OK, everyone knows which Rom ships are coming out in the 2 upcoming build cycles.
Now I've posted who's getting what in the coalition forums- here's the clincher
I will hold one build spot for the player (on EITHER side-) who kills J'inn in the most humiliating way possible.
Screenshot is required of course, as well as background of not more than 500 words.
Minimum entry requirement would be the coupdegrace
administered by an admin shuttle- but let your imaginations soar.
Points based on a combination of J'inns humiliation level, brutality of the kill, and originality.
Bonus points if he cries on teamspeak over it.
The ship awarded will be one 2 BP (+ CP if needed) ship of your choice.
Fly it, blow it up, leave it on to simply reduce the numbers we can use.
It's all up to you.
Screenshots and writeups should be submited in these forums, but my decision as to the winner is final.
Contest is open to anyone able to get on the server, except J'inn.