Hmmmmm I wonder if my yuppie arse will look good in western wear. Cowboy J'inn. hmmm. NAH too Village Peopleish.
Ooooooooo Indian Casinos . . . Oooooooooooooooooooooo!
My advice is to drink heavily, stay away from Western wear, because you will look completely gay, and pass on the Indian casinos. We have the Bomb Shelter right here, ready and waiting for you. All major credit cards accepted...

PS: If negotiations with Dizzy pull through, the Orion Slave Girls will be on revue, doing, erm, uhm, their thing. LIVE! ONSTAGE!
We're haggling on the cost of that Dana Delaney lookalike, but expect to resolve the problem as soon as he agrees to let her go. His wife is hastling him about her, and I need a new yeowoman.