thanks guys. I am going to double back up these on 2 zip disks cuz I am sick of loosing the stuff. I dunno if I accedently deleted them this time or if there are here somewhere in this huge mess of folders and I just can't find'em. anyways, if anyone happens to have an FCL (miranda) gafy version handy like the one found on the maas/dublinar, that should be the last one I need except the carrier excel B variant which I think I can copy and paste the cargo door on over the impulse and make myself...I hope. Mackie said he can make one (FCL) but just incase....
edit: Ok, copy and paste worked on the FOAS excelcior-B variant with the extra impulse as cargo doors so that problem is solved. I discovered in subsequent searches of my drive some kitbashes using these really light blue p81 lakota textures with the red impulse reactor domes: in that rar file. Rouge included the darker colored and FOAS/GAFY versions but I still don't have a blank for the light blue ones. Might as well finish getting them all at once. I need these, the FCL dorsal and ventral with textured phaser titties and ventral connie with phaser titties (as shown on the maas and dublinar bashes from mackie) and I should have all of them. Once I get these 5 bmps I'll zip'em up and make copius backups.