Topic: SSCF is a D3 only fleet  (Read 9802 times)

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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2003, 03:08:09 pm »

 [Taxes? We don't pay no stinking taxes!        

To: Julin E., ISC Command and Tax Control Offices, Concordia
From: Pharoah, Beloved God and Purveyor of the Holy Donuts, location undisclosed


   Long Live Concordia! It has come to our puissant attention that certain elements of Miraki society have their economic duties to the Concordium.

You are hearby authorized and requested to deal with this matter. I have dispatched, for your personal command, several of our Fish Speaker specialists. Feel free to have the heavies pay Mr. Claw a...cordial....visit.

Don't break his thumbs, he needs those to open his wallet. I leave the choice of body parts up to your good graces.

Luck, Profit, and Pastry!




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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2003, 04:36:37 pm »
KRolling: Thank you for the suggestion of a new "Happy Place", it truly sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, I don't think that would go over well, especially with Redfur around (Yes she is a real person, although she doesn't use boards like this).

Kroma Basyl: THANKS ALOT! for ruining the possibility of a new "Happy Place". That is a situation that will be difficult to get rid off in memory and physical evidence (insert joke here).



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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2003, 06:12:57 pm »
Pharoah, as Patriarch of KOTH I have to say if you want any money come and get it.


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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2003, 06:57:51 pm »

Pharoah, as Patriarch of KOTH I have to say if you want any money come and get it.

Pharoah, God of Fluffy Lightness and Deep Fried Dough Rings, sat upon the Powdered Throne, thunderheads gathered about his head, and pondered the deeper meanings and truths of Life, the Universe, and Pastry. Since his elevation to the godhead, Pharoah had become aware of the deep need in the people of the Alpha Quadrant for guidance and pastry goodness. It was difficult work, but rewarding.

His Scribe and Personal Assistant came to the base of the dias and coughed slightly. Immediately, Pharoah knew this interruption on his reverie was not going to be pleasant.

Well, he thought in his enormous god mind, it was MOSTLY rewarding.

"Yes?" he said, his voice like the deep roll of large donuts frying.

"Lord, I bring a communique from the Kzinti Patriarch." McCloud said, voice slighty trembling. McCloud had recently returned from a much needed hiatus. Working for the Lord Pharoah was demanding work, even with the Orion Slave Girl perks, but he had truly needed a rest. Plus, the time spent at the gym had slowly worked off some of the donuts his position required him to consume.

"And? What does Kortez have to say?" Pharoah spoke, already guessing the answer.

McCloud swallowed a bite of his Boston Kreme, and responded. "Lord, he, ah...." how to put this, McCloud thought, "ah, he requests your personal presence to make arrangements for payment of the overdue taxes." Heh, not bad, McCloud thought to himself. Sounds pretty good, right?

"McCloud, do not anger your God with transparent lies. In my All Knowing Godheadedness, I am aware of many things. Let me see the communique." Pharoah said, reaching out his hand for the message.

Pharoah took the message and laid a glare on McCloud, who stepped back from the dias, head bowed, and waited. "Boy," he though, "can't even get a good lie goin' around this place."

The message was brief and thoroughly unsurprising. "Our good Patriarch is certainly a fountainhead of enlightenment, isn't he McCloud?" Pharoah asked, sarcasm dripping like oil from the pastry fryer.

"Yes Lord" McCloud replied. Boy, this was going to be a bad one, he thought.

"McCloud, take a memo:

To: Julin E ISC Command and Tax Control Offices, Concordia

From: Pharoah, the Lord God of Pastry


Enclosed find a copy of the Kzinti Patriarch's reply to our tax payment orders. Additional Fish Speaker Agents have been dispatched to you. You know how to use them.

Immediately cut off all supplies of donuts, crullers, danishes, eclairs, and other forms of pastry, to the Kzinti Hegemony. This includes Twinkies and Chocodiles. Expand our market to the Gorn Confederacy to take up the surplus.

When the riots start in the Hegemony, send in a Fish Speaker assault team and retrieve the past due amount, plus a suitable interest, from the personal coffers of the Patriarch. Also, be sure to blow up any gambling establishments you find; J'inn has a hand in all of them.

Expect regular reports of your progress.

Luck, Profit and Pastry!



Have you got all that, McCloud?" Pharoah asked.

"Yes, Lord." McCloud replied. Wow, a total cutoff of pastry, that has got to sting!

"Very well, send it out immediately. Also, send the usual reply to Kortez: "You shall pay."

