Hi there, i came back today, you may notice i dont play an awful lot. Well sh*t happens, and when i come play a few games with the ISC guys we always go to bed with a smile on our face. Those of you who know me personally will know im in it for the fun, and the hard games, and my wings love my cockyness both in and out of the game. Several months ago, this led to a jokey incident where i post something on the GZ forums about fluffy animals and bunnies of ISC killing the GDA, hugging, then humping the ugly lizards. I was frustrated at what a poor game GDA offered us even when terms are in thier favour. However, was all in jest, Kel didnt take it this way, and hates me, and ISC because of it.
Now, after this, was some sh*t which followed up on the forums, and i knew i couldnt change, its my nature to make fun because im enjoying myself, and after posting a picture of hamsters having rampant sex and calling them Kel and Jakle, well things didnt follow up too well. I decided to take a break from SFC and thought maybe it would benefit my fleet if i was cuasing the problems. Really, it doesnt seem like i was causing the problems. But some GDA and the leader wannabe types were.
This leads me to the decision, that an only an outside source can give an opinion on what should happen in the game with ISC vs SOV.
Now there are some important facts to consider.
SOV missed the deadline for all games to be completedl
SOV missed the date scheduled for the games to be completed.
ISC kept members on for 24 hours either side of the time when the game was scheduled to be completed.
SOV asked to play the game at a date after all matches were due to be completed when ISC is not prepared, and outnumbered.
Seems fairly 1 sided to me, infact, if you read this, you may be shocked to hear that there is any quarrel whatsoever. However, look at the GDA history between me, Kel, and the fleet, and apparently kel isnt biased ok........ whatever. sounds like bullsh*t to me.
Also due to the nature of this, it means that nobody who plays the dynaverse can decide on the matter, but it also means that nobody from GSA can decide either, as all GSA would side with us, all Dynaverse would side, with kel and SOV.
Now, you guys may argue that it doesnt make any difference now, and that we are in the playoffs etc. Now take into consideration this. ISC has won every single championship for GZ, even when the rules stacked against us, we played through it, and weve come through the other side. However, this cycle is different, because this is the only cycle in which we have never lost a match, and we wish to finish with a 10 and 0 record. This is important to us, as you know this is likely our last cycle.
All those who fly against us, know that we are very good pilots, and those players who play what we play for, hard matches, fun fights, wouldnt even dream of acting the way SOV have done.
Seeing as from what ive determined here, that no outside source should decide, Me, Phaser, and Butcher, will be online for the next 3 to 4 hours. If you can bring a squad to come and play us in this time period, Plasmas armed and ready. However if you cannot, you must surely accept that you are the ones in fault in terms of scheduling, and take the loss. We have been more than fair here as you can see.
So, we will see you in up to 3 hours, or we will see a 10 and 0 record, and see you in the playoff's, you dont seem to comprehend 10 and 0 is more important than the playoffs to us. You may win, and if you do, great.
Now lets just quit all the homo sh*t, ive posted above what is fair, you know its above and beyond what is required, and if it was any other fleet, which didnt have me and my history, it wouldnt be this way.
Also DO NOT, go down the road of talented said this talented said <whine whine whine whine> because its bullsh*t, you know its bullsh*t, now zip it.
Anyway, were waiting, lets see if SOV can spit the balls out of thier mouth and meet us, thier problem head on. Or whether they are going to carry on sucking like molested children.
And for those of you who wonder what 2 hamsters having rampent sex looks like