Topic: Shipbuilding returns to Philadelphia!  (Read 873 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Shipbuilding returns to Philadelphia!
« on: April 15, 2005, 09:03:46 am »
Thanks to Norway for "investing" in this project when they already have the capacity themselves!

Scroll down to headlines and top story is it.

Speaking of shipyards and ships, I saw a tv program yesterday on the "Shanghai Express." No people, not the train, I think this baby is MUCH bigger and has more cargo capacity than any train.  ;)

What is really cool about her is she has a new system installed in her radar and ship I.D. receivers and can not only tell which ships are nearby (name and type) she can also plot when they will be very near and give a time, she can know what cargo the ship is carrying, where the ships is coming from and where it is headed, and even how many people are on board!

Now Hamburg shipyard really puts us to shame. Almost TOTALLY automated, the cranes and container transports (they look like huge airline baggage loading and unloading vehicles with the ramps lowered level). The transports run on a road sensing system and get their orders to pick up or offload from the central system, and they give courtesy as well! For example, one transport has no container freight and another that does is on it's way across the tarmac, guess what the empty one does? Gives it right of way!  ;D To top that off the transports go to the waiting area to await further orders when they are not transporting stuff. Maintenance? Hey, if cars and trucks had it this good then a lot of people might not have auto problems. They not only automatically go to the service area when preventive maint. is due, but if they are low on fuel or have a hydraulic problem or practically ANY problem they automatically pull into the service area!

Number of accidents due to mechanical stuff or human error? ZERO!  ;D Those Germans got it going on!

Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Shipbuilding returns to Philadelphia!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2005, 03:28:24 pm »
Interesting.  I hadn't heard anything about it.
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