DH is going to bring it back up.
1) Feds can ignore LOS inorder to create a resupply in original allied space (i.e. no flipping original Rom bases or planets fed should the alliance make any such gains).
2) OOB rules still apply, as do all other rules.
3) try to have fun, and novel idea.
4) if it ain't fun or you feel this is unfair, don't play, I wouldn't want anyone to feel that they are wasting their time on a game that isn't fun. If you decide not to play, Jinn has agreed to refund your money, simply PM him your checking account number and the funds will be withd....errrr....depostied.
5) whomever kills Butcher (Alliance or Coalitin) gets a little R&R from Cabin Boy duty.
6) Be sure to tell Kroma how pretty he is if you should draft him into a mission. THIS IS A NON-NEGOTIABLE TERM.
7) Give Hexx a DN, and make him fly on the front.
8 ) Be sure to tell Kroma how thin he looks if you should draft him in mission. THIS TOO IS A NON-NEGOTIABLE TERM.
9) Tell Nail he is a Bastard.
10) Continue to bump the HEXX GOES DOWN ON KROMA thread every chance you get.