Hey all, now that GW5 is essentially over -even excusing Kroma's blatant last minute changing of the rules
to benefit his side yet again - (j/k -we already have a semi flame thread going- don't need another)
Is there another server getting ready "in the wings"
I can have Mirror Mirror ready to go fairly soon,-but if someone else was prepping I don't want to step on any toes.
All I need to finish up are
- Finish the shiplist (seems like it should be a farily easy excel swap, but it's not working - I assume I'll either figure
it out or wear excel down through sheer spite)
- Map -(I've done this since J'inn ran off)
- Mission pack (which will consost of me asking- What missions should I use?)
-Get Kroma to put up (and design) a fancy (manly coloured) rules page
-tell DH to make the techy/server thing work
And I'm done.
Really it seems pretty easy, not sure why more people don't do it.
So is anything else coming up soon?