"Understood Lord. Thy Donuty Will be done." McCloud retreated and left the presence of the Powdered Throne.

Pharoah returned to his reverie, contemplating the ensuing difficulties in the Hegemony, and the ways to turn it to the further spread of the Church of Pharoah and the Holy Donut. Yes, this would bear keeping an eye on. Yes, indeed.....

And J'inn would have to be called in for an audience.......soon.....quite soon......



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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #44 on: March 08, 2003, 09:50:00 pm »
Junkmail came running into the Patriarch's throne room, panting, out of breath, tail swishing in agitation.

"What's the problem," Kortez asked, his tone bored yet friendly.

"As predicted the ISC has begun to pull out its confectionaries, its donut shops, and its pastry making facilities!  What do we do?"

Kortez laughed.  "Pharoah is predictable.  Put plan M into action.  Send in LongTooth's fleet and make sure he carries out the sealed orders without fail."

Junkmail bowed and left, "yes, Sire," he skidded out.

Kortez pressed the stud on his communications device.  "Amraz, send in the Crown Prince, Kieran, and Fluf.  See if you can raise Rocketsocks and Steel Claw.  I need them both here right away."

Crown Prince Matsukasi, mouth ringed in powdered sugar was the first to arrive.  "What may I do for you, Kortez," Mat politely inquired.

"Well, Pharoah seems to not have appreciated his invitation to a nice short stay on M'Raa. He has given the order to pull out all pastry, all donut making facilities and to remove the chocodiles!"

As expected Matsukasi was outraged.  "That green smelly piece of ISC turd!  That is outrageous!  What are we going to do?"

"Don't worry," Kortez reassured the Crown Prince, "I have the Federation contingency of captured chefs all ready to go."

"In exchange for ..."

"They get to keep their hands and not be eaten."  Kortez appeared smug.  "I think they'll go for this deal."

"Some will be unhappy you let them live ... intact, Sire."  Matsukasi appeared concerned.

"It won't matter.  We can maim them later.  In the meantime, take the fleet, hit the outlying ISC planets and open up that string of Frog Legs restaurants we discussed before.  Make the prices very cheap ..."

Matuskasi doubled over laughing.  "A great idea, Sire.  May I take Fluf with me?"

"I'd let you but I think he's still trying to take Mer'Nok.  If you can find him take him with you or send him to see me.  We may have to deprogram him."

"Aye, Sire.  I'll get on it right away."

Kortez pointed to a Slaver Stasis box.  "Take that with you--it has some donuts you might like in there, and I want you to be satisfied."

"Thanks, Kortez," and Matsukasi grabbed the large box and left the Patriarch's throne room.  Soon after Rocketsocks and Green both entered.

"Greetings Sire," they intoned in unison.  Kortez just shook his head.  You guys need to take that act on the road.  

Rocketsocks looked a bit crestfallen.  "There's no need to insult us, Sire."

Kortez dismissed that with the shake of his head.  "No, I mean I want you to take the 2nd Wing and go to this sector." Kortez pointed to an area of space far away.  "When the ISC shows up--tell them to take a message to Pharoah and play cat and frog with them.  Make it good guys!"

Green laughed.  "Ah, I knew Kortez would have something good in mind.  Can I show Rocketsocks the battle plans you drew up?"

"Show him when you get underway.  As if we did not know how Pharoah would react.  Also contact our two agents and have them call me 2 hours ahead of the appointed time."

"It shall be done, Sire," and Green and Rocketsocks both left.

"This is gonna be fun," Kortez thought.  He was still bored.  "Amraz, send in Catwoman!  I want two hours without disturbance!"

Amraz saluted and left to do his Patriarch's bidding.

Kortez smiled, his tail lazily moving back and forth.  "Keep it up, Pharoah," he thought.  "Keep it up."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KOTH-Kortez »

Rob Cole

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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2003, 10:02:26 pm »

Do you have flowers on your piano?

What about Tulips on the organ?





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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2003, 12:50:02 am »
McCloud hurried down the long hallway to the Powedered Throne, apprehension coiling in his stomach. He truly did not want to relay the information that had just come to him, but there was little choice.

He just hoped he survived. If Lord Pharoah got angry, McCloud might have to eat several dozen danishes as penance, and his doctor had warned him about his cholesterol.

Upon entering the Throne Room, McCloud glanced up his Lord, trying to gauge his mood. However, Pharoah remained enigmatic, as ever.

He approached the bottom of the dias and waited to be recognized.

"What troubles you McCloud?" Pharoah asked, seemingly in good cheer.

