Taldrenites > Starfleet Command CD Key Issues

EAW CD Key problem. What do I do now??

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People can always make copies of a game and then pass the working code key with it.  Clearly  what the people on this site are concerned about is illegal, or they would not require having confirmation of sale (however you do that, anyway).   But if you have a pirated copy, you probably will make sure that you have a working key, or if you are making them you will publish them with a working key.  And I certainly know the difference between pirated software in the marketplace vs. legit software.  If it is not legit, i won't buy it, out of concern that I will get a bad copy with bad security, much less the fact that its the wrong thing to do anyway.

If you have the authorization to pass out the key, and that is it, thats fine.  But the people who made the game should do the right thing and make the code public.  That way they can give back to the players who have already paid their money for the game, but can't play it because of THEIR error.

By the way, do you still email frey?  I sent him one a couple of days ago and have not heard from him.  He's either busy or not comin' round no more.  Is there someone else to contact?  What proof do you need.  I have the box, the little folder and the book...



--- Quote from: irishfarmer on December 08, 2006, 06:41:16 pm ---People can always make copies of a game and then pass the working code key with it.

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Yes they can make a zillion copies...but with one one key...one one copy can play online at a time...

--- Quote ---  Clearly  what the people on this site are concerned about is illegal, or they would not require having confirmation of sale (however you do that, anyway).

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Correct....we have process that satisfies a reasonable assurance that you own the game....even if you bought it used...

--- Quote ---   But if you have a pirated copy, you probably will make sure that you have a working key, or if you are making them you will publish them with a working key.

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See above....each disk comes with a unique key....if that key is in use somewhere else....it wont work...

--- Quote ---  And I certainly know the difference between pirated software in the marketplace vs. legit software.

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No one is doubting that you bought it...or that you are not legit...

Interplay shiped many copies with bad keys....they shipped OP...with EAW keys even...

--- Quote ---  If it is not legit, i won't buy it, out of concern that I will get a bad copy with bad security, much less the fact that its the wrong thing to do anyway.

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No doubt...

--- Quote ---If you have the authorization to pass out the key, and that is it, thats fine. 

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--- Quote --- But the people who made the game should do the right thing and make the code public.  That way they can give back to the players who have already paid their money for the game, but can't play it because of THEIR error.

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Slight problem with that....there is no one left "who made the game" as a legal entity...Taldren is bankrupt and out of business...

--- Quote ---By the way, do you still email frey?  I sent him one a couple of days ago and have not heard from him.  He's either busy or not comin' round no more.  Is there someone else to contact?  What proof do you need.  I have the box, the little folder and the book...


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Bonk was doing the CD key aid.....but he took a job way up north and has no internet access at the moment...and for the near future...

To my knowlege...Frey is the man to talk too...be patient...it takes a few days sometimes....it's not unusual....Frey owns the site...he is not gone for long.....but he usually gone for a day or two...

Can you pm me and let me know what other proof you need?  I am happy to furnish whatever you need....


--- Quote from: KBF-Crim on December 06, 2006, 10:53:40 pm ---Same instruction daniel....send frey a private message.....meet some minimum proof that you in fact own EAW and it's not a pirated copy....and he'll help you out...

But as others have said...frey is a rather busy man....it might take a while....but if you've waited a couple months...a few days shouldnt be a problem...if you dont hear back from him in a few days...send another private message..but dont spam him...

You might also try and find a copy of Orion Pirates on eBAY...since we play SFC2:Orion pirates now for the most part...

You've found the right place...but it's not an automatic thing... ;)

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Thanks - I will do that - I am so sorry - I had not checked back - the holiday preps got the best of me. But, you are very right, that we have waited this long, a bit longer will not matter. I already told my son to not get his hopes up, so if something good does happen, he will be doubly thrilled.  Question - Orion Pirates does not have the same bad code key issue? Oh, and does it run on Windows 2000? His upgraded computer did not go all the way to XP.

Thanks again!!

Is there any way around this issue? I actually had it working at one point but now it no longer works. I know this is an older game but I enjoyed it and wanted to play again.


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