Yeah, know what? I am tired as hell. I am also sick and tired of assholes ruining my favorite game.
Between work, a softball team, lifting, getting my taxes together, and trying to play GW... I am burnt out.
I came home this past Friday and crashed. I slept most of Saturday also. I played as much as I could over the weekend, and for a few hours on Monday, for the first time all server that I saw, the alliance outnumbered the coalition for a few hours.
Other than that, I have consistantly seen the odds being 2+ to 1 in the coalition's favor. Several times, I have seen as high as 8-9 to 1. Not once did I hear an offer from someone to switch. Even from the people who played coalition to balance out numbers b/c they were in the alliance's favor for a few servers before GW1 started.
I have played as much as I could, but it has been a pitance compared to past servers. I just haven't had the time, and when I have, I have been too tired to even think straight, let alone offer a decent fight to a human opponent in PvP.
I have stayed off GW5 the past 2 days trying to catch up on sleep.
Now I am considering calling it quits for this entire game.
Seven years I have been playing SFC I, EAW, or OP..... and for the first time, I think it may be time to move on.
I watched the crap that was pulled against the SSFC and thought it stupid for them to be driven away by stupid people.
But after seeing the posts today, I am begining to understand why they left.
Too many people take this game too seriously. Taking it beyond the point of fun, but to a point of trying to embarrass the opponent.
Sorry, that is not my bag.
Actually, as I write this, f*ck it, I have concluded I am done with GW5.
CYA all on the flip side.
Don't even ask, if I come back, I come back.
Maybe it is time to check out Eve.