DH and Moggy are right, the backroom stuff and horsetrading killed KCW before it ever started.
I know I'll be accused of trying to start trouble...too bad..
But what killed KCW was going from a voluntary 3 way sign up to a manditory draft as a direct result of dislike of actions on a previous server...
There was no problem with the logical desire for one faction in the 3 way to be defending the empire proper in a civil war....many Klingon regulars wanted to defend the empire...
even if it meant being double teamed and losing...
Again...all logical and no problem....at the time...
Until many klingon regulars jumped rommy instead of flying allied to the feds on litter box...
As a direct responce to those actions...KCW
then became a manditory draft...and the desires of people who thought the server was going to be set up as previously discussed and agreed upon where thrown out the window...
And I quote:
'And to think that I contacted Hooch and offered the 1AF to side with the KBF on the KCW server because I was afraid of a numbers imbalance for them.
I think the 1AF will steer clear from now on.
And I don't want to hear no "we just wanted to fly another race" crap. What a load.
And BTW....the Klingon Civil War server will be 100% draft. I promise that."
The back room crap was a result of
this....not the other way around...
And when it became clear that many klink regs would end up on one team again...the plug got pulled...and KCW crashed on the rocks...
No one is more dissapointed than I am....I have been waiting my whole online time waiting for just such a server...just as I have waiting for Mirror mirror...
I had no part in the LB fiasco..and clearly stated my position on it....
http://bozobits.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5659&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0You may also note I didnt fly much on GW5.....for basicly the same reason I didnt fly rom on LB....I suck at it...it's no fun for me...and I'd rather have my teeth pulled without novacain than fly rommy...

I'm not trying to start another flame fest...I'm trying to set the record straight...I will remind everyone that trades for KCW were legal and agreed upon under the rules....
The problem wasnt back room deals (trades)...it was a problem with the
result of those back room deals...
This BS goes back to when some of us didnt even play or where to busy testing to spend time on servers in fleets......but still it continues...
Frankly...we dont have the luxury to keep this up anymore or we'll end up with no players at all...

What ever happened to just having fun?....why the petty BS server after server (from both sides)?
Can we try...for love of game...to just play the next server and have fun?