"What can I say Zeppa, this pretty much proves everything I have been going on about, poor sportsmanship and malignant attitudes towards your fellow players. It is unfortunate that a few bad apples with loud mouths create the impression that these are the attitudes of the player base at large."
So...what.....we're not allowed to be Klingon anymore?

You playing the same game I am?
I said less emphisis on war..in
war-game....I didnt say eliminate it...
Dont remember the "great fed turkey shoot?" a huge allied offensive designed and carried out on an early Thanksgiving morning faced by a few valient defenders?
Dont remember the "hail mary?" designed and carried on an early fathers day morning faced by a few valient defenders?
These offensives alone were expressly designed to take advantage of the fact that a majority of the defenders would be wrapped up in family commitments and unable to rise to the defense...
The alliance sought a clear tacitcal advantage that arouse from the majority of opposing players had personal commitments...while clearly keeping such an operation secret before inception...
Do we still scream foul?...or did you get a "well played...and well planned....we should have known"
Certainly had plenty of people speak up and say that "nice" or not...it was a valid tactic...
Seems alot different than sounding the horns of battel comming over the rise and
announcing exacty what your target is and when you will be there pounding on it...giving the defenders plenty of time to put their butts on the line...
You've flown on our side....and you know how we play...and you never seem to have a problem with these tactics when you are the benificiary...
You're not playing against a bunch of wussies...we're comming like Atilla's hoards...
Many times there is no choice but to fight or run.
You want to mix up interpersonal problems with other players in with completley valid war game tactics and cry foul...it aint gonna wash...
I never hear these cries or foul when it is our space that's being over run.....or our worlds being targeted...our when our ships are gleefully blown to bits...
So knock off the melodrama and the not so subtle charactor Assination...
I'm gonna politely remind you there is an unmoderated forum at SFC2.net....
You guys want to continue beating each other over the head...go over there....get this crap off yer chest...then bury the frickin hatchet..even if it has to be in someones skull.