u look soooo stupid?Yes but we didnt come here gloating about our win and thats the difference between us.
We sometimes make fun of some people always with good humour yes.And that what Iantheace did here.But yes as u still have his balls in your mouth u really cant follow  the spirit of his post and u just take it serius again and talking about ban him we got no real life and other BS...

 :rofl: Not even worth a real response. Tell me what part of the game allows you to influence my navigation? I f*cked up and hit a rock. I don't see how your team's skills had anything to do with it. You almost ran into a planet in the second fight (much bigger than a 'roid by the way). Was that our team's skill or you not paying attention. Be truthful now.

Good sportmanship?Dam when u didnt miss the chance to post that u run me off the map in D2forum i congradulate your excellent game.But when u guys lost in the PBR match your only comment ,after all the promises u gave before that u would kick our ass,was  that although your wings played excellent u played bad. ::)

Well I did and I admitted it. What's the big deal there? You act as if I said my keyboard locked up or something. I flew like crap the first fight and my team payed for it. The only thing I regret is letting my team down when they needed me.

In order not to come here again and state u played bad i advise u not start the same BS again and  zip it from now on  or u will find yourself one more time big time stupid.

This was already gone over above.

These all sh*t are all in the spirit of the game on our side.We have good sportmanship and we applicated when we should.When u provoke us this is what u get.We just pay u back with the same way.

Ummm... right. I suggest you go reread some of the unnecessary comments made by some of your teammates. What is this preoccupation with sucking balls with you guys? Are those pent up latent homosexual feelings you guys are having for each other finally bubbling to the surface?

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2005, 02:01:57 pm »
I m not a carrier pilot im a carrier killer .I never ever fly carriers and in bozobits i made that clear to my team.I took the SUB just because there was a 3rd spot for it available and because for the effort of my side it would be a waste to fly a stock ship as i would be able to fly 12 hours a day every day.I made that clear in the coallition group  and i took it with the condition to keep it live ,engaging the enemy and flipping blue hexs to green until the CON+ comes out 2 days later.I was ordered to do a job in GW5 and this is exactly what i did with the best way.
I was wrong about the Dynaverse pilots there are really very good pilots in dynaverse but most of them started as league players.
The 2 style of sfc gaming has many differences ,both are fun though.Dynaverse players dont have the chance to fly many pvp 3v3 2v2 1v1 as league/gsa players do and is logical that they are better skill pilots.
I m a new dynaverse pilot and i dont have the experience in this style of game yet.However in 3 servers with 3 different races i had more than 30 kills ,large number of pilots (sometimes even when i was outnumbered)escaped from my claws and i lost 3 ships with a record of 30+/3.
Dynaverse isnt a place for skill competition for many reasons.
What do u think for example that because Kraven lost his FHX against a F-DGX(stock ship) that makes him crap pilot?
If u think u are so good pilot u have to proove it and win gsa tournaments,league tournaments,league ladders ,divisional TBPV  championships, than come here and gloating cause u run off the map my SUB in a dynaverse server.
U know i run off the map people (flying OOB ships and stock) more than 20 times and killed 9-10(i didnt even reported a couple of my kills) ships in GW5 but i didnt come to gloat for this cause it doesnt matter.What really matters is that my side won the war with a really impressive way.
I had to disengage 4 times in GW5 and 3 of the times alliance players didnt miss the chance to mention it and gloat for this except DH.
Is this the best u guys can do and u r sooooo happy about this  ???   :o I m really impressed!

I understand your anger though as in our last PBR match your beating was so brutal u didnt even stay to fly the 3rd just for fun  :-*
« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 02:24:10 pm by [ISC]Butcher »

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2005, 02:10:53 pm »
Corb   as far as ur challenge to all of isc u never challenged a 1v1 it was some team early nebula crap instead of the match terms, ur tone has gone from babies to pussies well ok i AM WHAT I EAT now how bout u Dick???? all this homo talk out of u sounds like ur the one with the taste for sausage hmm???? Now is this the kind of speech we want???? dont matter to me. I thought this was just a game is what i keep hearing from Dyna folks but u folks sure get nasty when pulled on the public carpet for bs............ I am sorry if our fleet has busted up your dyna country club as we did the gz one whaaaaaaaaaa the new guys won sniff sniff.......

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2005, 02:22:26 pm »

You started this whole thing by telling Kroma "Look what happened to the last guy who spouted off in PBR". Do you think I was going to let that pass knowing what I knew? I never gloated or said a word until you brought it up. I can quote the original post if you like. You need to learn not to throw stones in glass houses Butcher. I'll say it again - I never said you weren't good or an asset to your team, but racking up kills or disengagements is only one part of the effort as you now know being an experienced D2 player. Just because people don't post ever little victory like some like to do doesn't mean they don't inspire dread in their opponents when that name appears across the screen.

The fact of the matter is I don't really care if I'm the best there is in any venue. I've played for years and won more than I have lost by a large margin and that is good enough for me.

As far as your observation that most D2 players started in Ladder/League play, I would question that assessment.

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2005, 02:30:09 pm »
Corb   as far as ur challenge to all of isc u never challenged a 1v1 it was some team early nebula crap instead of the match terms,

Wrong! My initial challenge was here (number 5). The only difference was that then we were arguing about the PPD rule so I said we had to fly plasma vs plasma first. The other post you are refering to was in the scheduling thread and was a half assed joke.,163348933.msg1122479569.html#msg1122479569

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2005, 02:41:15 pm »
First of i didnt mention your name or made any other comment that someone would think it was u in D2 forum.
Second u brougth this here again without me provoke u or said anything for u and after i congradulate u for your excellent game in D2 forum.
Its not my style to gloat and  make fun others when i kill them even if i have taken crap from them in the past (U r a good example for it).
I did it once against FSD although they werent so nice with us either but i apologised.
The only thing i say is gg or vgg or u played excellent and then i STFU.When i loose i accept that the other was better and congradulate him for his flying.
However when a punk like u behave like u did here just because u just cant accept your beating and STFU  then u ll have my wraith and my promise that next time i ll give u your balls in a plate and ill take your scalp and put it to your mouth to STFU once and for good.

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2005, 02:49:54 pm »
Bring it dont sing it plasma sucker.Cause u know what happened to the last guy that sing it at the PBA forums :whip:  ;D

I suppose that whipped icon is your way of showing grace and true good form?

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2005, 03:00:13 pm »
Bring it dont sing it plasma sucker.Cause u know what happened to the last guy that sing it at the PBA forums :whip:  ;D

I suppose that whipped icon is your way of showing grace and true good form?
Why dont u quote what Kroma posted for me before ? ah?
I just pay back with the same way

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2005, 03:08:34 pm »
By bringing someone into the conversation that was not in it before? Just what does what happened here with me have to do with Kroma and you on the D2? When you can give me a logical, reasonable expalantion for that I'll be happy to let it lie.

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Re: Biased admins, Biased League, Balls in your mouth, isnt this a bit gay?
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2005, 04:05:08 pm »