Topic: Anybody Interested?  (Read 1116 times)

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Offline Darkseid

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Anybody Interested?
« on: April 07, 2005, 01:02:09 am »
I was thinking the other day about a Star Trek and Star Wars story.  I always seem to be thinking that as do thousands of others I’m sure.  But I began thinking about how it would happen.  Maybe the Federation meets the Rebellion and attempts to help them fight the Empire.  Or maybe there could be a Borg threat in Republic Space and the Federation helps attempt to stop them.  Either way I thought of this.

Perhaps Federation and Republic technology is incompatible.  In technical terms the Federation Computer, Science, and AI tech is superior to Republic, but the Republic weapons, shields and engine technology is superior to Federation tech.  Simple things like Computers can be integrated but something like Hyper drive cannot be integrated into a Starfleet ship.  This leaves an interesting option.

They begin to build a Federation/Republic Hybrid Vessel.  It would be the fastest, strongest, most adaptive ship in either’s fleet.  The vessel would include…

Hyper drive
Heavy Turbo Lasers
Light Turbo Lasers
Phaser XIV
Proton Torpedoes
Quantum Torpedoes
Transphasic Torpedoes
Ablative Armor Generators
Phase Cloaking Device

All we need now is someone talented and up for a challenge to design this vessel.  She doesn’t have to be as massive as a Star Destroyer, but at least big enough to incorporate this technology.  I do have a design in my head but unfortunately not the ability to transfer it to paper.  I will try to sketch the basic design of it, perhaps someone would just like to create a design of there own.  It’s up for grabs.

I think she will be called the USS Anikan Skywalker, first of the Skywalker Class.
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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Anybody Interested?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2005, 01:42:16 am »
Not to start some debate, but if I ever imagine Star Wars and Star Trek colliding together, I use a piece of fiction and a certain vs. Website I believe to be reliable:

First, a fanfic from DITL:
Portal - Foreward
Portal - Chapter One
Portal - Chapter Two
Portal - Chapter Three
Portal - Chapter Four
Portal - Chapter Five
Portal - Chapter Six

Second, the aforementioned Vs. Website:

ST vs. SW .net

But really, I don't care for debating stuff like this.  In the end, it's in what sci-fi you're more biased with in the end, and how your imagination plays it out.  I'm only providing a couple references.

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