All I can say JD;
1. I already had the biggest ship I could buy without begging another player for one. Again, not a slap at the RMs they are good guys, but it's the system....
Actually, an NHK, RGK are probably the biggest, and since ships transfers are immediate, it's easy to rotate the better ships to keep them flying, both sides have been doing it all server.
2. Everyone I could fight on the other side was already in a DN/Carrier.
I know it appears that way, since a lot of our guys are still in line ships since we have way more pilots than capitol ships. It looks like all of the enemy has bigger ships because they have the opposite problem.

3. The guys in the DN/Carriers are not alone, and the thought of getting caught in the biggest thing I can buy by 2(or 3) guys, it
not fun.
Then make sure to wing with one of our Big Boys. I'm sure any of them would be glad to have a quality wingman like yourself.

4. If I get a wingman, the chances of a stable 4(or more) way in this game are not good. I have a good connection, but the player left bug has never been squashed).
Yes, that problem still exist, always will until everyone in the world is on broadband, maybe even then. But, many players have had successful 2v2 and 2v3 matches...a lot of them actually. Find someone with a known good connection to wing with. And most pilots are willing to admit if they have a slower connection and might have problems in larger matches. Still good ones to wing with to run some AI missions to get the feel of your ship and take territory, something that's essential for a land-grab type server like GW5. Not everyone likes to do it, but it's gotta be done.
5. Every AI I was fighting was in a ship I could not buy if I were on their side? If the players cannot buy them why is that All I see as AI?
Actually, the Coalition has noticed a marked decrease in the size of the Fed AI. We started out getting CVA, DN and such almost every mission. Lately, it's one or 2 CAs and CLs with mostly just DDs, HDWs and such.
6. I bet I killed about 10 copies of ships that were supposed to be one of a kind.....
Another issue that will probably always occur if you judge SFC OP by SFB "standards". But, without those ships being available, the live players couldn't buy them in the shipyards, either.
It's not as bad as it may seem, JD. Get on VT with us, get a wing and we'll have some fun!