"Lord, I regret to inform you that several ISC colony worlds have been attacked by Kzinti forces. At least 2 full battlegroups are involved. Also, scattered reports have come in that two powerful Kzinti groups, perhaps at fleet strength, have been moved from their normal patrols. We are not yet sure where they have gone, though our scouts have increased their activity." McCloud said in a rush, and waited for the explosion.

"Leave those 'vanished' fleets for now. The worlds that have been attacked, are they yet taken?" Pharoah inquired.

"Not yet Lord, but their defenses are not up to a full scale assault. Their fall is imminent. Also, some....disturbing reports have come from our sources inside the Hegemony. Aparently a new fast food chain has sprung up overnight. They are" McCloud trailed off.

"Allow me to complete your thought. They offer Frog Legs, at drastically low prices." Pharoah smiled wistfully at his assistant. "These events are unpleasant, but not......unanticipated." Pharoah reached to the console beside the throne and activated a panel. Immediately, four holographic donuts sprang to life in the air before the throne. In the hole of each, a face appeared.

"Gentlemen, the time has come. It is now time to let you know the parts each of you must play." Thunder rumbled from the clouds about Pharoah's head.

"Julin, take your battlegroup and move to the front. Occupy the Kzinti's time, and slow their assault on our worlds. Your force is not sufficient to stop the attacks, but you can blunt them. Whenever possible, hit their supply convoys and execute tax raids upon them. You will, of course, confiscate any pastry you find on board, even if some on those ships have recently ingested it. You may want to bring a change of clothes for that part." Pharoah grinned, the wicked side of his Light Fluffy Goodness showing like chocolate frosting. "Then, when the time comes, activate Plan 9. You'll realize when, I am quite sure." Julin nodded in understanding, and began figuring the total tax profits from this venture, grinning maniacally as he did so.

"Blade, you currently lead the ISC fleets. It is right that you do so, for you are my Annointed, and the Champion of all Pastry Loving Peoples. Your part is vital, though it may not  appear so at first. You are to take the Cruller Echelon to the Kron Drift. Once there, lay in wait. You will not have long to wait. I believe there will be a message coming to you there. Be sure to return it in kind." Pharoah and Blade grinned at the same time. "Oh, be sure to leave some alive, of course. If possible, burn this message into their hulls as they flee; "You will pay.". Positively cackling with glee, Blade bowed his head in acknowledgement of this task.

"Direwolf, it will fall to you to guard the Inner Peace of our worlds. The Kzinti are sure to cause whatever havoc they can; it is in their nature. A direct result of joint sugar/gluten withdrawl. Limit the damage as best you can. You have the faith and mandate of God and the Holy Donut with you." Somber as usual, Direwolf accepted his duties without comment.

"Finally, we come to you, Karnak. Your Lord has a very special mission for you, one that fits your style perfectly. You are known for being brash, headstrong, and daring in your exploits. I have need of such brashness." Pharoah became contemplative for a moment.

"Listen closely, all of you. Due to the years of social conditioning we have undertaken with our Kzinti neighbors, their response to a removal of the Holy Donuts from their lives was inevitable. This pattern of behavior was necessary, for their eventual peace. They will extend themselves in this venture quite heavily, especially once Plan 9 is activated and Blade's Message to the People is heard. We must use this to control the timing of events." The others nodded, beginning to see the pattern. It was glorious, and would further the influence of the Church of the Holy Donut, bringing Peace, Life, Prosperity, and Baked Goods to the whole quadrant.

"Karnak, you will make use of this extension. While the kats' away....." Pharoah waited for the understanding to dawn on Karnak's face. The predatory grin he saw there assured him that Karnak saw his part in the pattern perfectly. "He must be unharmed Karnak, above all else." Pharoah spoke, injecting a stern note to be sure that Karnak would know that penalties awaited those who did not heed the Word of God.

"Gentlemen, you know your tasks. Raise your donuts." Each commander raised a delectable pastry; Blade a lovely Boston Kreme, Karnak a Classic Powdered, Direwolf a fine Chocolate Frosted, and Julin a Vanilla coated with sprinkles.

Pharoah solemnly gave the benediction. "By the Holy Trinity of Sugar, Gluten, and Deep Frying, I hearby consecrate you to your Tasks. Go with the blessings of the Holy Donut."

"The Donuts must Flow."  


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Re: SSCF is a D3 only fleet
« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2003, 12:10:47 pm »
Dizzy......You are way too funny..LOL.  Great link.