You are correct in that point Kroma that none of the non heavy OOB severs have had the promotion or diligent attention to detail that would make for a major server in the recent past. But is it any wonder that those who prefer a more casual dyna environment are also the ones who are less technically oriented while those who prefer lots of little details tend to be those with the computer expertise? I think the personality type of the various players might have something to do with it, with the player not lacking in a willingness but rather in an ableness.
That is also the type of individual drawn to arcane statistical games like SFB, which is why you see such servers from the last remaining die hards.

However, that ain't their problem or responsibility. They are responsible only for creating servers for their own enjoyment.
Claiming to not be able to run a server for lack of technical expertise is funny though, considering that Jinn has done it. <snicker>
I also don't completely buy the fact that only OOB servers of late is due to tech people preferring them over non-tech people and tech people being the only ones able. There are several tech folks that have directly stated their distain for OOB, yet no alternative servers have been forthcoming.
My whole point was this (as I agree that a non-OOB server would be fun, and we could use more of all types of servers):
OOB servers didn't drive people away that prefer non-OOB. Lack of non-OOB servers did. There is a sutle difference here. One implies that admins of OOB servers are responsible for the decline of players, the other blames no one.
It is not necessarily the responsibility of those that prefer OOB servers to cater to those that don't just because they have proven capable of running a server. As you can see it is a pet peeve of mine when people can't take responsibility for their own delimas, and insist it is someone else fault, just because they followed their own course.
PS, would be happy to help you in any server creation, with tech or web site creation. The map editor is really easy to use too. There are a few things I believe you need to know though, like having allied races and such, but I am sure Jinn can give you the list of don't do's as I think he has tried them all. <snicker>