Topic: Some server Ideas, so....  (Read 1448 times)

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Offline Marikar

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Some server Ideas, so....
« on: April 14, 2005, 11:03:27 am »
I have been doing some thinking on what I would like to see on a server so.

I have decided to work on my own server.

But I have a problem.  I can't host it on my machine.  I don't have enough bandwidth for that.

Marikar's Server,  Name to be decided after I work out what races will be in.

First although I like Firesoul's ship list I have decided to go back to stock taldren ships.  A special shiplist will be in effect. I will hopfully do this by simply editing out most of the extra ships from his list.  Restricted fighter list as well.
Medium sized map to allow pvp play and some limited strategic play.  (high dv's to try to limit the land grab we just saw on GW5)

Very limited oob.  I think the sinbin idea could be used along with the only a few oob ships allowed on server at any one time.  Also you see a ship you will be able to buy it if you have enough pp as long as its not restricted by numbers allowed online...

This will be the first server I have even tried to put together so please cut me a little slack...

Now I just need a good rational for the server and write up a story line to go with it....

BVP totals that reflect the loadout of the ships.  (not sure how this works, but a CL should be a CL and DN should not be outgunned by a CL.) lol.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Some server Ideas, so....
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 11:27:00 am »
If you need help with a background story to go with your settings, just PM me the layout for the server and I'll send you some ideas.  I don't do tech stuff but storylines are something that I feel I'm pretty good at.  If I can help you with this don't hesitate to let me know.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Some server Ideas, so....
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 11:31:39 am »

BVP totals that reflect the loadout of the ships.  (not sure how this works, but a CL should be a CL and DN should not be outgunned by a CL.) lol.

Nix this, it would require new mision scripts.
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Offline Mog

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Re: Some server Ideas, so....
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 12:09:34 pm »
I remember it working out ok on Day of the Eagle.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Some server Ideas, so....
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 12:17:46 pm »
I remember it working out ok on Day of the Eagle.

Scippy added the BPV for the Fighters to the carriers.  THAT can be done rather eaislly.  But drones, spares, mines, etc . . .   
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Marikar

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Re: Some server Ideas, so....
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2005, 02:35:18 pm »
Its OK.  I might have to run with BVP based on Default loadout for the year the ship comes out.  so bvp for drones would be for the era the ship comes out in.  These values are likely to be a little arbitrary anyway since I don't have any SFB referenct materials.  All values will have to be based on Taldrens calculations.  Many of the speciality ships will simply not be present.  Sorry DH but only the stock DN/BB will be available for any race that I include (Admittedly I'm not sure what that gives each race yet, but I'm looking at the shiplists at the moment).

Next question is what races.   I like the Idea of all races with my own definition of who is on what side.  I would like more than two alliances but I am not sure about numbers so not sure about more than two sides.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Some server Ideas, so....
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2005, 02:36:51 pm »
KCW will have 4-5 sides
LCW will have 6 (if we actually have that many players)

The secret is to find someone and make them get all this stuff to work for you.
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Offline Marikar

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Re: Some server Ideas, so....
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2005, 04:21:31 pm »

The secret is to find someone and make them get all this stuff to work for you.

Ahhh thats how its done is it...

It might come to that.  Are you volenteering then?  lol